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Stupid Stuff People Post on Facebook


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klavierspieler, that "health care legislation" copypasta is amazing. It's been way too long since I saw a good old-fashioned "I said an incredible and perfect comeback and made my antagonist cry and then everybody in the restaurant applauded and carried me out on their shoulders!!!!1 P.S. THIS REALLY HAPPENED" story.

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One of my new friends shared a picture with text on "tips for preventing rape." It was almost word-for-word the same as the e-mail debunked in this Snopes article:


I posted a link to it in the comments. On one hand, I feel bad for doing it because she is a new friend and she wasn't doing it with malicious intent--we met because she used to work at the family planning clinic I am a board member for, and she obviously cares about women's health. At the same time, the information with the picture was dangerously misleading and I had to point that out. Luckily, she didn't get mad over it.

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One of my new friends shared a picture with text on "tips for preventing rape." It was almost word-for-word the same as the e-mail debunked in this Snopes article:


I posted a link to it in the comments. On one hand, I feel bad for doing it because she is a new friend and she wasn't doing it with malicious intent--we met because she used to work at the family planning clinic I am a board member for, and she obviously cares about women's health. At the same time, the information with the picture was dangerously misleading and I had to point that out. Luckily, she didn't get mad over it.

Oh god, I just read the snopes debunking of that rape prevention article. Good lord, it's so stupid it's funny, especially the part about rapists preferring to attack women in overalls! Who even wears overalls? I'm picturing a bunch of lady farmers and maybe a couple of members of the girl-group TLC back in the early 90's. Also, apparently all you need to do to prevent rapes is stay out of grocery store parking lots in the morning. I have a feeling that this "self defense instructor" got kicked in the head a few times too many by Jean Claude Van Damme. (Also, I think I just fulfilled my quota of obscure 90's references here.) :lol:

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I'll just let this speak for itself.

"As most of you know, today began PASS testing and this is a time of year DJ really dreads. Being ADD, Dyslexic and on the Autism Spectrum makes it hard for DJ to stay focused. We pray every morning and night but this morning I encouraged DJ to spend a few minutes before the test praying that God help him to remain calm and focused. He came home all happy and said " Moma, I prayed and did not loose my focus and I believe I did really good on the ELA PASS test."

Thank you Lord for being real to DJ today and giving him assurance that you are with him always! — feeling blessed & highly favored of God!!!!"

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this is what some I used to know posted:


Today's top story: http://www.lifenews.com/2013/05/07/mom- ... -abortion/

This in itself is not so crazy. You have to know the backstory. This man is someone I was once friends with. I broke off our friendship after one too many passes were made at me. He did a lot of drugs and basically would screw any woman who would let him. I met him through a mutual friends and we became friends before I knew too much about him. The more I learned about him, the less I liked him. When I moved, I never let him know where I moved too. He had two children by two different women, both of which were later proven not to be his, after he paid for the mother's support and several years of child support. He has a biracial baby now, because he doesn't trust white women. He himself is responsible for who knows how many abortions. He flirted with homosexuality but felt he was too many to swing that way.

Last week he posted about how he had been sober for X number of years, which directly contracts what I know about him. He says he has been married X number of years, another lie. He has now found Jesus and is on fire for the Lord!

His mother is bi-polar and refuses to take her meds when she is working on an intricate knitting project. She once made a sweater while she was dropping acid on a long week-end and one sleeve was about 3 inches longer than the other. She said she couldn't ravel and redo it because the pattern was too intricate and it was something she made up on the spot. My friend used to wear it and push up the sleeves, but you could still tell it was fucked up. I looked up her Facebook page and all her friends are like her: Jesus-loving Martha Stewart wanna-bes wearing denim shorts and having a buttload of cats. She once made a rug out of cat fur she spun into yarn. The crazy runs deep in this one. I knew she was off but now there's the Jesus element. I'm not talking about her mental illness, there's something fundamentally wrong with her besides being bi-polar.

I will post some her status updates when she posts something really nutty.

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I have a friend who has suddenly started posting all these life news articles. I am getting ready to hide her status updates or unfriend her, can't decide which.

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This isn't stupid, just plain horrible. There's an extremely graphic picture of a poor kitty with an arrow shot through its head. And the poor creature is still alive. They need a damn filter on facebook! I cried my eyes out, and then I got dangerously pissed at whoever had done that to the poor kitty and at the ass that posted it without a warning.

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I hate it when people post graphic pictures on Facebook in the name of "raising awareness". Its disgusting and wrong. Yes, animal/child abuse is bad, people shouldnt drink and drive or do various stupid things, and some people are capable of evil things and some people have abortions....but do we really need photographic evidence of it. I dont wish to see graphic accident scenes, bloody mangled limbs, dead or dying people/animals, people abusing animals or bloody bits of fetus on my news feed!

