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Let's hate on Non-Proverbs 31/UnGodly Women

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Sometimes I just can't with these Fundies... :angry-banghead: :pull-hair:

What kind of woman does our society honor today? She would work at a job, build her own career, demand and get equal pay with men. She would refuse to submit to her husband, demanding equality with him in everything. She would have an affair or two or three, a divorce or two or three, or an abortion or two. She would definitely exercise her independence. She would make sure that she was imminently fulfilled herself. She would rely on her own resources. She would not want her husband or children to threaten her personal goals. She would have her own bank account. She would hire a maid or cleaning service. She would eat out at least 50 percent of the time with her family or without. She would make cold cereal and coffee the standard breakfast fare for the family and quick frozen meals usual dinner fare, and she would certainly expect her husband to do half the housework. She would be tanned, coiffured, arobicized, bulging in muscle. She would be shopping to keep up with the fashion trends and make sure she could compete in the attention getting contest. She would put her children in a day care center, making sure that each one also has a TV in his or her room so that when they were home they wouldn't interrupt her routine. She would be opinionated. She would demand to be heard from and eager to fulfill all of her personal ambition. The world would applaud her and she wouldn't be able to stay married or happy and her kids would probably be into drugs. But she would be the woman of today- and is a million miles from the woman of God described in Proverbs 31. God help me be a VIRTUOUS WOMAN FOR YOU!!!! - AA women of proverbs by beverley hammett
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Sometimes I just can't with these Fundies... :angry-banghead: :pull-hair:

Where is this quote taken from?

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I like how women who have their own bank accounts are just as evil as women who have multiple affairs.

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I would rather be this person's stereotype of a modern woman than be a "virtuous woman" as defined by the fundies.

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Sometimes I just can't with these Fundies... :angry-banghead: :pull-hair:

So, Beverely Hammett is setting up strawmen and pushing them over! (Who is she, anyway???)

So refreshingly different... haven't we read this same basic paragraph about 100 times by now?

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Sometimes I just can't with these Fundies... :angry-banghead: :pull-hair:

The woman described is very different to me, but, apart from the affairs, she sounds pretty cool and like she'd be pretty happy and fulfilled. And I really don't see why her children would be drug addicts.

Am I evil for feeding my kids Cheerios for breakfast? Am I setting myself up for divorce and them up for drug addiction? You'd think there'd be some kind of warning on the box......

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How do women with careers, husbands and kids have time for multiple affairs, divorces, and abortions? All I have is the career and I am too tired most nights to even try and get laid.

I feel like such a failure as an unGodly woman. :(

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I like having my own bank account and identify. But I seriously don't have time to find one husband let alone marry him then cheat. Her version of a modern woman sounds like fiction as I certainly don't have that much free time after I finish working each day.

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She would be tanned, coiffured, arobicized, bulging in muscle. She would be shopping to keep up with the fashion trends and make sure she could compete in the attention getting contest.

But I thought unGodly women were angry, loud feminists with short hair, no make-up, sloppy clothes, and manly shoes... so confused... all I know is that like a lot of other FJs, I'm a failure as both a godly and unGodly woman.

I also worry that despite all the Zumba, cardio, and kick-boxing I do, I'll never be "arobicized."

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Um, wow. I guess we don't read the same Proverbs 31! With her earnings she planteth a vineyard... she girdeth her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms...

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I like having my own bank account and identify. But I seriously don't have time to find one husband let alone marry him then cheat. Her version of a modern woman sounds like fiction as I certainly don't have that much free time after I finish working each day.

I have the husband AND my own separate bank account. I assume that solidifies my ungodliness and assures that I am having all those affairs.

Except that I'm not.

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Um, wow. I guess we don't read the same Proverbs 31! With her earnings she planteth a vineyard... she girdeth her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms...

Girdething one's loins sounds a bit smutty for a godly woman, if you ask me.

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Where is this quote taken from?

Holy Cthulhu, I am slacking off. I need to work harder so I can keep up on my ungodly, harlot duties. Seriously, I was nice to my husband today and brought him a cup of coffee. Also, unless I am having sex while I sleep, I am pretty certain that I haven't had two or three affairs. It is hard to say for certain. Maybe while I was buying cold cereal for my children's breakfast, I had sex in the grocery store with the person stocking the shelf. I have sex so much, it is hard to keep track. :roll:

I'll have to ask the maid if my youngest child is on drugs yet or not. I think that my daughter is behind schedule in that regard. Maybe she spends too much time helping her poor deprived father do half the housework.

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Dayum, I will NEVER be an ungodly woman. Coffee and cereal for breakfast? Helloooo blood sugar crash in 2 hours and anxiety attack as soon as I finish the coffee.

And how am I going to have all these affairs if I don't even have a husband to cheat on? How am I supposed to GET a husband if I'm not heterosexual/heteroromantic?

But I do live in my own and have a job, so maybe I dont have to send back my Ungodly Feminist card yet?

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Sad that these women need to make up fictional opposite of them characters, to give their lives meaning. Very sad.

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Girdething one's loins sounds a bit smutty for a godly woman, if you ask me.

I thought Girdeth might be a good pious name -- somewhere between Gwyneth and Ardith?

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Anyone want to get together this weekend for an abortion party? I feel like I haven't had enough of those this year.

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Anyone want to get together this weekend for an abortion party? I feel like I haven't had enough of those this year.

Its only March. You can make up for them by doubling up for the rest of the year.

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Oops, I'm apparently falling behind on my affairs, divorces and abortions. Gotta get cracking! :roll:

I'm also a slacker, as I only have a single divorce, but then again, it was because I refused to put up with my ex-husband's abuse. I've never had any abortions, nor have I had an affair.

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I don't know about you all, but these Ungodly women that apparently have the time to be married, have kids, go to the gym, go shopping, work full-time, get tanned, and have a few affairs must be working with some kind of master planner that I would love to get my hands on. Those women obviously have time management skills that most of us could only dream of. Share the secret!

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Anyone want to get together this weekend for an abortion party? I feel like I haven't had enough of those this year.

Oooh, me, me, me! If I get one more abortion I'll have filled my loyalty card and I qualify for a free pedicure.

Seriously though, have fundies even read Prov 31? She sounds pretty much as close to the dreaded emancipated woman as it was possible to be in ancient Palestine. She works hard, makes her own decisions and earns money for Chrissakes. She's closer to a modern woman than a Teri Maxwell at any rate. :angry-banghead:

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I am really quite depressed. I thought I was being a good ungodly woman- job providing equal pay for equal work, kids in daycare, husband helps with the housework, cleaning lady, equality based marriage- but now I find out I need to have affairs and abortions and get my kids hooked on drugs and go to the gym and tan (which is actually impossible with my near translucent skin). I'm obviously a total failure. I guess I'll get kicked off FJ (bastion of ungodly women) now...

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Oops, I'm apparently falling behind on my affairs, divorces and abortions. Gotta get cracking! :roll:

Same here!

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