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Rob Bell for marriage equality


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Being out of this type of fundie-lite community for some time now, I'm not sure what influence this will have on other evangelicals, if any, but it is surprising and heartening to say the least. Between CPAC and this, I really cannot see ANY (truly) mainstream political or religious discourse including the virtiolic homophobia in 10 years or so. I hope I'm right...


(not breaking b/c HuffPo)

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Rob Bell is a very liberal preacher. I wouldn't put him in any kind of evangelical/fundie circle to begin with.

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Calvinists have been unhappy with him since he came up with an alternative view of hell


The writer's reasons for disliking Bell makes me like Rob Bell

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Well I believe he is a self-proclaimed evangelical ("Bell urges people to embrace a difference sense of the term, 'Evangelical.' 'The beautiful thing would be if ‘Evangelical’ came to mean buoyant, joyful, honest announcement about all of us receiving the grace of God and then together giving back to the make the world the kind of place God always dreamed it could be,' Bell said. 'Let’s reclaim it, all of us.'" - http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/ ... e-sex.html). I wouldn't put him in a fundie classification at all, but he definitely has had some influence in certain fundie-lite circles. I am just wondering if this will turn those types of people off to him or lead some less fundie, more lite evangelicals to be more open re: homosexuality/marriage equality (obviously he has already lost lots of followers/pissed people off - I refer to those who have made some leaps with him already)

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