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Man up! Fulfill your obligation to stalk and rape


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The latest post on Sunshine Mary's Anti-feminist blog, sunshinemaryandthedragon.wordpress.com is the most bizarre yet. In it she claims that feminists really want to be raped and stalked and because men aren't fulfilling their obligation, some feminists have turned to making false rape claims. She points to two recent false-rape claims to suggest that they are common.


The cherry on the sundae is a comment made by Sunshine's husband who goes by the handle Hot Hand Grenade:


does any one remember the movie “A Boy And His Dogâ€, staring Don Johnson (IMDB link- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072730/). Don Johnson’s character has to be kidnapped to help breed (introduce new blood) and underground “utopia†in a post-war world.


Could all this be the start of “the future� Will there soon be men being raped by gangs of feminists? Wow, think of the no news coverage that will get.


In the comments section of the post, Sunshine attacks a former fundie blogger Elizabeth Esther who frequently writes about the misogyny that's still evident in the behavior and preaching of certain male Christian leaders. According to Sunshine, it's fine for men to objectify women and judge them on their appearance and women like Esther who have a problem with this are trying to stifle their free speech. She writes:



Here we see a very attractive, highly fertile white woman. She should be busy having more babies, taking care of her husband, and going about the Lord’s business with a quiet, submissive heart.


Instead she has a hamster that has grown to the size of Godzilla and is running all around the news media; did you catch that she’s been on Anderson Cooper and has a book coming out? Either she has no man, or she has a man who has FAILED to manage her.


Wow. Just wow. We don't need men to oppress us with women like Sunshine spreading this crap around the Internet.

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Instead she has a hamster that has grown to the size of Godzilla and is running all around the news media; did you catch that she’s been on Anderson Cooper and has a book coming out? Either she has no man, or she has a man who has FAILED to manage her.

well why is she not getting managed she is spouting off instead of tending her umpteen children. Come on now practice what you preach. wait she is female she can't preach so why is she preaching?

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"Instead she has a hamster that has grown to the size of Godzilla and is running all around the news media; did you catch that she’s been on Anderson Cooper and has a book coming out? Either she has no man, or she has a man who has FAILED to manage her."

Huh? What the hell does she mean about the hamster? On the other hand if the former blogger Elizabeth Ester really does have a ginormous hamster, I would definitely turn on TLC to see that rather than that snoozefest Duggar show.

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That... is one sorry ass idiot. Why hate us so much, jealous?! She's a damn racist, too... Young, bodywise attractive, white, it must be copulated with and forced to be breeding. She talks about her fellow female, her sister like she was a broodmare or a milking cow. I can't believe this is real.

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I don't wish rape on anyone but one wonders if she'd change the tune she's singing if she was jumped and raped one night....

What a heinous individual. I do not understand the bloodthirstiness and violent tendencies so many of these freaks display, from a religion that is supposed to be based simply on love. One begins to think they are Paulists as opposed to Christians.

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"Instead she has a hamster that has grown to the size of Godzilla and is running all around the news media; did you catch that she’s been on Anderson Cooper and has a book coming out? Either she has no man, or she has a man who has FAILED to manage her."

Huh? What the hell does she mean about the hamster? On the other hand if the former blogger Elizabeth Ester really does have a ginormous hamster, I would definitely turn on TLC to see that rather than that snoozefest Duggar show.

MRA speak. Apparently women don't have brains, they have rationalization hamsters

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Regarding the onus upon men to harass and pursue women, there is a link at the end of Mary's post to a blog written by "captain capitalism." Mr. Cap is trying to pick up ladies with his "pilot-bachelor-millionaire friend" (that's a direct quotation), in St. Petersburg, Florida. They are outside of a salsa club which has very few women inside with which to dance. They go outside and try approaching random, presumably hot groups of "23 year-old" ladies on the street and asking them if they want to go dancing with him and his friend. The ladies are rude! They turn him down! One even says, "nice try, it's time for you to leave." For this she is labeled a veritable bitch! The golden quotation below:

To see someone as young as 23 dare to have the rudeness to dismiss a request to dance with "time for you to go" only tells me they have been approached so many times their courtesy and etiquette has been obliterated by their egos.

