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Thankful Homemaker sidewalk counsels at "abortuaries"?


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I never heard of abortuaries, but Thankful Homemaker, mother of Amber (homemaker by choice), calls them that in title. Apparently some anti-choicers now refuse to call them health clinics, using the term abortion mills instead. :roll:


My hope is to share with these women that they do have a choice and abortion (or murdering your baby) is not one of them. I was never verbally told by anyone that I had an option. There was no one ministering outside the abortion mill I went to and the workers inside didn't tell me that keeping my baby or adoption was a possible choice. What I love most of Christian sidewalk counselors is that we aren't just there to tell them there is an option but we are able to share with them the life saving truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Babies are being sacrificed everyday and I was surprised by how few Christians are taking the time to reach out at these killing places. It is spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18) and many of these women will not have any remorse for what they are doing but God's Word can reach the heart of any sinner to come to repentance and brokenness. It may be after they come out and have already had the abortion that their heart will be open to receive the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They need to know there is forgiveness and grace offered only through the blood of Christ.
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The amount of BS I call on this is indescribable. NOBODY suggested an alternative to abortion? She "didn't know" that she had an option other than abortion? Don't insult us, lady.

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The amount of BS I call on this is indescribable. NOBODY suggested an alternative to abortion? She "didn't know" that she had an option other than abortion? Don't insult us, lady.

This...How can any woman of even moderate intelligence and worldly exposure not know that there is an alternative to abortion? How did she imagine all those people around her got there? Really, really she had never heard of adoption? Now, if she'd gone to a decent public school with a good sex education program (of the type despised by fundies) she'd have known this. She might even had learned how to prevent an unwanted pregnancy thus completely alleviating the need for an abortion.

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Did she expect them to try and talk her out of it? Honey, generally calling and scheduling an abortion leads to ... an abortion.

My hope is to share with these women that they do have a choice and abortion (or murdering your baby) is not one of them.

It was a choice when you had one, but now that you don't need it you want to take the choice from everyone else? All I need to know. You can kindly go fuck off.

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Color me confused but wouldn't you be way more likely to know about adoption and not realize that abortion is an option?

Even in the most backwater places I lived there was always someone raising children they hadn't given birth to and everyone knew it but there was never anyone walking around talking non-stop about their abortions.

Once again it is nice to see a fundie telling nothing but the truth to share their message.

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"I thought that when a pregnancy test was positive, you needed a procedure called an 'aborshiun' or else a watermelon plant would grow from seeds you accidentally swallowed and burst all your insides. I had no idea that if I simply did not have such a procedure, a baby would eventually emerge from my birth canal, and it would be the most beautiful and healthy baby ever, and everyone who told me they weren't going to help me with my 'watermelon' were just being silly and didn't mean it."

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...or in the case of david and piscilla, a "wallermelon", which is how my greatgrandmother said watermelon!

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Guest Anonymous
The amount of BS I call on this is indescribable. NOBODY suggested an alternative to abortion? She "didn't know" that she had an option other than abortion? Don't insult us, lady.

She clarifies this, much earlier in the article than the parts quoted in the OP:

You see, when I was 18 I had an abortion. I was unmarried, living with relatives and thought this was the only choice I had at this time in my life. I don't even remember thinking much about it but just assumed this was what I needed to do at this time in my life. I had already been leading a rebellious life and was not living at home so I couldn't even imagine sharing this with the family I was living with and just took matters into my own hands.

What she doesn't clarify is exactly what sort of options she now offers to her 'mission' victims, other than a belief in Jesus. What is is she could offer in practical terms to a frightened 18 year-old who didn't want to tell her family she was pregnant? Adoption wouldn't solve the problem of potential shunning and abandonment of a young woman during pregnancy. She doesn't seem to be offering resources, accommodation, or ongoing support, via her ministry. Just Jesus. In finding Jesus, she seems to have totally lost her capacity to remember her own past and empathise with other women in her situation.

She also seems to be pitifully unaware of the different approaches to counselling, taken by the authors of the linked articles. In her own view, abortion is murder, but is entirely forgivable, and indeed for her, left behind,

... memories that used to be difficult but not anymore because of the work of Jesus Christ in my life.

