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Duggar's & Nike


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I've seen the episode when the Nike term is explained, but has it ever been seen, being used on the programme?


Also remember the episode when Jim Boob and J'chelle were away appearing on Breakfast TV and one of the older children hooked up a very small TV and the younger girls kept covering the screen when the female presenter's legs were in the shot. :roll::roll: So they must learn about it from a young age!

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Yeah that was the one where Joy Anna said she was covering up the people on TV because "Its defrauding" but then couldn't explain what defrauding is...

I think they used 'nike' in an earlier 17 Kids ep, they were walking down a street...possibly in New York. Not sure though.

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There's an episode where you see the Duggars getting off the bus and you hear someone say "nike" but it's right at the end of a talking head/voiceover, so it's hard to tell whether the "nike" is being said in the voiceover or by one of the Duggars getting off the bus. I can't remember which episode this was. I think maybe the one with Dolly Parton.

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Yeah. I heard (when they were going to meet Dolly Parton) someone said "Nike". I think Michelle said it.

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I "nike" myself every time smuggar and family come on the TV it reminds me to turn my face and run away.

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I wonder if they say "Nike" during one of their signings considering not all their fans dress modestly like them.

I remember that Dolly Parton episode. Michelle said "Nike" while walking around Dollywood but I don't recall hearing anyone saying "Nike" when they met Dolly, who clearly, was not dressed modestly. I think I even notice Josh and JD take a quick glance at her tatas. So why say it if they're not going to use it all the time? The world is not all modestly dressed, idiots.

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I wonder if the girls ever have fun with the nike stuff. If I had a word like that as a kid I would have had fun with it, it would have been very useful when I went to the store with my dad and wanted to steal some jellybeans!

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I hate that they do this. It's rude to others and it enforces the idea that men have no control over their sexuality. Once again it's all the fault of women.

OT, but kind of not. I think I had something like this happen in my own life recently. I was wearing a blouse that was sheer and kind of low cut so I had a cami on underneath of it. I had some cleavage action happening but I didn't think it was bad. I walked back from my class into the lobby of my apartment and two guys who were talking to one another immediately looked down when I passed them. They literally stopped in mid sentence and bowed their heads. I thought, "Did I just get niked? Ooh did I defraud some crazy person?" I felt kind of special to have encountered crazy in person.

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:roll: :roll: So they must learn about it from a young age!

Razing Ruth (I think) wrote about this on her blog. The Wisdom Booklets that are part of the Gothard homeschool curriculum introduce the idea of defrauding at around age 6. It's just included in the pack of materials along with the other subjects. So it is explicitly taught to them at around the first-grade level, although kids with older sisters will hear about it before that age. They have to get to them young so they don't get used to ever feeling comfortable. It is taken to the extreme in many fundie households.

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Razing Ruth (I think) wrote about this on her blog. The Wisdom Booklets that are part of the Gothard homeschool curriculum introduce the idea of defrauding at around age 6. It's just included in the pack of materials along with the other subjects. So it is explicitly taught to them at around the first-grade level, although kids with older sisters will hear about it before that age. They have to get to them young so they don't get used to ever feeling comfortable. It is taken to the extreme in many fundie households.

Yes, because shielding your children from all "secular" and horrible things of this world until they're married is the best solution to make sure they have pure thoughts going through their mind at all times.

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So they must learn about it from a young age!

The sad thing is that the average 6 year old boy would not really pay attention to a woman in a short skirt or low cut top. So by pointing out that this is wrong, they are actually destroying their innocence in a way.

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If I ever have a chance to meet the Duggars in person.... I'm wearing my nice fundie approved denim skirt and a Nike shirt.

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The sad thing is that the average 6 year old boy would not really pay attention to a woman in a short skirt or low cut top. So by pointing out that this is wrong, they are actually destroying their innocence in a way.

Well the emphasis is on girls learning about defrauding because there is a very creepy pedophilia and incest undercurrent in this lifestyle. So I think it's more about teaching little girls to not tempt grown men into molesting them. There is so much emphasis on childlike "purity" and naivete among fundie women that they are supposed to act like 6 year-olds forever. So their reasoning is that a man who is married to a child in a woman's body might also be attracted to actual children.

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What bugs me is they justifying by claiming it is "to teach the boys self control". Um, well, no... Sorry, it's not teaching them anything more than to rely on someone else to control them. When you want to teach a boy self control you pull him aside when you see him looking and explain that it's rude, inconsiderate, and it's important for him to focus on the woman's face instead of her body.

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John-David looks like he's enjoying the view. Jinger has an OMG look hiding behind that latte! Unidentified Duggar boy beside Jessa is doing a pretty good job of maintaining NIKE!

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Duggar girl's worst nightmare... She can't say "nike" because the fan will know and everyone will be embarrassed...

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JD is looking in her eyes not her tatas. I think JD is mature enought to look a woman dressed in the nike fashion and still see that there is more to her than her BOOBIES. I think JD is a real sweetie and that isn't because I met him for 10-15 minutes in real life but because he is himself and not all phoney or smug.

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While looking for the scene where Jessa says voy removal, I found this where the girls and Anna being so Christian by not judging others and their veiws on modesty. :roll:


And no sh!t the kids are running wild and never let JB and Smuggar choose your wedding dress. :shock:

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If Nike=immodestly dressed woman, then what would be the word for immodestly dressed men? Adidas? In Run Duggars Run, the men were showing a lot of skin, the girls and some of the boys could still be 'defrauded'

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My sons tell me that Adidas "really" stands for All Day I Dream About Sex...so I suppose that would be appropriate. (One of them wore an Adidas hat all through high school on which he had EMBROIDERED French knots in between all the letters so everyone would know what he really meant.)

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I think the girl version of Nike would have to be "flip flop," since those are the shoes the girls would be looking down at 90% of the time.

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