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The Duggar's are back but about the Bates


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I read one time the Bates were getting there own show yet even through the Duggar's season has kicked back in we haven't seen anything about the Bates show.Did it get canceled that fast or did it never get a season to begin with?Not that the Bates interest me I would no more want to watch them then the Dugger's just curious as to what happened to there show?

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The Bates had a show last year but it lasted only eight episodes. Don't think they are coming back.

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I agree, megafamilies are getting old. A lot of people were severely outraged at the Duggars for attempting more kids after Josie was born with so many problems. Then the Bates had a miscarriage on TV during their run. I don't think people are buying into the irresponsibility anymore. Michelle was close to death giving birth to Josie. Had Michelle died delivering, the Jslaves would garunteed be stuck at home for at least another ten years.

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