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Kelly's house was hit again

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Just curious what God is trying to tell her this time?!

Of course, she is so special that already her church is helping them rebuild.


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I am going to be brutally honest here. Kelly and her family live fairly close to me. Her home was destroyed in the April 2011 tornadoes and then the following January one hit my immediate area. It was awful. Kelly never spoke a word about it. Even now she's not talking about others that were affected by the storm-only herself. I am so glad that her family is safe-truly I am, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for her when it's so clear that she doesn't give a damn about anyone other than herself.

She also tried to set up a "shop" to sell her children excess donations they received back in 2011. Apparently it never occurred to her to pass them on to other tornado victims that might need them. Nope, instead she was trying to make money off of what was GIVEN to her family. Essentially trying to sell to her children what had been donated for their use. I was livid.

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She also tried to set up a "shop" to sell her children excess donations they received back in 2011. Apparently it never occurred to her to pass them on to other tornado victims that might need them. Nope, instead she was trying to make money off of what was GIVEN to her family. Essentially trying to sell to her children what had been donated for their use. I was livid.

Really?! WOW I don't remember hearing that before. She really is a speshul snowflake

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I am going to be brutally honest here. Kelly and her family live fairly close to me. Her home was destroyed in the April 2011 tornadoes and then the following January one hit my immediate area. It was awful. Kelly never spoke a word about it. Even now she's not talking about others that were affected by the storm-only herself. I am so glad that her family is safe-truly I am, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for her when it's so clear that she doesn't give a damn about anyone other than herself.

She also tried to set up a "shop" to sell her children excess donations they received back in 2011. Apparently it never occurred to her to pass them on to other tornado victims that might need them. Nope, instead she was trying to make money off of what was GIVEN to her family. Essentially trying to sell to her children what had been donated for their use. I was livid.

That is fucked up.

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I am going to be brutally honest here. Kelly and her family live fairly close to me. Her home was destroyed in the April 2011 tornadoes and then the following January one hit my immediate area. It was awful. Kelly never spoke a word about it. Even now she's not talking about others that were affected by the storm-only herself. I am so glad that her family is safe-truly I am, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for her when it's so clear that she doesn't give a damn about anyone other than herself.

When I read her testimonial about how the Apr. 27, 2011 torndoes blessed her by enabling her to get out of debt (on Dave Ramsay's site) it really made my blood boil. So glad you were blessed that day, Kelly. Unfortunately, 13 people died up the road from me, and 250+ died statewide. But as long as you're out debt, right?

That said, I'm glad they are okay again. And I know what she means about the trees. After the rubble is cleared away and things are repaired and rebuilt (or not), the trees still look horrific and they remind you every day....


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I may be confused, but wasn't there another fundie family in that storm that lost their husband? I do remember Kelly only ever talked about her family and her house being destroyed, ignoring all the others in similar and even worse predicaments. I don't think I could do that, but then again I care about other people.

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I may be confused, but wasn't there another fundie family in that storm that lost their husband? I do remember Kelly only ever talked about her family and her house being destroyed, ignoring all the others in similar and even worse predicaments. I don't think I could do that, but then again I care about other people.

Yes, Tom Lee was killed and 3 of his children were seriously injured.

Their family has recovered surprisingly well, thanks to donations from friends and the efforts of the oldest son especially. They also have homesteading skills and a capacity for working collectively that Kelly could only dream about.

They keep a blog (barnhousenews.blogspot.com), but don't update much because they're too busy, you know, actually working. As you can imagine, there are no entries about being grateful to the tornado for teaching them valuable lessons :roll:

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Kelly says, in the Dave Ramsey link, re: the tornado:

I had prayed for a tree to fall on the mobile home, but God does things really big.

The tornado was not just a blessing, it was an answer to her prayers! Isn't God awesome for always giving us more than we ask for?

Has she no self-awareness whatsoever? I'm sure she doesn't MEAN that it was okay that people died because she wanted a tree to fall on her mobile home, but that really sounds awful.

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I'm glad her family wasn't injured, but I totally hope that she's secretly wondering if God is punishing her for being so self-centered and prideful and for not feeding her kids. I hope it keeps her up at night, even if she'll never admit to it.

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Kelly says, in the Dave Ramsey link, re: the tornado:

The tornado was not just a blessing, it was an answer to her prayers! Isn't God awesome for always giving us more than we ask for?

Has she no self-awareness whatsoever? I'm sure she doesn't MEAN that it was okay that people died because she wanted a tree to fall on her mobile home, but that really sounds awful.