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Someone on my Facebook feed just posted a link to this article, a news story about how a judge decided that high-school cheerleaders can put Bible verses on posters. His commentary on the article was that the judge's decision was, "a big victory for religious liberty." I do not think that term means what he thinks it means.

http://www.dallasnews.com/news/state/he ... anners.ece

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  • 5 months later...

My cousin is a moron. Well, technically she is my 3rd cousin (I think), thank FSM. I just can't stand the stupid. I really think she will be going on the acquaintance list on FB soon. She keeps posting crap from something called "A Sheep No More" which, evidently, is an alternative name for Tea Party Rhetoric and Insanity. The other day, she posted something about how "The Church of Satan endorses Obamacare (satire)" and how horrible Obamacare is with the satan worshipers backing it. I basically told her she was a moron, that it wasn't real. She said she didn't read it, she just posted it and would go back and read it later. I told her not to bother because the freaking word "satire" means it's a joke. She said, to paraphrase, "oh, lol, I didn't know what that word meant." :angry-banghead: :cray-cray: :pull-hair: The worst part, she has reproduced. Multiple times. My grandma and I were commenting it's about time for her to be knocked up again by another baby-daddy because her youngest is almost 1. She's got 4 kids, most of whom are 1 year apart, except for the oldest 2. She was in prison for MAKING AND SELLING CRACK when she had her oldest, so there is a several year gap from the time she spawned to the time when she and baby daddy #1 were both on the outside.

Today, she posted more crap about Obamacare, and I finally went off on her and sent her a site that shows how it is nearly identical to Mitten's plan. My grandparents said her grandparents are morons, too.

My grandparents are definitely not perfect. There are some things that they are still stuck back in time with. I know it's just an excuse, but that was just when they grew up, and I love them anyway. Saying that, I am so proud of how liberal they really are. They go to a local megachurch, which was really off putting. The other day, my grandma was complaining about them all bashing Obama and Obamacare just because they believed everything on "that one news channel that lies." I said, Fox News? And she was like, yes! lol She also said they should leave abortion alone because people are going to do it whether it's legal or not, and if they don't want to give them health insurance or food stamps to take care of these babies, what is the point? Go Grandma! My other grandparents are also very liberal and are just run of the mill Catholics. I knew the other grandparents voted Democrat, but I guess I just always assumed they were more conservative because of them going to crazy churches.

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OMG with the ACA/Obamacare posts from my dad's relatives. (My dad "converted" to liberalism. I have no idea why my mom married him when he was a conservative, but at least he saw the light.) ANYWAY...my aunt and uncle (who I DO love dearly) own a small business and have for forty years. She keeps screaming (in caps!) about the ACA and how, because of it, her premiums are through the roof. I believe her, so I told her to PLEASE check the MNSURE website to see if she can get better rates. (She can, LOTS BETTER) I even offered to come help her with it. She just keeps yelling about her current insurance rates. Well...do something about it! So I have said my peace and am done...

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http://www.facebook.com/WickedWitch2.0/ ... 6724959715

I came across this post today while browsing a completely unrelated topic and, while I can't exactly call it Stupid Stuff People Post, it was a good reminder how kindly the Duggars are perceived by those with only a superficial knowledge of what they're all about.

I am not anti-Duggar. I don't care how many kids they have.

As long as they can financial and emotionally care for their children, and aren't harming anyone in or out of their family, they're the least of my worries. Honestly, I have friends who come from LARGE multi-children homes and I watch their families get the same amount of grief- just not publicized grief- as the Duggars. If the children aren't mistreated, are being educated, taken care of, fed and aren't abused, you should be HAPPY that's one less story of children being mistreated in the news.

In all honesty, just because MOST of us couldn't handle that many people to care for- doesn't mean others cannot.

Stop posting about them on my page. They aren't ON my list of people to hit, or that I'm concerned with. They actually do GOOD in the world (I've seen them volunteering and have friends who see some of the kids regularly during fundraising for their churches).

Some have commented on the Duggar support of right-wing candidates, the J'slaves (to which the page owner replied "I think the oldest partially like / partially hate taking care of their siblings, depends on the day and attitudes I bet"), and their Quiverfull affiliation and anti-choice activities.

edit: spelling.

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It's driving me nuts! lol It also doesn't help that I've worked over 36 hours in the past 3 days and gotten no more than 5 hours of sleep a night, triggering a migraine to boot. Today was just the final straw, though.

The piece de resistance....right after I told her off, the Being Liberal page posted a meme that I shared. It's a Norman Rockwell-ish picture of a dad and a son. It said something like, "Son, do you understand what you did wrong?" "Yes Sir. I posted something on FB without first checking the facts and encouraged bullshit to propagate, contributing to the dumbing down of humanity." lol

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My head is exploding this morning. Along with my oldest & dearest friends posting the most hateful, racist crap, another friend is participating in a prayer fest that's showing up in my news feed (all public). Seems a local high school band is headed to a competition today. There's a bad wreck on the interstate, exits are closed & traffic is backed up 40 minutes to an hour. The band passed through right before the accident happened, but the "pit crew" & the tractor trailer hauling equipment & props is stuck behind all the traffic. Band parents have formed a prayer chain on FB that the truck & pit crew gets through in time to get to the competition before the band performs.

