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Questions to ask Mormon missionary?


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I don't disagree, but to me the stuff I've seen in places like /r/atheism go beyond that. They talk about "trolling" missionaries and trying to make them as uncomfortable as possible and just seem very smug about it all. Their stories kind of reminded me of those fantasy chain e-mails where the brave Christian student stumps the evil atheist professor. A lot of them are purposely seeking out the missionaries, too, as there aren't many going door-to-door these days.

Like I said, it's not that I don't think you should discuss hard topics at all. The last time I talked with some missionaries (two years ago) I found out that they had no idea that the GA's do get paid--they thought that, like local leadership, it was all volunteer. One just seemed a bit uncomfortable, the other admitted that the idea did bother her and she was going to ask about it (she was a recent convert herself). I've talked about how much the priesthood restrictions (both for women and historically for black people) bother me. It's just that to me it's important to still be nice to them no matter what, especially since I've seen so many people be pretty mean to them.

What about other missionaries? I'm actually asking here since this is making me think. Would you bring up something like Aisha right away with a Muslim proselytizer? I probably wouldn't, but then I tend to be very non-confrontational. I have had Muslim acquaintances give me tracts and I pretty much just said "thanks, I'll read them later."

If they invade my personal space with their evil, then yes, it's on for young and old. Just like the lonely old guy at the supermarket this morning who tried to start spouting off about immigrants to me and got a sermon on how immigrants enrich us all in response.

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When I was in high school a group of my friends became full-on born again evangelicals. They would call me (pre-caller ID) and proselytize over the phone. They would sit next to me in the lunchroom and ask if I knew the holy spirit. They would have "parties" where they preached to me. When I responded that I was perfectly happy with my then main-line protestant faith they redoubled their efforts. Trying to engage them just gave them confidence that they would prevail. In the end, I dropped them all as friends and had a fairly miserable last year in high school. I am very open to hearing about other people's beliefs. I minored in religion in college, but when they come trying to convert me I will shut the door in their face. Anything less than that just encourages them, I'm afraid.

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I feel bad for the missionaries. I really do. "Oh honey, I'm an atheist, and nothing you say is going to change that. I don't believe in ANY God, let alone your specific version of God." Then I offer them a bottle of water and a granola bar, because those kids aren't fed very well on their mission.

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It is really up to you how to handle them- I always invite them in offer them something to drink and eat, allow them to watch TV, use the internet and sometimes if I like them to call their girlfriends on my cell phone. They understand that I am happy with my beliefs. I feel sorry for them, it is hard to a Mormon Missionary. I have had some great conversations with them regarding being Jewish and what we believe in and why we were and still are so pissed at them for baptizing the victims of the Holocaust. Now on the other hand other missionaries get a polite "No Thank You" and the door closed in their face.

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And again, I say evangelicals have no idea what true evangelism is or means. Knocking on the doors of perfect strangers to pass out literature or attempt to convert definitely isn't it.

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Fortunately for me, the Mormon missionaries tend to leave me alone, even though their apartment is down the street so I sometimes see them on their bikes as I'm driving. The only religious group that has shown up have been the JW's, but when I answered the door wearing a t-shirt I got from a blood donor drive, they left.

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I've gotten a couple JWs, who just asked if I read the Bible and gave me some newsletters, but no Mormons. In grad school, I did get a Campus Crusade for Christ guy who was very pushy when I was on my way to class. Plus, of course, many street preacher types at my small liberal arts college in undergrad.

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Fortunately for me, the Mormon missionaries tend to leave me alone, even though their apartment is down the street so I sometimes see them on their bikes as I'm driving. The only religious group that has shown up have been the JW's, but when I answered the door wearing a t-shirt I got from a blood donor drive, they left.

Telling the JW missionaries that I would have died at birth if not for three blood transfusions (complete blood exchanges) is usually enough to send them running.