Sanctuary Ministries, to which she links, takes a dimmer view of women who have already had an abortion:


At least half (maybe more) of the mothers and fathers you will meet at the abortuary have already murdered at least one infant. It's important that you have a good biblical understanding of genuine repentance. Because of Proverbs 28:17 we don't recommend post-abortion ministries or retreats.

Proverbs 28: 17 says: "Anyone tormented by the guilt of murder will seek refuge in the grave; let no one hold them back."


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Babies are being sacrificed everyday and I was surprised by how few Christians are taking the time to reach out at these killing places. It is spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18) and many of these women will not have any remorse for what they are doing but God's Word can reach the heart of any sinner to come to repentance and brokenness. It may be after they come out and have already had the abortion that their heart will be open to receive the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They need to know there is forgiveness and grace offered only through the blood of Christ.

But we only care about the unborn babies that are being sacrificed. Can't spare a thought for the actual living, breathing babies who are sacrificed every day by abuse, murdered by guns or other violent acts, starved to death, etc.

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All I managed to read was: NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY! Nobody offered her another option, talked her out of it.

The fundie way of life is a frikkin' game of pass the parcel. It always lands in someone else's lap. Happy? Thank you God. Unhappy? Shame on you, non-God lovers. Obviously, the idea of sin is just a temporary platform in the game. Ultimately, they always find someone else to blame for their sin when they've rejoined the Lord's almighty righteous path.

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She clarifies this, much earlier in the article than the parts quoted in the OP:

What she doesn't clarify is exactly what sort of options she now offers to her 'mission' victims, other than a belief in Jesus. What is is she could offer in practical terms to a frightened 18 year-old who didn't want to tell her family she was pregnant? Adoption wouldn't solve the problem of potential shunning and abandonment of a young woman during pregnancy. She doesn't seem to be offering resources, accommodation, or ongoing support, via her ministry. Just Jesus. In finding Jesus, she seems to have totally lost her capacity to remember her own past and empathise with other women in her situation.

She also seems to be pitifully unaware of the different approaches to counselling, taken by the authors of the linked articles. In her own view, abortion is murder, but is entirely forgivable, and indeed for her, left behind,

Sanctuary Ministries, to which she links, takes a dimmer view of women who have already had an abortion:

Proverbs 28: 17 says: "Anyone tormented by the guilt of murder will seek refuge in the grave; let no one hold them back."


Wait a minute. Are they basically saying don't try to stop someone from suicide because they totally deserve it? How very loving and Christian of them. :angry-banghead:

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I had an abortion 16 years ago. They made absolutely certain that's what I wanted and that I knew there were other options and that I wasn't being pressured into an abortion by someone else. AT any time up to the actual procedure, I could have said "No, I don't want this" and gotten help with another option.

Fact of the matter is, lying for Jesus is still lying. She wanted an abortion, she got one and now she has to save face with her new friends by saying it's not her fault, the evil abortionists made her do it!

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So glad someone posted this - I don't believe I am able to post new topics yet.

Did no one notice the part where she said she is trying to conceive? "Dougie" had his vasectomy reversed and even though they are grandparents two times over and she only has half an ovary, she hopes to add another blessing to their emptying nest. Seeing Amber's blog and her ridiculous Miss-Raquel-rivaling level of immaturity, you would assume Marci would have better things to do than stand outside "abortion mills" with a disgusting sign judging people she doesn't know. She really should act like more of a Proverbs Woman and head over to Ambers STAT. If that girl gets pregnant again, she just might snap. She has appeared unstable for quite some time now and with 2 under 2 she seems beyond overwhelmed. On top of that, she has her husbands whiny horrible voice to deal with so its very probable we will witness a totally unravelling via her blog at some point.

These people are total asshats - hypocritical, judgemental, arrogant and vain asshats.

Edited for riffles

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I don't know about the US, but certainly in the UK, all abortion clinics will give counselling and make sure it is the right thing for the woman in question and that it is her choice. They are happy to provide information on other options. I would be very surprised if Planned Parenthood or other US abortion clinics (I know abortion isn't all Planned Parenthood do) didn't do the same.

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