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Let the child training begin...


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"Oh Hampton. Listen to your mommy and it will go well for you! She will win, I promise."

I love (not) how breezily and smugly fundies discuss their terrible treatment of children. YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT FORCING YOUR WILL ON A 5-WEEK-OLD. "Listen to your mommy and it will go well for you." Subtext: "If you don't listen, she will be mean to you." And, "You are not a human being; you exist to please her and she will destroy your will." This is what motherhood is to them, yet it's we non-fundies who are accused of not giving a fuck about children. I bet Kendull is one of those monsters who also thinks it's a good idea to smack your baby if they move during a diaper change.

She is a big Tedd Tripp fan

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Tedd (Sheperding a Child's Butt) Tripp is on a par with the Pearls.

He's another one who surrounds spanking with a bunch of pseudo-ritual - whether the ritual is for his enjoyment or to convince his audience that what he says is "godly" is hard to tell.

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Tedd (Sheperding a Child's Butt) Tripp is on a par with the Pearls.

He's another one who surrounds spanking with a bunch of pseudo-ritual - whether the ritual is for his enjoyment or to convince his audience that what he says is "godly" is hard to tell.

Oh, THAT GUY. :pull-hair:

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After posting just now went to Amazon where Sheperding has a high number of 1-star reviews, kind of like the Pearls shite.

While there are the usual fundie rebuttals (consisting mostly of "you're doing it wrong" or "read your bible"), this comment on a 1-star review caught my eye:

I must agree with the reviewer. I worked in the BDSM industry for six years. Many of my co-workers spoke frankly about chronic heavy spanking during their childhoods. A lot of times their parents paid obsessive attention to every detail during the ritual, and the over-the-knee position stirred some confusing feelings in these kids. I'm not saying that all BDSM players were spanked as children (I wasn't), but I don't think there's any sense in risking a child's future mental well-being by constantly spanking him or her. An occasional swat, maybe, but that's it. Too many studies have shown that people with paraphilias usually came from abusive and/or repressive backrounds.
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"eat wake sleep" - well, as pointed out, eating, sleeping and waking is what 5 week olds DO! As my pediatrician told me when my baby was that age, that's their job - eat, sleep, grow. I'm surprised she didn't throw in a bit about diaper changing, too.

But, see, they have to do it in one particular order, FIRST eat, THEN stay awake for a while, and only then go to sleep. Nursing down to sleep will turn your child into a household tyrant, gambler, drug addict, irreligious, G-A-Y, etc.--the scare language changes depending on the child training "expert." Some babies do naturally stay awake for a while after nursing, but child trainers insist that all babies must do it the exact same way all the time or CHAOS.

Also, most of these trainers refuse to believe that babies are hungry and thirsty when their rapidly growing bodies need more to drink and eat. They tell mothers to feed according to the clock and ignore their babies' clear signals that they need to nurse NOW, dammit.

And AFAIK they all completely dismiss the idea of a baby calling out in the night because he's lonely or scared, or asking to nurse because he needs to feel close to Mommy. All that kind of thing is just rebellion, a selfish quest for dominance. Because this tiny helpless person who has no idea how the world works and would, you know, die if left alone too long must be broken to his place. :pull-hair:

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If they didn't have the money at the time of the adoption why were they allowed to adopt? We had to have all fees paid by the time our children were placed with us. It irks me to no end that they could adopt to begin with, and now they still are fundraising. This isn't right.

And training a 5 week-old, so wrong.

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Didn't Kendull say something about them planning to adopt more than one kid and possibly internationally? I wonder if they are fundraising for a future adoption.

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After posting just now went to Amazon where Sheperding has a high number of 1-star reviews, kind of like the Pearls shite.

While there are the usual fundie rebuttals (consisting mostly of "you're doing it wrong" or "read your bible"), this comment on a 1-star review caught my eye:

He has a point, but I also have to cringe at the pathologizing of BDSM. I enjoy it, and I was never ever hit as a child. That being said, if this anecdote gets a fundie parent to quit hitting bc they are afraid their kid will turn into a "pervert", I would still consider it a win.

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So her husband made her shut down the blog after she created a stir by bragging about letting her kids ride bikes without helmets. And now she is back on Facebook claiming to train a 5 week old newborn before the adoption is finalized? Is this willful ignorance, self-sabotage or is she just fucking with all of us?

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The smart is not strong with Kendal. I *wish* I could find the thread where she visited FJ. I can't even remember what her sn was, but it was very apparent that she does not think things through before she says them.

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So her husband made her shut down the blog after she created a stir by bragging about letting her kids ride bikes without helmets. And now she is back on Facebook claiming to train a 5 week old newborn before the adoption is finalized? Is this willful ignorance, self-sabotage or is she just fucking with all of us?

Wllful ignorance? Nah, I think she is just that dumb.

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God's message was that she and her husband should not have children. I bet they 'bought' their baby or are going through a private adoption.

Listen to your mommy and it will go well for you? It should be, "Listen to your baby so it will go well for him." A five-week old can't listen to anyone, anyhoos.

BTW, Kendall and her misogynist husband already have four bio kids. So they are not getting a message that they shouldn't have kids. Quite the contrary. God is giving them kids aplenty, for some reason I don't understand.

Also, my kids (adopted) are terribly hurt and saddened when they hear people saying that a baby can be bought. Comments like that, tossed around without thought, do hurt adopted kids, which is something most people don't want to do. And is it even true? In our adoption, we paid for services rendered but we never purchased a baby (only one of our was a baby) like a sack of flour. I think that's what hurts adopted kids most, that sack of flour image.