I really don't think Kelly cares what happens to anyone else as long as she gets hers.

Also, why is it when a storm hits New Orleans and kills (black, poor) people, it's god's judgment against the wicked, but when a storm hits Kelly's house repeatedly, it's because God loves her extra much?

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I'm not one to ascribe house/property damage to a divine purpose. However, Kelly and her ilk are quick to see God's hand in every life event. So why does she never see this house damage as punishment for her hubris, selfishness and general stupidity?

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I'm not one to ascribe house/property damage to a divine purpose. However, Kelly and her ilk are quick to see God's hand in every life event. So why does she never see this house damage as punishment for her hubris, selfishness and general stupidity?

Probably for the same reason that whenever she criticizes people, it's because of the passion of her convictions, prophetic boldness, and Biblical mandate, and whenever other people criticize her, it's because of their willful ignorance, arrogance, and spite.

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I was raised Fundie/Pentecostal. Dad was a pastor. And I still don't get this mindset, although I do have a theory about some of them. I think for some, they buy the whole line and truly do find it a blessing, even though I don't frigging get it. And then there's the ones who I think are just in this 'lifestyle' because it affords them the opportunity to hide their shysterism (probably not a word but oh well) and shittery under a blanket of xianity/faith - they think it lends an air of credibility to their fuckery and no one sees through it.

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I really don't think Kelly cares what happens to anyone else as long as she gets hers.

Kelly Crawford in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.

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Kelly Crawford is a sick woman. If she can call the tornado that blew her house to nothing and killed one of their friends (along with others) god's own special plan to get her out of debt, she's in dire need of professional help. There is nothing godly or christ like about this kind of thinking.

It's said that lightening doesn't strike twice, maybe this is a message from some god...?

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Weird the wicked witch of fundie has been through two tornados and a house hasn't landed on her yet. Where's Dorothy when you need her?

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Those poor, traumatized children...probably still recovering from the last tornado. Considering they don't get enough food, they will most likely never receive any professional help... I wonder how they work through such a traumatic event.

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Kelly Crawford is a sick woman. If she can call the tornado that blew her house to nothing and killed one of their friends (along with others) god's own special plan to get her out of debt, she's in dire need of professional help. There is nothing godly or christ like about this kind of thinking.

It's said that lightening doesn't strike twice, maybe this is a message from some god...?

I agree with you. That kind of thinking can't be the product of a healthy mind. When she is not playing prophet (manic episodes?), she is playing martyre (low, depressive episodes?).

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Here's the full bit about the store, btw:

I have a plan…

As I wait in our temporary home and plan how to keep our lives simple now that we are starting with a fresh slate, I have a plan. Perhaps it will inspire you to do something similar.

I’ve heard suggestions of the large family clothing dilemma go something like: “Save each child a play outfit, a couple of dress outfits and a few things in between, and get rid of the restâ€. Sounds good at first, but I can’t do it. What happens when those few things get stained or torn? What happens when they grow out of them? Back to the store to BUY new ones when we just gave away perfectly good clothes.

So…I’m planning the “Crawford Thrift Storeâ€. We have an extra room in our basement. Once our home is rebuilt, I plan to outfit this room with clothing racks, shelves and places for shoes. I will THEN give each child only a few outfits and shoes to keep up with. I will put any surplus in the “storeâ€, keeping it locked and only accessing it as needed. Anticipating the same “disposable mindset†I mentioned in the last post from knowing there is an abundance of clothes behind the door, it has crossed my mind to require a child to buy new shoes or clothing from our “store†if he lost them due to carelessness. To me, this is the best of both worlds. Rooms with lower maintenance, good stewardship of what is given, and the chance to teach our children the value of money.

This concept could be applied to most items that seem to multiply in your home.

Unsure whether or not the clothes she is talking about are from donations, but it seems like they must be. Hmmm.

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Those poor, traumatized children...probably still recovering from the last tornado. Considering they don't get enough food, they will most likely never receive any professional help... I wonder how they work through such a traumatic event.

Help? They don't need no stinkin' help. They gots God on their side! If they are afraid, they just aren't trusting God enough.

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I remember the postings from Kelly during the storm back in the spring of 2011. I know many FJers felt bad for her because her son was only a month old at time. I also felt bad for Kelly and I recall a few FJers donated money to her. She really pissed people off when she said something about how didn't smell like homeless people and she later trashed FEMA.

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