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Mormons believe that if they are good enough, they will become gods of their own planet one day. (As man is, God once was, as God is, man will become. however, the Bible does not support this. On the contrary: Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me" Isaiah 43:10

They also believe we will marry and give birth to children in heaven. Again, the Bible disagrees. Quoting Jesus Himself in Mathew the 22nd chapter. Jesus is asked whom a woman who was widowed and remarried would be married to in heaven-Jesus replies "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in Heaven" verses 23-30

I would like to know why their doctrine contradicts scripture.

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Mormons believe that if they are good enough, they will become gods of their own planet one day. (As man is, God once was, as God is, man will become. however, the Bible does not support this. On the contrary: Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me" Isaiah 43:10

They also believe we will marry and give birth to children in heaven. Again, the Bible disagrees. Quoting Jesus Himself in Mathew the 22nd chapter. Jesus is asked whom a woman who was widowed and remarried would be married to in heaven-Jesus replies "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in Heaven" verses 23-30

I would like to know why their doctrine contradicts scripture.

As they kind of point out [link=http://en.fairmormon.org/Mormonism_and_the_nature_of_God/%22No_God_beside_me%22]here[/link] (an LDS apologetics site...), the Bible kind of contradicts itself on that first one. The "god of their own planet" thing tends to be a summation by people who don't really understand LDS beliefs anyway--[link=http://en.fairmormon.org/Mormonism_and_the_nature_of_God/Deification_of_man/Gods_of_their_own_planets]here's[/link] an explanation.

[link=http://en.fairmormon.org/Marriage/As_a_requirement_for_exaltation/Jesus_said_%22neither_marry_nor_given_in_marriage%22/LDS_readings_of_this_scripture]Here[/link] and [link=http://www.lds.org/ensign/1986/02/i-have-a-question]here[/link] are some answers for the second issue. I think it's as simple for them as saying that marriages don't happen in heaven, they happen before you get there, but you do stay married after the resurrection.

In my experience, the missionaries do tend to know their Bible really well.

The fairmormon site is actually worth a look if you're interested in Mormonism, and they do address the tough questions about the church. It's all in favor of the church, though and it's pretty hilarious how much they have to stretch logic sometimes for everything to work.

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It is really up to you how to handle them- I always invite them in offer them something to drink and eat, allow them to watch TV, use the internet and sometimes if I like them to call their girlfriends on my cell phone. They understand that I am happy with my beliefs. I feel sorry for them, it is hard to a Mormon Missionary. I have had some great conversations with them regarding being Jewish and what we believe in and why we were and still are so pissed at them for baptizing the victims of the Holocaust. Now on the other hand other missionaries get a polite "No Thank You" and the door closed in their face.

I like this post and this is what I would do.

I would send a JW running as I've had five surgeries and have had blood transfusions.

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It is really up to you how to handle them- I always invite them in offer them something to drink and eat, allow them to watch TV, use the internet and sometimes if I like them to call their girlfriends on my cell phone. They understand that I am happy with my beliefs. I feel sorry for them, it is hard to a Mormon Missionary. I have had some great conversations with them regarding being Jewish and what we believe in and why we were and still are so pissed at them for baptizing the victims of the Holocaust. Now on the other hand other missionaries get a polite "No Thank You" and the door closed in their face.

What is so hard about being a Mormon Missionary? We are not talking about trying to bring religion to the cannibalistic tribes of some far off country. Incidentally same shit different day, nowadays you may get a closed door, days gone by you may have got eaten. You would think folks would learn huh?

I'm firmly in the treemom method of dealing with this. I find it incredibly rude and arrogant to try and force your opinion on somebody by invading their home. Most people have manners and it is the height of ignorance to use that as a tool to proselytise. The slamming of the door being metaphorical. It's awkward to say no thanks, goodbye, when being harassed at your home's front door by smiling religious generally polite people who happen to be arrogant enough to think they and only they know the truth path and poor you have to hear it.

I have far more respect for those who knock at my door trying to get me to change my gas supplier or buy the latest must have homeware catalogue, clean my monoblock. They are just trying to make a living and that is hard, cold calling to make a living? Not easy. Being a Mormon missionary? Feckin' choice. Far from the same thing.

