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Women value relationships, not truth -- Bayly Babble


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We all know the terrible sin of women leading or teaching in church. Now we know why, thanks the mysogynists brothers, the Baylys.


"Women (quite naturally) and effeminate men (quite unnaturally) take delight in relationships more than truth."


Of course, taking delight in relationships (whatever that means) is mutually exclusive from the "truth." Sadly, only men get to know the "truth." Why don't these guys just say what they mean, which is they are in a position of power at their church and they don't want to share it?


The Bayleys arrogance really crack me up. One someone wrote in to thank them, quite nicely, for raising a topic for conversation and debate. The Baylys were insulted. They said, we are men of God and we write to instruct, not raise questions for debate. In other words, we are never wrong, we are just instructing you people.

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Yep, sounds like the Brothers Bayly. They hate women so much and don't even try to hide it. I think they are disgusting and their sycophants are just sad, particularly Kamilla.

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We all know the terrible sin of women leading or teaching in church. Now we know why, thanks the mysogynists brothers, the Baylys.

"Women (quite naturally) and effeminate men (quite unnaturally) take delight in relationships more than truth."

Of course, taking delight in relationships (whatever that means) is mutually exclusive from the "truth." Sadly, only men get to know the "truth." Why don't these guys just say what they mean, which is they are in a position of power at their church and they don't want to share it?

The Bayleys arrogance really crack me up. One someone wrote in to thank them, quite nicely, for raising a topic for conversation and debate. The Baylys were insulted. They said, we are men of God and we write to instruct, not raise questions for debate. In other words, we are never wrong, we are just instructing you people.

Since when did worship require a penis? :violin: Shall we assume Fanny Crosby's hymns are not being sung in the Bayly's churches either? What is with the gynophobia guys?

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I prefer truth. I have a friend who gets upset with my answers regarding her clothing and decorating choices. You'd think she would quit asking after knowing me for 15 years.

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I prefer truth. I have a friend who gets upset with my answers regarding her clothing and decorating choices. You'd think she would quit asking after knowing me for 15 years.

I prefer truth also, I would rather be told the truth than be allowed to be lied to.

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Truth is great an all that... But as someone who loves surprises I have to point out that truth is not always the best option. I'd rather be lied to and surprised when my friend throws me a surprise party or something, than know the truth and have the whole thing ruined. Just saying is all.

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Truth is great an all that... But as someone who loves surprises I have to point out that truth is not always the best option. I'd rather be lied to and surprised when my friend throws me a surprise party or something, than know the truth and have the whole thing ruined. Just saying is all.

Wouldn't it be sweet if hell was just a giant surprise party thrown by God?

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Truth is great an all that... But as someone who loves surprises I have to point out that truth is not always the best option. I'd rather be lied to and surprised when my friend throws me a surprise party or something, than know the truth and have the whole thing ruined. Just saying is all.

That's so different to me, though. Lying to someone to surprise them with a gift or something you know they'll like -- i.e. lying to someone when you KNOW they won't mind the lie nor be hurt by the reveal -- is really not in the same category as the other types of lying. Real lying is, at base, inherently selfish.

And I say that even as a silly little woman who still puts great stock in the truth and its telling!

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Guest Anonymous

Hey, I'm back from vacation and thrilled to see a post about the Baylys, a couple of misogynists who deserve more attention on this forum I think!

I don't think they are talking about white lies when they claim that women value relationships more than truth. I think that they are saying we care more about being nice to our friends and family than about larger principles like justice or the Word of God. This is why men have to be in charge -- because they have their eye on the big picture, rather than the immediate concerns of their own families.

It's a load of horseshit, of course.

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From perspective, it is seems that the Bayly Boys take far more delight and see far more value in relationships (by way of rigid gender hierarchy) than they do in truth.

I can't believe that ANYONE bothers with anything they say. They are just acerbic and miserable on that blog. They are a prime example of why people think all Christians are wacko.

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Guest Anonymous
Hey, I'm back from vacation and thrilled to see a post about the Baylys, a couple of misogynists who deserve more attention on this forum I think!

I don't think they are talking about white lies when they claim that women value relationships more than truth. I think that they are saying we care more about being nice to our friends and family than about larger principles like justice or the Word of God. This is why men have to be in charge -- because they have their eye on the big picture, rather than the immediate concerns of their own families.

It's a load of horseshit, of course.

