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Uh Oh.....Quiverful Thoughts In My Brain!


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I am not dating anyone right now (age 20) and have never had even one boyfriend. Sometimes I get the feeling I should do a Anna Duggar thing and hurry up and start getting pregnant as soon as possible. I have no idea why. :o

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I am not dating anyone right now (age 20) and have never had even one boyfriend. Sometimes I get the feeling I should do a Anna Duggar thing and hurry up and start getting pregnant as soon as possible. I have no idea why. :o


Hang out with a few new moms and you'll probably get over it quickly ;)

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Hang out with a few new moms and you'll probably get over it quickly ;)

Uh, definitely that! I'd gladly lend you my three children if you need some help in getting over it. :lol:

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I've had this thought. You are not alone. I'm not saying I *want* that kind of a life, the idea of it makes me shudder. But I am 22 and just finishing my BA if I go through for a PhD which is what I plan to do, who is to say when I might marry? If I marry later than having kids might be difficult, you know tick tock. There have been times where I have seen my married friends with their children and been a bit jealous, because in some ways they know who they are and where they're going. They're someone's mother for ever, you can't undo that. I've thought, "Oh if I have kids, I would have it together like them.". Then I remind myself that some of them have no real means of supporting themselves beyond a minimum wage job or some other kind of job that offers little advancement. They don't have careers because they don't have enough education. Therefore their opportunities are limited. On top of that, they've taken on a responsibility for another human's life forever. I don't think I'm settled enough to commit to that. Some have had breakups and child support disputes. There's a lot of drama around it. Once I remind myself that having a baby in your 20s is not as easy as it would be later in life when you're more established, I freak out less.

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A lot of times when I think these thoughts I remember one important thing.....not ALL quiverfull women are happy. In fact, I know of one lady whose third baby was born with a severe heart defect. She had to work at night and in the day to cover the medical bills. Sadly the baby died at six years. :( It's not all roses definitely.

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I'm 19 and have had plenty of boyfriends. I won't hook you up with any of my exes (I'm not going to subject you to that!)

I know a LOT of new and expecting moms though. Take a trip to my town and we'll go meet all of them. I know a 14 year old who had a baby back in December... she's my ex's sister. :D

I think once you start hanging around new moms you'll get over this whole body clock thing. Meanwhile, go out and get yourself a boyfriend.

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I am not dating anyone right now (age 20) and have never had even one boyfriend. Sometimes I get the feeling I should do a Anna Duggar thing and hurry up and start getting pregnant as soon as possible. I have no idea why. :o

This happened to me at that age, too. I hadn't entirely left the fundie church yet, so it was the kind of urge that would be strongly encouraged. A summer job as a nanny for three kids cured me pretty quick.

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It's biologically normative, IMO, for a grown woman who has monthly reminders of the fact that she can carry a baby to think about that possibility. Even desire it. Some women may not have those feelings, but that doesn't make you "wierd", much less QF.

Chalk it up to evolution, if you want. Keep the species going. :D

Of course having babies isn't all roses. It's a lot of stress and hard work. But from the "wierdo" perspective (at least on FJ), I had my first when I was 20 and I don't regret him for a second. He was "baptism by fire" into motherhood, with his colic. Man alive. But there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to be a mother, even a young mother. Everybody has choices. I'm very happy with mine.

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This will fix you right up.


This is just a joke, not to imply that if anyone does want children that they shouldn't have them or that it is not normal to want children. Just a joke video, nothing more. :shifty:

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I never felt that way even I love kids (on a part-time basis), probably because I used to babysit so much for pocket money. I enjoyed being with the kids but I also enjoyed handing them back over to their parents.

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If you're suddenly finding yourself daydreaming about popping out a few kids, go volunteer at a women's shelter, a daycare in a low-income neighborhood, or just for a local family with a couple of kids.

My sister-in-law babysat for me once a week for three years. It reminded her to take her pills on time.

Nothing will cure baby fever faster an Actual Children. Would anyone like to hold my snotty-nosed, teething, fussy toddler? Because my sister-in-law is on her way to London to study abroad.

