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Cheryl Gives Son Gun for Birthday


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A lot of hunters I've known prefer game meat vs. supermarket meat, even if they could afford the latter (admittedly, perhaps because they also have tended to grow up in families that relied on it, or raised/butchered their own animals, and you *tend* to find comfort in stuff you grew up with). I've always found it somewhat stupid that non-hunters (who aren't vegetarians) tend to pearl clutch, like hunting is barbaric and horrible and being willfully ignorant of how much the chickens that were stuffed into horrible cages and slaughtered in the worst possible way suffered before being packaged neatly at Safeway. :P

Like others, I've rarely known anyone to waste animals they've killed personally, unless it was something like shooting a coyote going after chickens or an animal suspected to be rabid, ect. People waste bought food right and left though (I am guilty of this as well) which to me represents far more inhumane and barbaric practices than someone who hunts or fishes, with or without the participation of their children.

It's another reason why I tend to not like all-or-nothing viewpoints. All guns, all wrong, all the time, in all circumstances. Ugh. All guns, all right, all the time, in all circumstances. Double-ugh. :P

I totally agree and I don't live in a hunting type of area, and have never even held a gun in my life. If I had the choice I would much prefer freshly hunted wild animal meat over the shot full of chemicals and hormones and other nasty things meat from the supermarket ( unless you can afford the good stuff) . Plus the factory farms are horrible for the poor animals. My sister-in-law lives on a small ranch a few hours away and slaughters a cow a couple times a year.....we've been able to get a portion a couple times and it tastes great AND the cow had a good life. I have other in- laws who live way out in the mountains and hunt deer and fish and it helps feed their families.Until I go vegetarian I have no room to talk about hunting and hunters.

The young ages concern me, but that is probably due to my unfamiliarity with hunting, and having had teens with ADHD. In my mind guns and teens go straight to gangs or schools shooters, but I know that's not the whole picture.

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