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Josie's Sensory Issues


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While watching the inevitable and totally unnecessary M3 announcement, I noticed that Josie was yelling at covering her ears a lot. Preemies can have sensory issues, and I think that Josie does. Are Boob and Mullet ignoring it? Do they think she'll grow out of it? Maybe Josie is autistic and they don't know because they're too stupid to get her the intervention that she obviously needs? I feel bad for her. She could be doing so much better if her parents weren't complete morons.

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The only thing she needs to know is how to dump cans of tater tots to make casserole. I doubt Josie will get help- poor kid.

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While watching the inevitable and totally unnecessary M3 announcement, I noticed that Josie was yelling at covering her ears a lot. Preemies can have sensory issues, and I think that Josie does. Are Boob and Mullet ignoring it? Do they think she'll grow out of it? Maybe Josie is autistic and they don't know because they're too stupid to get her the intervention that she obviously needs? I feel bad for her. She could be doing so much better if her parents weren't complete morons.

I noticed that also. I don't know if she is autisticut but she clearly looked uncomfortable and I also thought about sensory issues.

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The only thing she needs to know is how to dump cans of tater tots to make casserole. I doubt Josie will get help- poor kid.

Tater tots come frozen, in bags. Soup comes in cans. You obviously have never made tater tot casserole!

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Are Boob and Mullet ignoring it? Or do they think it's normal? If they're ignoring, shame on them! Josie looks miserable. There are ways to help her with that, so she can be more comfortable. I guess she's doomed having the idiot parents she does. I'd adopt Josie in a heartbeat and give her the therapy that she needs. She could be really thriving. Not just Boob and Mullet's version of thriving. For them, her being alive is thriving.

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Tater tots come frozen, in bags. Soup comes in cans. You obviously have never made tater tot casserole!

My bad, I confused the cream of crap cans with the tater tot bags. :oops:

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I dunno. I hated loud noise as a child as well. I quit tap because it hurt my ears. Pretty sure I'm not autistic. Also wasn't a preemie. I don't think it is something to worry about right now.

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The only thing she needs to know is how to dump cans of tater tots to make casserole. I doubt Josie will get help- poor kid.

Exactly. Look at Priscilla Waller- she is pretty obviously delayed, but as long as she can produce children and obey her husband, it really isn't a problem.

That being said, we can't tell from what little we've seen of Josie recently whether or not she has serious problems or whether anybody's doing anything about it. I have the inkling that if there are problems, they're not being addressed, but hey, we could be wrong.

I really hope Josie isn't the next Priscilla.

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If you look at the clip on the bottom the People page Boob is holding her and she's covering her ears, exactly the same as she did today. I wonder if its more a self comfort thing.

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^ I used to have similar sensory issues as well. Some kids grow out of it, others, like me, needed OT. Though it was mentioned on 19KAC that she went to therapy and doctor's appointments a lot.... not sure if she still does.

I guess when you think that the Lord will save you since you're so holy and pure and whatnot, you don't see the point of intervention when you just gotta F.R.O.G. (fully rely on god)

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Awww poor Josie, if she has sensory issues, having 18 older siblings and neglectful parents might not be the best thing.

I hope shes ok, I worry about her being the next Priscilla. Fundies dont seem to care about intelligence in their girls, as long as theyve got a working uterus and the ability to cook basic meals, clean the house and raise children to adulthood without seriously damaging them.

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I was born 12 weeks early. I had sensory issues and needed OT as well as PT. I am not autistic, but I do have Dyscalculia and received extra help for it in school. I overcame a lot and graduated with a 90 average, and had a 4.0 gpa in college. But I had A LOT of help. Josie has none.

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Think about the noise level this poor kid has to put up with day and night, being the youngest of ~18 still at home, plus M&M near her age around the house frequently. I'd be praying to go deaf if I were her.

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My son has sensory issues--as well as ADHD and possibly Tourette's. loud noises, specific clothing, all sorts of things bother him. He's in OT & it's helped a lot, but I would imagine that it could be very easy to overlook her reactions to sensory input if you are busy w/ so many other children or are a teenage buddy who has no interest in/concept of what's standard behavior.

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I think about all the therapies that Samuel Pope went through: speech, physical, occupational, etc, multiple times a week for over 2 years. He might still be having them. Granted, he did have problems with his vocal cords that Josie didn't have, but he seems to have made fantastic progress even in other areas with physical therapy.

Josie was born at the same gestational age in the same hospital and we've never seen her go to a single appointment with a therapist. It's certainly possible that she has zero problems related to her prematurity, but the odds of that are really low. I can't tell if the Duggars genuinely don't notice any problems with Josie, they are in denial about potential problems, or they're just really mired in a god-will-provide mentality and are expecting her to magically catch up.

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As if I don't feel bad enough for Josie, I can't imagine growing up in that circus with sensory issues. She'll be begging to use the prayer closet just for quiet, poor kid.

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As if I don't feel bad enough for Josie, I can't imagine growing up in that circus with sensory issues. She'll be begging to use the prayer closet just for quiet, poor kid.


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Yeah, I grew up working really closely with my mom (a speech pathologist and autism consultant, first I just was a "typical functioning peer" and later on I would help out with play groups and such..) Anyway, I've grown up around autism and I kind of have a radar for those signs. I immediately noticed Josie grabbing her ears, not just on the set but also in the clips from their Asia trip. I don't think she has autism, but I definitely think she has sensory issues that need to be addressed and it frustrates me that I know the Duggars aren't doing anything about it.

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Tater tots come frozen, in bags. Soup comes in cans. You obviously have never made tater tot casserole!

Hence, you are going to burn in hell for being a substandard helpmeet.

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Not sure what sensory issues she may have but is it just me or does she not look like the other duggar kids? Did any of them ever have the curly fro like she has, and its not just that but her facial features are different. I do not know much about preemies but is that typical?

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All the micropreemies I have known have larger craniums, prominent foreheads, and their faces are small. I don't know if that is the reality but its my perception.

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Not sure what sensory issues she may have but is it just me or does she not look like the other duggar kids? Did any of them ever have the curly fro like she has, and its not just that but her facial features are different. I do not know much about preemies but is that typical?

Does she resemble Sean Overbeeke? ;)

(edited for spelling)

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While watching the inevitable and totally unnecessary M3 announcement, I noticed that Josie was yelling at covering her ears a lot. Preemies can have sensory issues, and I think that Josie does. Are Boob and Mullet ignoring it? Do they think she'll grow out of it? Maybe Josie is autistic and they don't know because they're too stupid to get her the intervention that she obviously needs? I feel bad for her. She could be doing so much better if her parents weren't complete morons.

I just thought she was tried of hearing Micheal whine/cry. It was annoying. I wanted to reach through the TV and remove him myself.

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