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You've got plenty of time, what's the hurry? Enjoy your life now, get out there and try to meet people whether through friends or dating services, or even chance encounters. When I was 20 I did have a boyfriend, and praise my lucky stars I rid myself of him. When I look back at those I dated from the age of 19 until I met my husband when I was 25 all I can say is "There but for the grace of God go I". I absolutely love our 2 kids, enjoyed them as little ones but am so glad that they are older now. I'm also glad that I was older (30's) when I had kids. I felt more prepared then.

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I've felt that way for a while, too, but I know it's not logical! It's like, I'm 21, so my body is saying, "REPRODUCE NOW!!!" :lol:

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I am not dating anyone right now (age 20) and have never had even one boyfriend. Sometimes I get the feeling I should do a Anna Duggar thing and hurry up and start getting pregnant as soon as possible. I have no idea why. :o

I'll lend you my kids. 48 hours with little miss pre-teen CP and Mr teen-auti will be enough for you to sew your own vag up. :lol:

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I'm not quiverful but I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a whole lot of miniature lucky lassies running around everywhere. Maybe I'll make a fan fiction about it. I miss getting comments on my fan fictions. It boosts my self esteem. Once the eighteenth comes I'll be way to busy with my four classes to post.

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I often feel that way too - I'm 23 and my boyfriend and I have been together forever, and his brother and SIL just had their first baby...

Only, then I remember that I'm a broke Masters student and need to work for at least a few years first after finishing my degree this summer. So maybe when I'm 27...

Usually working at day camp, often as the ONLY teacher with a bunch of kids, helps massively in banishing those thoughts, although babysitting doesn't really even when it's 3, 4, or 5 hyperactive kids. I'm hyper myself, what can I say?

Once in church though the little boy in the family that usually sits behind us was incredibly fussy and loud, and the woman kept saying to my boyfriend and me "birth control, birth control, birth control" and I had to laugh as it definitely was good birth control to hear him shrieking for the whole service!

I'm hoping that if I babysit a lot in the fall I won't be secretly hoping for an "accident".

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Ya'll are invited to spend a day with me.

I have a newly turned two year old who suddenly realizes that he has opinions, and his opinion is almost always "wow mom, [taking a bath, eating, getting dressed, refraining from hitting my little brother] is a crappy idea!" He has also discovered his very strong set of lungs.

I also have a 3.5 month old who still gets up 1-3 times a night and refuses to be put down during the day.

So come to my house and experience the joy of a toddler and an infant! It will cure of these thoughts right away. :)

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I've felt that way for a while, too, but I know it's not logical! It's like, I'm 21, so my body is saying, "REPRODUCE NOW!!!" :lol:

Are you me??? You just described me! Also, within this past year, I've realized I'm coming up on that age where it'll start being a little weird to coo over babies as much as I do, since there's that pesky old-maid-desperate-to-settle-down-and-have-lots-and-lots-of-behbehs-so-she's-on-a-manhunt stereotype. Which I think is a load of horsepucky or whatever.

I've always liked little children, but like others have said, I also like handing them back to their parents, and nothing has gotten those "REPRODUCE!" screams from my brain to stop (or at least become quieter) than being a day camp counslor this summer. 14 first-grade girls, seven hours a day, five days a week, for nine weeks. Some days I just wanted to SCREAM.

And one of my campers told me (as I was trying to explain the concept of legal adulthood) that I wouldn't really be an adult until I had kids. I told her I had to finish my schooling (including the Master's degrees I'm after), get a job, a house, and a responsible partner, and then I'd be ready to have kids. Hopefully it sunk in on some level. Oy vey.

That said, babies are super cute and the things four year olds say crack me up to no end. Eventually, I do want to be a mom, just...not yet.

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Wait, wait, pick me pick me!!! I want to go to Germany next year and I need someone to stay at my house for a week and watch my kids.

The positives: I have beautiful wooded land and hammocks hanging in the woods. I will have food and a car at your disposal.I live 15 minutes from 2 Goodwills. Oldest will be driving then and take kids to everything.

The rest: 3 kids and 5 pets

Kid one will be 16 and just driving then. You get to ride along to fencing and all the other activities/classes/playgroup the kids have while he is driving. Keep in mind we carpool, so that will be 5 kids some days.

