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Duggars Do Dr. Oz


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Today (March 12), the Duggars tape a Dr. Oz show appearance, according to Smuggar's Instagram. Episode airs on Thursday, March 14, in most U.S. markets. Also on the episode docket that day is this topic: 'Could horse meat make it into your food, without your knowing it?'


Duggars and horse meat.


And, I can't help but wonder if Dr. Oz will do a nutritional analysis of Tater Tot Casserole.


Or perhaps he'll teach J-chelle and the J-slaves how to look for horse meat on the food labels in the garage pantry.

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I'm in Canada and they're doing the Sleep episode :(

Anyone care to either let me know where I can find the horsemeat episode or give me the play by play?

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I wonder if he'll tell J'Chelle that she's abused her body and she shouldn't even think about getting pregnant again.

I was just about to say the same thing.

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Can't wait to see what a real dr. has to say to them. Dr. Oz doesn't sugarcoat anything either. The list of possible topics is endless.

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The Dr. Oz show will probably be a fluff piece and Dr. Oz will likely be barred from talking about certain subjects. I think the increase in promotion for 19kac has increased because last season's ratings got below 1 million viewers a few times.

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Looking forward to this! I can't imagine him not saying that J'chelle has had far too many children and she shouldn't even think about getting preggo ever again, even if she hasn't hit menopause.

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Not to say I want to try it but I'd eat horse meat before I ever eat tater tot casserole or Jim Bob's BBQ.

Word. Most horses live a nice cushy life, and I know a few elders who proudly claim they grew up on horsemeat esp. during wartime.

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To find the episode in my local area, I googled "Dr. Oz Duggars." This thread came up higher in the search than the Dr. Oz website. Whoo-hoo!

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Looking forward to this! I can't imagine him not saying that J'chelle has had far too many children and she shouldn't even think about getting preggo ever again, even if she hasn't hit menopause.


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So what is DR. Oz like? I'll be really happy if someone tells me he's a no-nonsense type who likes to call out stupidity.

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So what is DR. Oz like? I'll be really happy if someone tells me he's a no-nonsense type who likes to call out stupidity.

God no.

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So what is DR. Oz like? I'll be really happy if someone tells me he's a no-nonsense type who likes to call out stupidity.

Soon-to-be medical professional here. Dr. Oz has a TERRIBLE reputation among physicians/my professors. He's a total sellout. He's the butt of a lot of mockery and snark here. Although he does possess the requisite scientific knowledge, he is perfectly willing to pretend it doesn't exist when lucrative opportunities come up. As such, much of what he promotes is pseudoscience because he is being paid by companies to do so, even though he knows it's wrong.

In other words, there is no way Dr. Oz would make the Duggars look bad ever. MAYBE he might criticize their diet and put them on a diet plan. MAYBE he'll talk with Anna about eating right for her baby. MAYBE he'll talk about Josh and Dim Bulb's competition in order to "inspire" others. If anything he'll use the Duggars as an example of healthy eating on a budget. The kind of guy he is, the kind of guy who is willing to compromise his values to make money / please people - is not the kind of guy who would EVER say a negative thing about the Duggars OR throw them under a bus.

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I was just about to say the same thing.

A heaping pan of TTC says Dr. Oz was required to agree to "acceptable interview topics" before talking with the Duggars.

I would LOVE to know what was said the minute the cameras were shut off. If he was going to confront J-Chelle, that would be the time to do so.

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(We had another thread that morphed into a discussion of Dr. Oz recently).

Dr. Oz has become nothing but an advertiser, while using his MD to appear legitimate and respectable.

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Dr Oz is an offshoot of Oprah. Her previous interview with the Duggars never aired and I still wonder if it will show up as a publicity blitz for her failing network one of these days.

Dr. Oz's show is an hour of bullshit. Everything comes down to how often you shit. I cant even stand listening to his voice for the 3 minutes before the noon news comes on here. Eat more tumeric! Have some cinnamon!

I think he'll probably tell the Duggars to eat less sodium and come up with some "quick and easy" meals to feed a large family. I think he'll go on and on about fiber... the toilet jokes will be great. He'll probably whip out the "fake fat" and get on Josh, Boob, and JD about the extra weight they're carrying cuz thats his thing.

I cant watch it. I can handle the Duggars for snark value but Oz is just too annoying.

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Make their own detergent????????

I thought this was debunked???

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Nice helpmeet stare Michelle! I like how she was the one to say the "I'm sorry, forgive me" line. Very Lori-esqe!

Asking the Duggars on how they stay healthy? Really? Garden? What garden?

At least they gave Grandma a shout-out. Although if Dz Oz said "bless you" one more time I would have turned it into a drinking game.

