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How low will the ratings go?


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I just wondered how low do think the Duggar's ratings will fall this season?So many other shows people are hooked on Tuesday night.Will it Sink lower then Sarah Plain's real life?I knew even with the special I am not hooked to want to watch.Same old Duggar's making fools of them self in Chain and Asia.Most likely a new baby for Anna.Same old blah blah .Same old tauter tot casserole.Same old Landry soap.Is it time to hang this show out to dry? :roll:

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I just wondered how low do think the Duggar's ratings will fall this season?So many other shows people are hooked on Tuesday night.Will it Sink lower then Sarah Plain's real life?I knew even with the special I am not hooked to want to watch.Same old Duggar's making fools of them self in Chain and Asia.Most likely a new baby for Anna.Same old blah blah .Same old tauter tot casserole.Same old Landry soap.Is it time to hang this show out to dry? :roll:


Well, actually, it was time long, long ago. 8-)

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They are always going to have somewhat of an okay-ish following. The Fundies/Christians (even mainstream) who watch TV see this show as a diamond in the rough compared to all the "harlotry and heathenry" in most shows, so they will always watch it no matter how boring the content.

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Their numbers stay consistent, at usually just over the 1 million mark (from what I remember from Duggars without pity). They're probably the same fundie-lites tuning in season after season. Unless TLC finds a really compelling reason to cancel the show, the boring field trips and puke-fests will continue.

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I can't really watch them anymore. I just cannot. Faker than press-ons and honestly? Extremely boring. I'm not buying the happy buddy stuff, neither Michelle's grin as she grinds her teeth as she replies to her husband: "Uylurvyoot'hur" as Jimbob tries to throw himself at her. They cannot show us anything new, we have seen everything. The only thing I'd watch it for is a bathroom birth in Chick Fil A. Same old, same old.

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I'd like to watch just to see Josie. She's so cute to me, in an odd-looking way. :lol: And I'm interested to see her development. But I just don't think I can watch those Todd Akin-supporting fools anymore.

:hand: :hand: :hand:

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I'd like to watch just to see Josie. She's so cute to me, in an odd-looking way. :lol: And I'm interested to see her development.

Of which, naturally, we haven't heard a single thing aside from the occasional sicknesses. This would be the only educational bit of the entire show, how to deal with preemies. As an educator, I'd want to see it. They say nothing about Josie anymore, they haven't talked about her in a year at least. "Josie is a speshul litul angul" is not an answer. Details about her vocabulary, her bodily functions, her IQ, her height/weight would be answers. If she's absolutely healthy, able bodied and minded. If risking the umpteenth kid and putting her through so much suffering for fame and money ended at least well. We really do want to know.

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I can't stand to watch them, either. Most of the time they bore me to tears and I find it hard to watch more than 10 minutes.

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I can't stand to watch them, either. Most of the time they bore me to tears and I find it hard to watch more than 10 minutes.

I tried to watch the Duggars, but I got bored in minutes. The hype surrounding them and the snark and insight at FJ are a more interesting than the Duggars themselves.

And I do hope TLC cancels their show soon, and get back to the L part of TLC-Learning!

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I don't think TLC will ever go back to learning (gypsy sisters, etc) but I would rather watch Honey BooBoo than the Duggars hands down

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I don't think TLC will ever go back to learning (gypsy sisters, etc) but I would rather watch Honey BooBoo than the Duggars hands down

The Honey Boo Boo family may come across as boorish and uncouth but I believe there is a genuine love amongst these people. They seem a million times more sincere than the Duggars. Plus, I like how Mama June is putting her children's earnings into trust funds.

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The Honey Boo Boo family may come across as boorish and uncouth but I believe there is a genuine love amongst these people. They seem a million times more sincere than the Duggars. Plus, I like how Mama June is putting her children's earnings into trust funds.

True it might not be particularly high brow, but at least it doesn't make me fall asleep.

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I know parents of special needs children who spend their time maximizing their child's skills so that they have the best shot at an independent life, or at least, as independent as they can be. They stay in school until 21 to get the most education they can under the law. The Duggars? The opposite. No analytical thinking,no critical learning, no age-appropriate interests, no independence. It really makes me sick. When a 20 yr old with Down's can take the bus to and from a job at Shop Rite, have a bank account, go to the mall, movies etc. with a social group - compare that to the skill set of the average Duggar teenager. Shielding them from the world under the guise of "knowing their hearts" exactly what the hell does that mean? It makes me so mad to see them waste their children's talents.

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Shielding them from the world under the guise of "knowing their hearts" exactly what the hell does that mean?

It means "we completely control our kids" covered in Bible spew.

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It means "we completely control our kids" covered in Bible spew.

It means the whole family structure is based on rewarding the kids who snitch and tale-bear, while punishing or isolating the few who don't.

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I know parents of special needs children who spend their time maximizing their child's skills so that they have the best shot at an independent life, or at least, as independent as they can be. They stay in school until 21 to get the most education they can under the law. The Duggars? The opposite. No analytical thinking,no critical learning, no age-appropriate interests, no independence. It really makes me sick. When a 20 yr old with Down's can take the bus to and from a job at Shop Rite, have a bank account, go to the mall, movies etc. with a social group - compare that to the skill set of the average Duggar teenager. Shielding them from the world under the guise of "knowing their hearts" exactly what the hell does that mean? It makes me so mad to see them waste their children's talents.

THIS. So much. All of these kids have potential, they can all make their own lives if given the chance - even if they're not the most talented, the smartest, whatever, they still have something. That they've been so sheltered is horrible, and if you let them out in the wild now it would be a disaster. And they have at least had some real-world exposure with their TV show - how many more fundie families haven't had any of that?

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It means "we completely control our kids" covered in Bible spew.

I don't understand why anybody would even have this as their goal.


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