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Lias family put on "media fast" for rest of month


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A few weeks ago Kim C's teen daughters launch their own blog, titled One Fat, One Short, One Lean, full of snark and almost total devoid of fundy platitudes (and featuring one daughter's blue-colored hair).

Mom has no announced that the family is going on a "media fast" for the rest of March-- no movies, no Internet, no Ipods, possibly no music except for hymns and your own performances, and possibly NO FICTION reading.

I have no doubt that she is slapping down her daughters for stepping off the fundy straight-and-narrow (and slapping down her married daughter Deanna in absentia, as she turns fundy lite before our eyes).

I am also for taking a tech vacation now and then--but taking a break from reading??

What kind of f**ked up homeskooling mom thinks that it is appropriate to deny her children fiction books* for 2+ weeks??

*I know what you are thinking; I am sure she classifies the Bible as nonfiction.

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it does not seem logical that she would allow them to do all that in the first place and then take suck such drastic measures. something else happened I think.

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She says that they need to interact more with each other. These are these kids who until 5-6 months ago were shelved together in one room. I think they are through with interacting.

I think there is a lot of rebellion going on in that household.

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She says that they need to interact more with each other. These are these kids who until 5-6 months ago were shelved together in one room. I think they are through with interacting.

I think there is a lot of rebellion going on in that household.

Oh, yeah, this is punishment for not toeing the party line.

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*I know what you are thinking; I am sure she classifies the Bible as nonfiction.

She does. :roll:

She also listed it as her favorite history textbook in one of the homeschooling posts.


Bible. Need I even say it? The ultimate source for accurate history and a worldview to help understand the events you learn about elsewhere.
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I guess I assume Daddy got in trouble at work so they had to shut it down.

Perry's facebook page has been taken down, but Kim's hasn't. You may be right...

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I'm also saddened when homeschoolers think reading fasts are appropriate. Autumn once wrote a post saying she was sometimes "grounded" from reading as a child and I found that really appalling. If they are educating their children in place of a school, they should not be restricting their ability to learn this way.

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Perry's facebook page has been taken down, but Kim's hasn't. You may be right...

Hmm, interesting. I thought it was so that Kim could retrain her "assistants." Her already sporadic posting became even less frequent after the birth of Calvin/move to town/Deanna's marriage, and she's complained several times of having less help/being too busy. But, your theory is much more interesting and fun.

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What exactly are these kids going to do without books, iPods, internet, music, movies...thats like pretty much everything the average teenager does.

I bet its punishment for not filling their blogs with God or being a bit rebellious.

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I'm also saddened when homeschoolers think reading fasts are appropriate. Autumn once wrote a post saying she was sometimes "grounded" from reading as a child and I found that really appalling.

I grew up totally non-fundie and my parents grounded me with no reading several times, simply because it was something enjoyable they could take away from me. Actually, what they did sounds like a media fast. I got through it by playing a lot with Legos.

Granted, my parents were jerks and I think it was a really shitty punishment.

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First nobody is gonna be more uneducated for a couple of weeks without reading, but i wonder if things are going to change at their home when they come back.. since they moved to the city, looks like the girls have more freedom, and are doing more activities outside home, maybe the parents are concerned

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I think that there is a lot going on-- Kim C comes off as quite discontented-- Deanna has moved out, is wearing pants, has gotten a job at DQ, and is blogging. I get the feeling the other girls are fed up with being household slaves. I wonder if Kim C is having, or has had, some problems with postpartum depression.

So among other things, with this fast, Kim has cut off the other daughters from accessing their older sister's blog.

Hmmm, do some girls need to go on a Journey to the Heart??

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I think that there is a lot going on-- Kim C comes off as quite discontented-- Deanna has moved out, is wearing pants, has gotten a job at DQ, and is blogging. I get the feeling the other girls are fed up with being household slaves. I wonder if Kim C is having, or has had, some problems with postpartum depression.

So among other things, with this fast, Kim has cut off the other daughters from accessing their older sister's blog.

Hmmm, do some girls need to go on a Journey to the Heart??

They aren't ATI, but with the Andersons going to Maxwell conferences I guess anything is possible.

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If this were a sane family I could sort of see the banishment on 'fun' reading for a period of time. When I was younger I loved to read (still do!) so my parents used removing the right to read for a day or so as punishment for not completing my chores or only doing so after being a total sassy-brat back to them. The punishment was because it was the one thing what would really get my attention and put me back into shape, so to speak. It was never for more than a day or two and only used as a last-resort punishment when my behavior got that far out of line.

However, banning reading for an entire month seems counter-productive to their homeschooling agenda. One of the benefits my homeschooling friends tote is the ability to get children to have a love of learning through their enjoyment of reading so many different topics. Seems like the best way to get someone to hate learning is to take away any fun of it and only have textbooks as their source of knowledge. Bleck.

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I bopped on over there and kinda loved it: It was like the blog of three normal girls, and snarky and funny, but I bet it got Dad in trouble with the boss for not being Jesusy enough.

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Maybe Kim read the speculation here that they weren't as fundie as some other families cause their girls seemed to have more media freedom and decided to shut that talk down before their reputations were ruined.

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I would have guessed that the "media fast" was in honor of Lent, except Lent began three weeks ago, and Calvinists don't typically engage in that sort of observance anyway.

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obedient children are the only product these guys are really selling. How does it look if they differ from the Bossman on anything?

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lilith, I had the same thought-- perhaps Kim C was horrified that one daughter was showing off her blue-chalked hair on the blog--that's certainly no way to snag a Vision Forum prince! [and we know what Erin Bates thinks about being in the presence of green haired people]

I kinda loved the blog too.

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