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Impure thoughts for 12 yr old football players


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So sad. And teaching these boys - at 12!! - that the poor boys just can't control themselves....

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What the hell are people thinking? Of course twelve year old boys have "impure" thoughts about girls or boys around them. Twelve year old girls have "impure" thoughts too. And it's perfectly healthy, normal and fine. It is imperative that we teach children how to appropriately deal with those feelings. Teaching boys and girls that they must be separated because those thoughts are bad is stupid and insulting. Sexuality is not dirty, nor bad, nor shameful. How about teaching them that human beings deserve their respect, that they are not entitled to access to ANYONE'S body simply because they are popular athletes, that women are the agents of their own bodies, that...? Maybe I'm naive, but I believe that if raised correctly, these boys will respect this girl and see her as their teammate just as they see each other. The argument that she shouldn't be around them because of the locker room talk pisses me off. Maybe the girl being on the team with them would make them think about what they say and prevent them from being socialized to think misogyny is normal and acceptable.

And the girl on the football team is the one who is going to cause ALL of the impure thoughts in these little hormone factories? Really, what about the cute girl in math class? Or the mysterious artsy girl? Or the cute boy just down the bench in the locker room? Or their awesomely smart biology teacher? Seriously, if men as a group are so goddamned weak that they can never control their rapy bodies, the fault is all theirs. Why don't they make men take the responsibility and suggest that the best way to prevent this must be to put out the eyes of every heterosexual male (I'm sure that to them, gay men don't exist)? Of course I don't condone this, but this is just as much a logic fail as their suggestion that it is women's responsibility not to tempt men.

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I suspect the boys' attention will be diverted to the cheerleaders, who are dressed to attract exactly such attention. (Don't get me started on the "sport" of cheerleading. Let's ghettoize the girls who want to be athletic by putting them in miniskirts sucking up to the boys!)

Couldn't they have said it was for safety? Because that I would believe.

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So cheerleeders - not a stumbling block

12 year old girl in football gear - sexy as hell to other 12 year old boys?

Sounds like the people at the school are the ones who find little girls in football gear to be a stumbling block, not the kids.

Bet you they assume she's a lesbian and thus a huge threat to the school , who will surely all become homoromative in the next 18th month without intervention! Oh the humanity!

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