Ah, the entitled attitude of certain men towards all women; one would think they'd get a clue eventually, but evidently they are still stuck on the idea that they are God's gift to women, and it's inconceivable that any woman could turn them down for a legitimate reason. Those women must just be egotistical bitches!

How about the following rationales:

1. If a women in a similar situation had gone with the two gentlemen to the salsa club, and she'd subsequently been drugged and/or raped and/or taken advantage of in any way, it would have been deemed "her fault" because she went out somewhere with strangers. This is how "rape culture" is actually to blame for this, not the supposed egoism of women turning down strangers. A lot of women hook up, but not every woman, and you don't know that they're comfortable going out with strangers for a fact. They may just want to meet friends and friends of friends.

2. Approaching women in the street, to me, just reeks of desperation. I wouldn't assume that the intentions of these guys were innocent, even if they were. The way to ask strangers out dancing is to first get to know them in a bar or other social situation, chat with them to persuade them you aren't a total creep, and THEN to ask. If, on a night out, I saw a couple of guys on the street asking out every group of women who passed by to dance, I'd avoid them like the plague.

3. The fact that the Captain describes the women as "as young as 23" makes me think he and his friend are in their 30s or even early 40s. They could be coming across as creepy old men instead of the hot young guys the 23-year old might be interested in pursuing. If she is telling them "it's time for you to go now," they were probably too pushy, and she was pushing back. Heaven forbid there might be a reason for the rejection that had to do with the men themselves.

4. Maybe they had legit other plans for the night that didn't involve dancing with two older men in a salsa club? Like meeting actual friends or dancing in a club they liked? And maybe they were unwilling to drop these plans to dance with two potential creepers who might drug and rape them? I know, it's a stretch.

Unfortunately, instead of providing an ego check, this account of one night out in St. Petersburg, Florida has just proven that when women reject men, these sorts of men just presume there's something wrong with all women and write about how women, at large, should fix the problems with themselves, instead of looking into the mirror of self-reflection.

ETA: I don't want to be age-ist and I don't think of one's 30s or 40s as "older," really; it's just from the perspective of a 23-year old that they are considered "older."

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This blog makes no sense. It's like reading the ramblings of someone who's gone off their meds cold turkey.

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Or someone who's a cold turkey who should be on meds. Lots and lots of them. In a locked down facility.

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So much WTF going on there. Oh, and dude, a woman isn't obligated to dance with you.

As a side note. I met my SO who told a very pushy guy off after calling me a fat bitch for not accepting his offer of buy in me a drink.

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Elizabeth Esther's last pregnancy was twin girls. After the girls were born, she and her husband had some marital problems, and she asked him to move out. They eventually reconciled, but she's been very frank about making her relationship with her husband a top priority, as opposed to having more babies. Frankly, I think she's been very wise in her decision, and I applaud her for it. Sunshine Mary has no clue what EE's life is really about, and she needs to stfu.

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Go blow it out your ass "Sunshine" Mary.

It's terrifying that people believe this and preach it. It is heavilly contributing to rape culture. I'd show her the "This is Rape Culture" tumblr but she'd probably blow it off as these women being jealous among other things.

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MRA speak. Apparently women don't have brains, they have rationalization hamsters

On the bright side, Rationalization Hamsters would make a great band name.

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These mens rights people have got to be some of the most delusional I've ever encountered (and thankfully I haven't really encountered any beyond what I read here). They're angry and frustrated because they think women owe them sex, but they can't get any. But at the same time, they really believe that they are 'alpha males' and all women should want them. If you're an alpha male, and women can't resist alpha males... why don't you have a harem full of women? Derp de derp.

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The writers on "Law and Order: SVU" should base a character on Sunshine Mary. That character would be positively chilling. And they could bring back Elliott Stabler to go positively medieval on her ass!

As for this Captain Capitalism guy? Ugh, I'm sure these 23 year old women could sense what a huge creep he is. That's why he and his friend were rejected, not because they are bitches. Oh, and Captain Capitalism's writing absolutely sucks.

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