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Reading between the lines - Meaning? - Be A Living Sacrifice


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We've discussed this blogger before on quite a few occasions, but this new "series" is really odd! She's been posting about marriage and a woman's role. In her most recent post she discusses satanic "attacks" on her husband and their relationship because he is a christian "leader" and missionary. Of note:


Yes, our husbands are VERY GODLY MEN, in fact, my husband is one of the most godly men I have ever known, a wonderful husband and father and I love him dearly, but because of their position as spiritual leaders, our marriages are not EASIER than the regular Christian’s marriages, in fact, they can be MUCH MORE DIFFICULT!

WHY? Because we are in a SPIRITUAL BATTLE! If your husband is a spiritual leader, he has stepped up to the front lines of the battle, and his wife and family go with him! This is a GREAT HONOR, but with every great honor, comes great sacrifice and suffering.

Our enemy, Satan is not going to sit back and let our husbands and our families make an impact in his kingdom without a fight! He is going to oppose and resist every moment of every day!

What on earth does that mean? That because he is a "godly" man he has more urges to beat her/masterbate/watch porn/yell at the kids.... I dont understand! She's clearly referring to a problem that she feels is present in her marriage but what on earth is it?

most Christians cannot begin to comprehend the intense spiritual, emotional and sometimes physical stress that our husbands endure because of the constant onslaught of the enemy! Add to that the intense financial pressures that most Missionaries and some Pastors experience year after year! All of this can cause seasons when they may struggle with deep depression, despair and disillusionment, which can make the battle harder for their wives and children to endure.

I'm gonna go with the fact that he has a zillion kids and no JOB or real way to support him he suffers from the same financial pressure and doubt as just about every other unemployed family man in the county. What a cocky thing to say!

Why? Why does he put so much effort in opposing our leaders? Why does he want them to fall into sin, and their wives and children to fall into rebellion? Because if his family is not in biblical subjection and order, he is no longer qualified to be a leader!

And though every Christian man is Satan’s target, THE MAN IN LEADERSHIP IS HIS BULLS EYE!!! If he falls MANY, MANY WILL FALL WITH HIM!!! This is our enemies ULTIMATE GOAL!

Better watch your ass dougie... satans coming for your anaconda...

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Basically, any challenges or any interpersonal conflicts, or family arguments, one encounters can be interpreted as a Satanic "attack" meant to derail you from your holy mission. I don't think it necessarily means any particular sexual or even marital problems, just that if the husband is experiencing challenges in his professional life, he'll be stressed and they'll be stressed too supporting him, or she may even interpret inconveniences or challenges that happen to her and the children to be Satanic attacks directed at them because her husband is a leader. Unless there is more in her blog that indicates what you suggest :)

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She has a few lines here and there about holding her tongue because its hard to yell/speak harshly to someone who isnt fighting back etc. I just cant get over the arrogance! She's writing to "encourage" other women in their marriages while saying that her life is SOOOO much more difficult because she's married to a man that chooses to not work and try and "save" people in cuba... It just reeks of "I'm better than you, my husband is better than yours" but listen to everything I say because my way is the only way... we've heard it before!

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To me it sounds like a rebuttle to a post made here on FJ about how Christian marriages are not always perfect. As if any marriage could be as awful as being perfect. I may be wrong and way off mark but it sounds very P/A saying of course our marriage isn't perfect but it is because we are so Godly and Satan wants to attack us because we are so Godly.

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if there is a devil he loves such people like she says. not because they are so godly but because they delude themselves so much about their importance. they are easy to lead by the nose and they hurt while thinking they help.

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Better watch your ass dougie... satans coming for your anaconda...

I'd like to think that even Satan can do better than Dougie P.

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To me it sounds like she is blaming Satan for her husbands failings. It's not him, IT'S SATAN.

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Ugh, have to take (sort of) her side. As the wife of a pk, (pastor's kid...no-fundamental, though) I saw how being a pastor had its effects on my FIL and MIL's marriage. As a counselor, my FIL saw some of the darker sides of human nature. I would see firsthand how this would effect his demeanor, which would, in turn, effect his marriage, I'm sure. There were times on our holiday visits, when I'd go out on pastoral calls, and come home just...weary. I'm sure this touched his marriage. My MIL would NEVER EVER have blogged a complaint about it though!!! Suck it up, cupcake.

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Oh, wait, she's not talking about being a PW, (pastor's wife) is she? Never mind, I take it back. I have no sympathy. Wish I knew how to delete posts. Sorry for wasting your time.

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I think many fundies like feeling as though they are victims. It gives you something to fight against. If the usual suspects (gays, Commies, people of slightly duskier skin color) aren't available, Satan's the ur-enemy, really.

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It means her husband is an ass, but as he has brainwashed convinced her he is a visionary, holy, a warrior for 'god', his fuckwittery is just an attack from 'satan' and can be excused as such.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

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It means her husband is an ass, but as he has brainwashed convinced her he is a visionary, holy, a warrior for 'god', his fuckwittery is just an attack from 'satan' and can be excused as such.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

That, or he is looking around at all the problems in their lives and wondering if his vision is true and having doubts and that is affecting their marriage and she's still justifying it all. I don't know enough about this couple to say which.

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It's just an convenient cop-out. Instead of saying "wow, my husband is behaving like an ass, maybe I need to talk to him and see what's going on and see if there are ways to mitigate his stress" or whatever (you know, like normal people would do), you just blame it on Satan. That way you don't have to have hard conversations or admit that you have negative feelings or that your life isn't perfect.

I used to be told that all the time. Depressed? It's satan working against you. Having a rough time becuase your family is going through a rough patch? Satan again, becuase it's almost Easter. Drama/power struggles in church? Satan again. The AC went out on the hottest day of the year? Damn, that Satan for messing with it (never mind that it was 20+ years old and woefully inadequate to begin with). And on and on. I guess I was lucky, though - we blamed Satan for stuff, but didn't get crazy with the exorcisims. We were just supposed to pray more. So, I guess it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

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Be sure to read her "segment" on child training - specifically the "quiet game" and practicing to go to the supermarket! But really, I just dont understand. Why cant she just say something like "we have our challenges like everyone else and have to work on our marriage?" Why does it have to be all uber dramatic and shit...

I envision her day as such:

Today cocky husband came home and didnt want to eat the tea and crumpets I laid out for his snack. He yelled "I hate your fucking doilies you fruit cake! Get me a fucking beer!" I stood in the corner wearing my weird pink frilly dress and fingered my lace cuffs, smiling. "But honey, thats Satan talking! You love crumpets!" The kids were still playing the quiet game in the corner so they were not permitted to come to my rescue. I stood there and smiled sweetly, avoiding his gaze like a good submissive dog. After 5 minutes of silence and smiling hubby stormed off and got his own beer. Whew, another victory against satan!

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