Not one damn show of concern over the victims of the accident, not one prayer for them or that emergency vehicles can get theough - it's all about the band.

I know most of these people, & almost all of them belong to the two largest SB churches in the area, & profess Christianity.

I won't be seeing how it turns out, if god favors their prayers, because I'm unfriending the lady I'm getting the newsfeed from.

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I'll just let this speak for itself.

"As most of you know, today began PASS testing and this is a time of year DJ really dreads. Being ADD, Dyslexic and on the Autism Spectrum makes it hard for DJ to stay focused. We pray every morning and night but this morning I encouraged DJ to spend a few minutes before the test praying that God help him to remain calm and focused. He came home all happy and said " Moma, I prayed and did not loose my focus and I believe I did really good on the ELA PASS test."

Thank you Lord for being real to DJ today and giving him assurance that you are with him always! — feeling blessed & highly favored of God!!!!"

I wonder if I pray hard enough, if SC will get rid of the PASS test?

Seriously though, I wonder if a) the child was given the standard PASS or, due to the special needs, given the SCA-Alt? Why didn't god listen to all the the other child taking that godforsaken test? (Can you tell I hate it?) I mean, seriously?

Oh, He was 'real' to DJ and favored him. Right!

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Every now and then when I see annoying trends start I'll post something about it on my page to thin out the heard a bit and get people to unfriend me. I've had people try to turn Facebook into drama in real life so I think it's best not to let certain people have access to my page.

When Harold Camping said the world was going to end a couple of years back I took a picture of a billboard in my neighborhood and said I was going sell all of my belongings because if a billboard told me he world would end it must be true. I was unfriended by one person I went to school with over that because I apparently I need to respect anything anybody wants to call a religious belief.

I was also unfriended by another person I went to school with after offering $10 to every person on my friend's list if one of them could prove a facebook rumor was correct. The rumor involved pedophiles starting a chain post encouraging people to change their profile pic to their favorite childhood cartoon because knowing I loved Strawberry Shortcake in the 80's is going to cause a child to be molested.

After Newtown when I saw a ton of posts about sharing pictures in support I posted an article about ways to help and was criticized because everybody in Connecticut is rich and doesn't need any money. Posting pictures the victims and their families will never see is support but contributing to the cost of a child's funeral is not.

Normally I don't reply to stuff I disagree with unless it's offensive, insulting, or the person keeps harping on the same issue. A guy I've known since childhood recently posted the link to an article which called Obama a Fascist, Socialist, and Communist. He captioned it with a rant about Obamunists hating America. I simply replied that it was difficult to take the article seriously since the author clearly didn't realize there is a difference between Fascism, Socialism, and Communism so Obama can't be all three at the same time. He then started personally attaching me. I responded asking him if he realized the implications of saying I had liberal tunnel vision because I know the difference between the three and let him know I was unfriending him.

I recently got a friend request from someone and added her but have noticed a ton of hypocritical posts. She'll go on about how women can't show off their bodies because...Jesus!...but her profile picture is of her wearing a bikini and a fedora.

The trend that annoys me the most is these horrible scenarios which somehow are proof of God's love. Stories like The police found Little 5 yr old Abby hiding under the couch after witnessing her father beat her mother to death then commit suicide but she wasn't afraid because Jesus was with her. Like if you love Jesus. Share if he is with you too. Ignore if you hate children. This is suppose to sell the idea of religion to me?

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There are no words...

That reminds me of the recent motor boat for breast cancer controversy where guys were going around trying to guilt women into letting them motor boating their breasts to raise money for breast cancer. This has to be sarcasm but there is no shortage of people willing to exploit an issue for prurient reasons.

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I think everyone has that one friend on Facebook who insists bringing all of their drama into every post. The woman I'm thinking of will call people out on her page whenever she is having an argument that should remain private, and then she and other members of her friends/family will start bickering back and forth in their posts.

And it would be one thing if it was just my friend acting like a drama queen, but she also encourages all of her children to do it, too. This has resulted in some very inappropriate posts made by the kids, and it bothers me to see them (no matter how entertaining they may be to read) because it could come back to haunt them when they need to get jobs and their potential employers google them.

The worst part is, whenever anyone has tried to privately PM her and suggest she tone it down and keep it private, she always posts something to the effect of "Boo-hoo, people don't love me, if you all truly love me, you'll embrace all my drama and accept me for who I am!" Friend, that's not the point - we accept you, we just think some of your private, personal drama should remain just that - private and personal.

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It's such a shame that some people don't comprehend the difference in public and private.

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That stupid Ben Stein/White House Holiday tree is going around again...I'm starting to wonder if my friend's posting it to lure me out.

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