So much of the misogynist behavoir, in my opinion goes back to this. They think all women are the same. They don't even see us as individuals. Maybe they know one woman who values relationships more than truth. I don't doubt that some people do. But then they extrapolate that to the rest of us. They absolutely cannot understand that we are fully realized people with personalities, hopes, dreams, and quirks just like they are. One person with a uterus is interchangeable with another as far as they're concerned.

They think women are something that you can plug into a formula and always come out with the same answer. No, no, no. We're people, dammit!

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The Baylys are the worst of the worst of the worst in my opinion. It's one thing to be an ignorant fundie who really just converted a few years ago and you love your new life now that you are in a community and feel like you have answers and maybe even have quit drinking or your hubby quit slapping you or whatnot. It's another thing to have been around a bit, done some reading, but have never witnessed an abusive relationship so think submission sounds like a good idea. AND it is something else, something evil and different and a whole new level of bad, to be like the Baylys. Where the oppression of women is viewed as a mandate from the LORD HIMSELF. That this idea is core to the faith. They believe that to deny "femininity or masculinity" is tantamount to humping the devil in a nude dance club while snorting a line of coke. They have read. They have studied. They've seen abuse. They know what's out there, but they choose to live in this manner. And Kamilla. She is crazy. And for all her crazy love of male female opposites and the beauty that lies therein, where is her husband? I mean shouldn't men be flocking to marry her? They should be all over themselves in delight so that they can have a woman to serve them and have sex with whenever they like and to "lay you down in the grave" like that poem on the Bayly site says.

They are the worst. If I could pick out any group to publicly humiliate and heap condemnation upon. It would be Baylys and co. Doug, yes, he's got his issues. Ectopic pregnancy beliefs. Oh yeah, they are bad. But the Baylys... I can't even imagine a LOLBayly thread because they are just scary to me! They aren't funny. But honestly, if we could MAKE them funny, it might make me feel better.

I don't really know how to do the photo thingy, but I would love to see some LOL Bayly. Maybe we can deflate some of their evil and make it less powerfully oppressive. They are the stuff Handmaid's Tale is made of. Truly.

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And Kamilla. She is crazy. And for all her crazy love of male female opposites and the beauty that lies therein, where is her husband? I mean shouldn't men be flocking to marry her? They should be all over themselves in delight so that they can have a woman to serve them and have sex with whenever they like and to "lay you down in the grave" like that poem on the Bayly site says.

They are the worst. If I could pick out any group to publicly humiliate and heap condemnation upon. It would be Baylys and co. Doug, yes, he's got his issues. Ectopic pregnancy beliefs. Oh yeah, they are bad. But the Baylys... I can't even imagine a LOLBayly thread because they are just scary to me! They aren't funny. But honestly, if we could MAKE them funny, it might make me feel better.

I don't really know how to do the photo thingy, but I would love to see some LOL Bayly. Maybe we can deflate some of their evil and make it less powerfully oppressive. They are the stuff Handmaid's Tale is made of. Truly.

Ah, Kamilla. Yes, she brings the crazee so much that the only way she'd ever catch a man, even a fundie man, is with a net.

I sort of get an "anaconda vibe" from the Baylys, I gotta say, especially when I see this photo on their home page:


Every time I see it, I think it looks like a gay wedding photo - lol

edited to fix photo

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Yes, me too!

Possible Lol Bayly Caption:

I just LOVE Iowa! Me too, sweetie! I'm so happy that we are finally able to have our love be official in the eyes of the state. By the way, I think your bow tie is fetching.

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Hey, I'm back from vacation and thrilled to see a post about the Baylys, a couple of misogynists who deserve more attention on this forum I think!

I don't think they are talking about white lies when they claim that women value relationships more than truth. I think that they are saying we care more about being nice to our friends and family than about larger principles like justice or the Word of God. This is why men have to be in charge -- because they have their eye on the big picture, rather than the immediate concerns of their own families.

It's a load of horseshit, of course.

Yeah, I agree with you. Wimmon and effeminate men might try to phrase things tactfully, or avoid hurting feelings or something. Can't have that now.

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Here's where one of the Bayly bros is pastor. Sickening how one of the pastors has "obedient" children. Really, they put that stuff in now? PRIDEFUL!

I believe that this is where blogger mom "Kara" goes to church. She is the one who posted about multiple "spanking sessions" with her eight-month old who did not lay right down and go to sleep one evening. We skewered her big time on FJ (the old board) and she scrubbed her blog. Screen shots had been taken, however, and someone called CPS, who actually made a home visit. She and her white-bread PhD candidate husband were able to pull the wool over the social worker's eyes, apparently, but hopefully it shook them up enough that they stopped hitting their baby.

But yeah, they attend a Bayly church.

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