I have the greatest interest in all religions and would be really quite excited to discuss all sorts of differing religious views, customs, histories IF in a situation where it was a mutual meeting of ideals and social convention. Knocking on my door? Just plain bloody ignorant, arrogant, rude and is a sure fire way of putting me off anything they may want to say as my horror of their lack of social awareness would be forefront.

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I never get Mormons. I get stuck with the IFB or the SB who are horrified that I've turned my back on God and know a hell of a lot more about the Bible than they do.

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It doesn't bother me if someone wants to share their faith with me. I don't harass them, I thank them, take their tract, and wish them well.

If they are pushy or whatever, I tell them I am Catholic and that usually stops them.

No reason to be hateful or mean.

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Does anyone else have trouble throwing away the religious pamphlets they hand out. I know this sounds so ridiculous but for some reason it doesn't feel so bad if I wait a day or two rather than tossing them after I shut the door. :)

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It doesn't bother me if someone wants to share their faith with me. I don't harass them, I thank them, take their tract, and wish them well.

If they are pushy or whatever, I tell them I am Catholic and that usually stops them.

No reason to be hateful or mean.

My nana told me to tell them i'm Catholic, its always worked for me. I'm interested in FLDS, but not just normal LDS so much, so I don't really want to ask them questions.

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You could always use a strategy I've seen floating around the internet lately: tell them what great costumes they have, hand them some candy, and close the door. :lol:

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Oktbt and I have agreed. The freezing over has begun :)

I liked your post. :lol:

Meet you at The Eagles concert.

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It doesn't bother me if someone wants to share their faith with me. I don't harass them, I thank them, take their tract, and wish them well.

If they are pushy or whatever, I tell them I am Catholic and that usually stops them.

No reason to be hateful or mean.

Telling them I am not interested and closing the door is neither hateful or mean,

They were not invited. I am not interested and I am not obligated to share my faith which I consider incredibly personal thing. Perhaps they should follow my example.

No one advocated being hateful or mean.

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Does anyone else have trouble throwing away the religious pamphlets they hand out. I know this sounds so ridiculous but for some reason it doesn't feel so bad if I wait a day or two rather than tossing them after I shut the door. :)

Oh hell no. I have no issues with it. If I took it to begin with. They aren't even selling me anything I value.

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Does anyone else have trouble throwing away the religious pamphlets they hand out. I know this sounds so ridiculous but for some reason it doesn't feel so bad if I wait a day or two rather than tossing them after I shut the door. :)

Nah, I never feel bad. And if I am in an even worse mood at receiving them, I make sure the person sees me ripping it up and putting it in the garbage.

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Telling them I am not interested and closing the door is neither hateful or mean,

They were not invited. I am not interested and I am not obligated to share my faith which I consider incredibly personal thing. Perhaps they should follow my example.

No one advocated being hateful or mean.

Not going to lie. I would never intentionally cross into hateful, but I have skipped happily into mean when dealing with doorbell proselytizers. In fact, I can recommend it. :shifty:

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My favorite suggestion on how to handle people who come to your door proselytizing was something I read on James Randi's message board. You do have to have forethought enough to have a chalk outline in front of your house, though, or it wouldn't work. Some missionary type comes to your door and you just casually mention the chalk outline is from the previous missionary that came to your door uninvited.

I also read there that a good way to deal with telemarketers was to say you need to answer the doorbell, put down the phone and just not come back for a while.

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It doesn't bother me if someone wants to share their faith with me. I don't harass them, I thank them, take their tract, and wish them well.

If they are pushy or whatever, I tell them I am Catholic and that usually stops them.

No reason to be hateful or mean.

Telling them you are Catholic around here will just make them work harder to save your idol worshipping soul. The people who witness around here usually don't think much of Catholics.

Since the people sharing their faith by witnessing are usually telling me I'm going to hell and that is pretty darn hateful, I don't go out of my way to be polite.

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