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R.C. Jr.: Goodbye to Darby


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R.C. Jr. tried to wait patiently for someone to brainwash, but it was hard: “I have, even before I was a husband or father, had such strong ideological convictions that I naturally longed for someone to pass them on to. When I was still in high school I found my first ‘disciple’ in my sister’s daughter, my niece. Though she was only a toddler I poured my convictions into her. The payoff came when we were in church one Sunday. The pastor, a good and godly man, said something in passing about ‘the government.’ My niece tugged at my blazer, and as I bent down to her, whispered in my ear, ‘We hate the government, don’t we?’ ‘Yes sweetheart,’ I told her, ‘we do.’â€

Awww... But then along came Darby, and: “Darby has drunk deep of all my convictions. We each, though separated by 28 years, the first time we had the opportunity to vote for a president, voted for the same man. [Howard Phillips?] Darby is a Calvinist’s Calvinist.â€


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That sounds sort of pedophillic...pass the brain bleach!

I really don't see how it could be taken that way :?

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I really don't see how it could be taken that way :?

I think the words I should have chosen were: emotionally incestuous

My bad.

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I read the whole post and it left me with an icky aftertaste. I think it was how he spoke about Darby filling in for his wife. It just felt... off.

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Perhaps this is all striking to close to home for me, but reading that made me feel physically ill.

The good news is that sometimes the brainwashed stumble out into the light somehow. I did but it was purely by accident.

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Delaney is not only not afraid of taking Darby’s reigns, but eager to have the chance to prove herself. None of us have any doubts that she will do wonderfully.

Re: bolded. Darby, hon - tell your Dad that it's "reins" (a noun), not "reigns" (a verb).


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I think it's quite telling that he couldn't find an adult to drink his Kool-Aid, so he had to resort to proselytizing a toddler.

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I so dearly hope that Darby starts a blog. That would be gold.

She won't because she can't handle criticism. I don't that she can even handle much disagreement with her views without considering herself persecuted.

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R.C. Jr. tried to wait patiently for someone to brainwash, but it was hard: “I have, even before I was a husband or father, had such strong ideological convictions that I naturally longed for someone to pass them on to. When I was still in high school I found my first ‘disciple’ in my sister’s daughter, my niece. Though she was only a toddler I poured my convictions into her. The payoff came when we were in church one Sunday. The pastor, a good and godly man, said something in passing about ‘the government.’ My niece tugged at my blazer, and as I bent down to her, whispered in my ear, ‘We hate the government, don’t we?’ ‘Yes sweetheart,’ I told her, ‘we do.’â€

What a great man you are, RC.

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Darby's blog is dancinginafishbowl on wordpress, though she hasn't updated since last summer.

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no she said it wouldn't be after people asked.

As you all know I cant stand her even though I sympathize with the loss of her mother and sister. She is anti Catholic, pompous and vehemently pro life.

She is only 20 so we should all expect a "blessing" announcement next week..... ( insert sarcasm):)

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no she said it wouldn't be after people asked.

As you all know I cant stand her even though I sympathize with the loss of her mother and sister. She is anti Catholic, pompous and vehemently pro life.

She is only 20 so we should all expect a "blessing" announcement next week..... ( insert sarcasm):)

Twenty is very young. Perhaps once she gets older she will begin to question some of the crazy things her father has taught her.

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More wedding pics under #chrisanddarby2014 on Instagram.

I must say: very beautiful dress+beautiful hair and make-up!

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So, was Doug at the wedding or did he just get the photo from someone else? Do we know? The Sprouls are really cutting off a lot of people if they take Doug's side so publicly, but then R.C. Jr. seems to thrive on his rebel, outsider status.

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Before he made his twitter private, Joshua Titus Phillips was friends with Darby and commented on some of her tweets. Although we had been occasionally commenting about JT's tweets for several months, he didn't make it private until-if I remember correctly- we mentioned his friendship with Darby. Maybe both families have become close because of the anger against Doug?

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