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All autistic kids are atheists and atheism is form of autism


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The youngest son of the couple who coordinates our parish's pre-cana classes is somewhere on the autism spectrum. He's 17, and altar boy, and he's discerning the priesthood. He knows more about Catholicism - its history, charism, theology, and laws - than a lot of practicing Catholic adults. And he's going to World Youth Day this August.

Somebody should tell this kid he's supposed to be an atheist... :roll:

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The spectrum is just that - it covers a huge range. 30 years ago, my nephew wouldn't have been thought of as autistic, because he can read and carry on a conversation. He would have just been "that odd kid", or perceived as a kid who was annoying or naughty.

Sorry for the tangent, but this is really important point. When people start talking about how "autism has increased" in the past few decades, remind yourself that they are conflating the diagnosis rates and the incidence rates. In addition to greater awareness (meaning more diagnoses of autism, fewer of mental retardation or childhood schizophrenia - and yes, i am aware that schizophrenia and autism are not that similar) many people are being diagnosed as autistic today who simply would not have been eligible for that diagnosis prior to the early 1990s.

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FJ is a wonderful place for autistics, in my experience (I've been reading for years but only started posting recently) because people here are honest, open, admit their mistakes (thus making it okay to make mistakes) and are forgiven. Different opinions are not just expected, but welcome. People are not mean here and if they are they are called out on it. They really think things through and are willing to consider other sides. Although I'm an atheist, I do love the rituals and routines of church, which is why I'm a Unitarian Universalist. (Not to mention that there's all this talk about one of my somewhat-long-term intense interests, religious fundamentalism.)

I wish that there were more people like FJ people in 'real life', if that makes any sense.

How old are you, if you don't mind my asking. I find that the older I get, the more FJ type people I surround myself with. Maybe I'm just getting better at finding them. We regularly have a Southern Baptist, a Reform Jew, a muslim, a Catholic, an agnostic (my husband) and an atheist (myself) in the same room with no arguments at all. It's not that we don't talk about religion, we sometimes do, but it's respectful, an exchange of ideas rather than absolute truths that one must obey. We have tons of discussions about all kinds of contentious subjects, but it's always polite. And if two people can't agree, they can't agree, carry on.

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I'm also on the autism spectrum, and while I'm not actively practicing, I do consider myself a liberal Christian who would rather go to a church with ordained women clergy. I've known others on the autism spectrum who are more devout than I am, partly because they have that black and white thinking, and also because they're not the type to question authority. On the other hand, I have known others who were non-believers, but have been dragged to church by their parents, and who are still being controlled by them even though they're an adult.

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We have plenty of people with autism in my church who really enjoy it. What the hell is this guy talking about?

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I'm a Christian on the autistic spectrum. Apparently I'm a magical unicorn.

I'm a Christian and autistic too...so that means...

Oh my god! I'm a unicorn!

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(I'm a closet agnostic, truth be told)

its refreshing to know I'm not the only one

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One of the most devoutly Catholic people I knew was clearly on the autism spectrum.

I know atheists who clearly are not autistic.

Actually, one could make a case that a lot of religions require rigidity in thinking and regimen, which would be more adapted to someone autistic than not.

Riffles Edited

This. Exactly. I suspect many of the fundies we snark on are, neurologically speaking, somewhere on the autism spectrum. Rules are a powerful source of comfort. And you're less likely to chafe at being sheltered if you are someone who struggles with social interactions.

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This is a tangent, but this whole thread made me think of a book I read a few years back called Lying Awake by Mark Salzman about a nun who has epilepsy and religious visions and I don't recall the whole thing but I think there's some connection between people who seem to claim to have first-person encounters with God (visions) and epilepsy. Does anyone else remember that book? Or remember hearing about that claim?

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Why on earth does everyone have to be religious? I'm just fine with my brain the way it is, thank you. I am an autistic atheist, but I enjoy the rituals involved in some denominations like Catholocism or Anglicanism. My mother (the autistic mother ship) has stated that she wishes she could believe in religion, but she just can't.

My autistic brother has been an atheist since he was 5 and told us that what he had been learning in Vacation Bible School was crap. My autistic teen created her own polytheistic religion at about the same age.

Despite growing up in a family of autistic atheists, I've always been amazed that my autistic sister has not joined a cult, because she has always required a boyfriend/husband to tell her what she believes. I guess we should count ourselves lucky that she didn't attract a Fundie crazy among all the other crazies she dragged home and married.

I think that FJ attracts those on the autistim spectrum because we tend to be interested in ideas, not chit-chat. There is so much to discuss and learn here, and lots of stuff to obsess about. Plus, it's not only okay to be the smart, geeky girl here, it's encouraged. :D

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