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Kelly and Penelope Trunk???!


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So, did you all see Kelly referencing Penelope Trunk in her latest blog piece. I don't know if she's trying to expand her audience or what. I can't imagine two blogs with more disparate worldviews, though!

Also, is it just me or is the way Kelly's blog set up a little bit deceptive? She's basically taken the opening of Penelope Trunk's blog and pasted it on there like it's her own writing. You only realize what it is if you click on the link at the bottom.

Edited to add citation: generationcedar.com/main/2013/03/how-to-try-to-convince-a-parent-to-try-homeschooling.html

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So, did you all see Kelly referencing Penelope Trunk in her latest blog piece. I don't know if she's trying to expand her audience or what. I can't imagine two blogs with more disparate worldviews, though!

Also, is it just me or is the way Kelly's blog set up a little bit deceptive? She's basically taken the opening of Penelope Trunk's blog and pasted it on there like it's her own writing. You only realize what it is if you click on the link at the bottom.

Edited to add citation: generationcedar.com/main/2013/03/how-to-try-to-convince-a-parent-to-try-homeschooling.html

On the surface Kelly and Penelope may seem not to have much in common other than homeschooling. Kelly, as we know, is a fundie Christian. Penelope was raised Jewish and seems to be quite secular.

But as someone who is quite familiar with both women, I see a lot of similarities between the two. Both give questionable advice. Both are hugely narcissistic who can't always handle dissenting thoughts. Both think of themselves as experts. Both have their leghumper followings. And both are huge self-promoters.

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it’s pretty easy to see that bad homeschooling is better than going to school


Hayley Ferguson says:

March 15, 2013 at 4:55 am

Jennifer you’re right the school system was designed from the outset to make nice obedient employees in an industrialised society as well as indoctrinate children against Christianity; mainly. The ones that do well in school make excellent employees for the main but they do best when someone else is making all the hard decisions and they just follow. If you want your children to be more self directed (or to borrow that buzz word entrepreneurial) then school prepares fairly poorly for that. The main problem for Christians though is that it is contrary to what the Word tells parents to do when we send our children to an environment to be taught in a system obviously hostile to Christianity. If you by law cannot (in the US anyway) pray then there is a BIG problem, end of argument. How do you “pray without ceasing� You have to ignore this illegal law and obey God and not man in this instance; just like Chinese Christians who in all good conscience attend the “state church.†Just my .2c and of course I may be incorrect this is just the way I see it or you may not care what the Bible has to say.


Word Warrior says:

March 15, 2013 at 11:15 am

Well said, Hayley. It’s hard for us to even get our heads outside the box when it comes to what adult life should look like. Decades of this stuff has us believing that we are *supposed* to operate like assembly-line robots, believing and doing what we’re told, regardless of its wisdom. Thus the state of our country.

oh god the cognitive dissonance, it burns

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On the surface Kelly and Penelope may seem not to have much in common other than homeschooling. Kelly, as we know, is a fundie Christian. Penelope was raised Jewish and seems to be quite secular.

But as someone who is quite familiar with both women, I see a lot of similarities between the two. Both give questionable advice. Both are hugely narcissistic who can't always handle dissenting thoughts. Both think of themselves as experts. Both have their leghumper followings. And both are huge self-promoters.

Interesting point, and I think it makes a lot of sense. I'm somewhat less familiar with Penelope Trunk than Kelly. I've read Penelope's blog occasionally, but something about Kelly's brings out the morbid fascination factor for me. I think it's because she and Jennie Chancey both remind me of the sorts of folks that went to my parents' fundie church growing up.

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Hayley Ferguson says: March 15, 2013 at 4:55 am Jennifer you’re right the school system was designed from the outset to make nice obedient employees in an industrialised society as well as indoctrinate children against Christianity; mainly. The ones that do well in school make excellent employees for the main but they do best when someone else is making all the hard decisions and they just follow.
These folks call themselves headless (not headship-less) when they don't have an authority figure, such as a father or husband, to follow. Why would you call yourself headless, unless you are used to discredit your own head? These women are experts at learned incompetence and helplessness. I don't believe for a second that they make their own (hard) decisions in life.
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What I don't understand is ( and refuse to argue with them) is their fear and paranoia. I teach first grade and there are days where I think, I am going to homeschool my own child. There are lots of issues in public schools but most of them are direct results of what society asks us to do. There are lots of things we do right too. I want to ask them; what do they think I do all day? I know for sure I am not pushing any agenda....I teach reading, writing, manners, good behavior, math, social studies, and the list goes on. Do you think their fear of an agenda is a cover?

Not sure where I am going with this but I dont get the EVERY CHRISTIAN MUST HOMESCHOOL. Any thoughts? Do you think Kelly being more "educated" than some of the others does a good job?

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I became familiar with Trunk when a blogger I used to respect referenced her several times at her blog. I decided to check out Trunk's blog, and though she does have some good advice, I found a lot of her advice rather unsettling. She's more about branding oneself and blatant self-promotion than building skills, talents, building consensus, bringing decency to the workplace, etc. Furthermore, she's the queen of TMI and has enough issues to fill a magazine rack. Her leg humpers seem to be mostly privileged millennials who think they are special snowflakes and fancy themselves as experts and entrepreneurs.

Penelope reminds me so much of a lot of the fundie bloggers we discuss here.

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  • 4 years later...

Ok, cool, don't make this post a zombie post. I know it's old but please bear with me.  The lady commenting on the Generation Cedar posts is my mum, Hayley Ferguson.  I was being raised exactly like the Duggar girls. I left home at 16 with my boyfriend (who I am still with). I am in university now (dropping out because I don't enjoy business, wish I had chosen nutrition instead). My parents want to go back to homeschooling the kids and raising them in a Duggar like way. The reason they are in school at the moment is that my boyfriend told CPS on them. I am almost 19 and I am happy with life. 

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