Kid 2"The girl" She will just be turning 13,and has the attitude and eye rolling of a seasoned pro. You will sit in the hockey rink 2 times and freeze your butt off while she has practice and a game(year round). Constant nail painting so you always smell nail polish or remover in the upstairs rooms.

Kid 3 will be 10. He is prone to dramatics and will ask you to play Lego games with him while telling you he is hungry and bored.

You also get to homeschool these kids so you will be with them constantly.

The pets: The cats are ok, I can't even pretend the dogs are. You will be woken up at least 3 times a night so the cow dog can go eat grass.

Doesn't that sound amazing? I can expect you around July of next summer then?

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Guest Anonymous
I've had this thought. You are not alone. I'm not saying I *want* that kind of a life, the idea of it makes me shudder. But I am 22 and just finishing my BA if I go through for a PhD which is what I plan to do, who is to say when I might marry? If I marry later than having kids might be difficult, you know tick tock. There have been times where I have seen my married friends with their children and been a bit jealous, because in some ways they know who they are and where they're going. They're someone's mother for ever, you can't undo that. I've thought, "Oh if I have kids, I would have it together like them.". Then I remind myself that some of them have no real means of supporting themselves beyond a minimum wage job or some other kind of job that offers little advancement. They don't have careers because they don't have enough education. Therefore their opportunities are limited. On top of that, they've taken on a responsibility for another human's life forever. I don't think I'm settled enough to commit to that. Some have had breakups and child support disputes. There's a lot of drama around it. Once I remind myself that having a baby in your 20s is not as easy as it would be later in life when you're more established, I freak out less.

Yeah, I had my son a few months before I turned 22, and my daughter when I was 23 and a half. Did the whole marriage-buy a house-have kids quick-thing, and then found out my then-husband (whom I met at the age of 17) had a gambling addiction, had been hiding thousands of dollars of debt from me, and basically was leading a double life while his mother helped him hide it all from me. I found out, the relationship quickly turned abusive, and I left him this past March, just after I turned 25. My saving grace is my education - I had one year of university under my belt when I left him. Now I've fast-tracked and am entering my third year of a four-year BA and working on a minor.

If you have a chance at an education, TAKE IT. It's the absolute best thing you can do for your future kids. There are some benefits to getting the baby stuff over with, and kids are wonderful - I love being a mom - but if you really want to do your best by your kids, be stable. Emotionally, financially, and in your relationship (or not - nothing wrong with single moms. It's just that spousal drama is a hellish nightmare and I don't recommend it at all.) Just my 2 cents.

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This site is like my medicine sometime I find myself wanting to live a QF lifestyle. Out in the peace and quiet country as a homemaker without even the care of condoms but then I think I have to listen to some patriarch about what to do with my body. And yes other peoples kids are effective, I'm not a fan of kids I just don't think I can do the whole do exactly what the parents wants if they were my own I would feel comfortable.

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If you live in Washington, I invite you to spend some time at my house. It will cure baby fever in a flash. Because I have a large family, you can all the ages and stages AT ONCE. From colicky baby to overemotional 4 yo to stubborn 7 yo to I-can't-believe-its-not-hormones 9 yo drama to 15 yo who would never leave a five foot radius of his Xbox if not forced.

They're all great kids, but add that to about four loads of laundry per day, several hours of housecleaning and chauffeuring, and try to work as well. You'll be ripping out your ovaries by the fallopian tubes. Promise.

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Clibbyjo, you have a cow-dog that gets you up in the middle of the night, too ?? The vet just put her on 1mg of Xanax, though, and she has slept through a few nights recently.

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Clibbyjo, you have a cow-dog that gets you up in the middle of the night, too ?? The vet just put her on 1mg of Xanax, though, and she has slept through a few nights recently.

Really,xanax? My vet said "nothing I can do, change her food"which I tried several times. I even made her homemade rice and groundmeat. Is it a nervous thing? I already have lavender in my room(she sleeps on my bed) Maybe I should give her a melatonin tonight ? I am not giving her my lexapro, that's expensive. I will as the vet next time she goes, the cow dog thing has gotten old.(and she is black and white spots like a cow which makes it funny in a way)

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