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My daughter was in the hospital when she was two weeks old because she stopped eating. When she started again, she threw it up.

It KILLED me when they wouldn't let ne feed on demand. One night, she ate four ounces every two hours and kept it down. However I was told she ate too much and baby tummies can't hold that much. So they restricted her feedings to every three hours. It killed me to have to wait wheb she was OBVIOUSLY hungry.

When we got home she ate to her little hearts content

I feel bad for the poor baby. Even the WIC office told me I was doing good by allowing her to eat wheb she was hungry

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Listen to your mommy and it will go well for you? It should be, "Listen to your baby so it will go well for him." A five-week old can't listen to anyone, anyhoos.

BTW, Kendall and her misogynist husband already have four bio kids. So they are not getting a message that they shouldn't have kids. Quite the contrary. God is giving them kids aplenty, for some reason I don't understand.

Also, my kids (adopted) are terribly hurt and saddened when they hear people saying that a baby can be bought. Comments like that, tossed around without thought, do hurt adopted kids, which is something most people don't want to do. And is it even true? In our adoption, we paid for services rendered but we never purchased a baby (only one of our was a baby) like a sack of flour. I think that's what hurts adopted kids most, that sack of flour image.

I was not trying to say anything hurtful towards your children and I do appreciate your protectiveness towards them, but yes children can be bought. What it says about all of the adults involved is left to your own imagination.

I am unfamiliar with Kendall and her family but if she has four older children and still doesn't know how to properly nuture an infant, this adoption should not happen.

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If there is a hell, I sincerely hope that people who treat helpless infants so horrifically are in the section with all the other child abusers.

I really shouldn't read threads on "training" babies to sleep. They make me both devastated for the baby and incredibly angry at the parents. Pretty sad, and telling, that I have more compassion for their babies than they do.

Also, eat, wake, sleep is totally unnatural. And the way these people ignore that babies don't just get food, but drink at the same time is frustrating. I'd like to see them going 4 hours with nothing to drink.

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The times I nursed my babies to sleep or held them as they drifted off after their bottles are the truest moments of peace I've ever felt. Maybe the only ones. I felt like I could put my hand out and touch eternity in the stillness of their milky smiles.

Fundamentalist Christians seem to always be training themselves to act in such unnatural ways. I suppose they think humankind's animal nature needs to be suppressed for the spirit to be elevated. But, we are animals, and if you believe God made us in His image because the inerrant Bible tells us so, then so, too, is God an animal in some sense. How do you bring yourself or your children closer to God by ruthlessly suppressing the nature He gave us? I lost my faith in an interventionist God a long time ago, to be honest, but even I, unchurched heathen that I am, could feel the possibility again in those still moments that felt like they somehow touched on all points of space and time. I think that if you really believe, that you ought to feel like you are turning away from the face of God when you purposefully deprive your child (and yourself) of that peace. If He isn't in the face of a sated, nuzzling infant, He's nowhere.

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The times I nursed my babies to sleep or held them as they drifted off after their bottles are the truest moments of peace I've ever felt. Maybe the only ones. I felt like I could put my hand out and touch eternity in the stillness of their milky smiles.

Fundamentalist Christians seem to always be training themselves to act in such unnatural ways. I suppose they think humankind's animal nature needs to be suppressed for the spirit to be elevated. But, we are animals, and if you believe God made us in His image because the inerrant Bible tells us so, then so, too, is God an animal in some sense. How do you bring yourself or your children closer to God by ruthlessly suppressing the nature He gave us? I lost my faith in an interventionist God a long time ago, to be honest, but even I, unchurched heathen that I am, could feel the possibility again in those still moments that felt like they somehow touched on all points of space and time. I think that if you really believe, that you ought to feel like you are turning away from the face of God when you purposefully deprive your child (and yourself) of that peace. If He isn't in the face of a sated, nuzzling infant, He's nowhere.


That'll preach.

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...but even I, unchurched heathen that I am, could feel the possibility again in those still moments that felt like they somehow touched on all points of space and time. I think that if you really believe, that you ought to feel like you are turning away from the face of God when you purposefully deprive your child (and yourself) of that peace. If He isn't in the face of a sated, nuzzling infant, He's nowhere.

This. Oh, so much this.

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So, Bond villains are commenting on Kendal's blog now?


Why do they need to make everything a cruel battle?

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The times I nursed my babies to sleep or held them as they drifted off after their bottles are the truest moments of peace I've ever felt. Maybe the only ones. I felt like I could put my hand out and touch eternity in the stillness of their milky smiles.

Fundamentalist Christians seem to always be training themselves to act in such unnatural ways. I suppose they think humankind's animal nature needs to be suppressed for the spirit to be elevated. But, we are animals, and if you believe God made us in His image because the inerrant Bible tells us so, then so, too, is God an animal in some sense. How do you bring yourself or your children closer to God by ruthlessly suppressing the nature He gave us? I lost my faith in an interventionist God a long time ago, to be honest, but even I, unchurched heathen that I am, could feel the possibility again in those still moments that felt like they somehow touched on all points of space and time. I think that if you really believe, that you ought to feel like you are turning away from the face of God when you purposefully deprive your child (and yourself) of that peace. If He isn't in the face of a sated, nuzzling infant, He's nowhere.


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And they are doing a fundraiser. Funny, seems like just yesterday they had an awesome beach vacation.

Anyway, apparently the adoption hasn't been finalized yet. She's begging for supplies :roll:

Someone suggested she rent one :lol: She shot that down in short order:

I'm just gonna leave this right here, as the Riches live in the area :whistle:

Serial pig cooker thief wanted in Durham

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