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Ok, I broke my rule and had to watch it. SO MUCH WIN! I just couldnt resist the duggars and Dr. Oz. Shockingly, no one talked about shit.

Mozzy (oz) opened up the segment by calling the Duggars "America's Biggest Family" and maybe the most "popular family." Um... no.

Theres a shot of one of the howlers eating cheerios off the floor. They go through "21 suitcases" which is interesting because we know 2 of them were packed full of snacks. Michelle says asia was amazing because she could see "the difference in culture." Really, Michelle? Was that at the dollar store or the hotel?

Fast forward to NY. The brood marches through times square and stops in front of the electronic american flag and SINGS... BADLY! People stare and clap, looking around :drool: LOTS of people recorded it, how the fuck is this not on youtube???

Anna appears to be wearing Uggs.

Of note - starbucks in vicinity.

They go in to a grocery store and pretend to look at calorie counts. Michelle signs a credit card machine. Since we know they dont "use credit" because its ebil, I'm guessing this little excursion was on Mozzy.

Then they ride bikes through central park, as shown by smuggles' instagram. We knew there was no way he actually did that on his own! It appears that NONE of the J'slaves or Anna got to ride, they're all escorting the littles.

Back to the studio:

Oz reads off all their names and they walk in. Josie and Jordyn jump on the couch and then take their place. He begins by saying "teach me how to discipline!!!" Boob has a WTF body language moment and sits down.

Mandatory discussion about names.

Michelle banters about her 40 extra pounds from the pregnancies and plugs WW. Spokesman? She's plugging that a bit too much.

Boob talks about date night, michelle smiles sweetly. Josie wanders off to play with mac then off to a sister mom. She doesnt go anywhere near Michelle. Anna pulls Mac up and clearly tells her to shut the fuck up. Camera goes tight on boob who says that the two important things to know about marriage conflicts are.... he pauses and grins at Michelle she says "I was wrong and will you forgive me." They blather about being humble.

Camera goes wide and Josie and mac are back on their spots. Josie takes her shoes off and eats her toes.

Josiah - Funniest

Jennifer - Drama Queen

Hannie - Pickiest eater

Jackson - Trouble maker

Crowd claps, Josie covers her ears and mozzy kisses her on the top of the head.

After the break - all kids in place. Boob claims they buy food in bulk and make their own bread to save money. They spend 3k/month on food but thats "no big deal" because of their debt free lifestyle... insert Sammons plug. We "purpose to get out of debt..." Michelle stares adoringly. Josie eats an apple.

Michelle says that grandma does 11 loads of laundry a day. Jinger is her sidekick. Grandma loves mozzy and is always quoting him. I guess they hide the teevee in her room.

They make their own detergent for $3. Jinger demonstrates while Michelle prods her (like she's ever fucking done it herself). Jinger is wearing a star of david.

Jill shows us how to make baby wipes. Her "favorite way to stay healthy" is to make wet wipes. Mozzy talks about hemmoroids and josh snickers. The audience goes nuts. Josie claps wildly.

Jason claims they make pickles from cucumbers grown "from their garden." WHAT GARDEN??? I call bullshit! He knows Mozzy doesnt like salt. Hmmm.... no teevee?? Joy stands off to the side and looks pretty much over it. Boob doesnt like pcikles.

JD talks about an app to keep them all organized. They show a screen shot of his "to do" list. It includes:

Oil work out machine with ramblings from Michelle

Fix Phone system

Change oil in vehicles

Clean shop

Basketball court lights

Checks on cows!

COWS??? WHAT FUCKING COWS? Also, Geeze... He's working pretty hard, there!

Josiah and Jessa show how to flavor popcorn with coconut oil and brewers yeast. Whatever. Mozzy says "your grandma has taught you all well."

Hannie covers her ears. Josie, Michael, and 2 other kids are missing from the shot.

Michelle's "top tip" to stay healthy for less is a diffuser with peppermint oil. I call bullshit.

The kids go around with ONE WORD about the best things about a big family.

Jana - Full of Laughter

JD - Lots of good food


Anna - Close knit

Josiah - Loud

Jedediah - Never a dull moment

Jeremiah - lively

Jason - Chaotic

James - Adventurous

Justin - Exciting

Jackson - Fun

Johannah - Love

Joy - Entertaining (joy seems to have lost her price is right nametag)

jinger - Musical

Jessa - Never Boring

JIll - Lots of best friends

Michelle - Patience. Josie jumps into boobs lap

Boob - Closeness based on our faith in god.

End scene

I have to say, that was probably the most revealing look into the fucking mess that family is. They had a full half hour to confuse the fuck out of the audience and I think they did.


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