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IBLP Teen Talk from Boob and Mullet - Take 2


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Five critical teenage relationships? Main topic of Boob and Mullet for a IBLP seminar. What would Boob and Mullet know about critical teenage relationships; the only relationships her teenagers have is with their parents, siblings and like minded relatives/friends??? If they are sharing from their own teenage years; Boob had none and Michelle was quite the perky cheerleader (love to hear her share the realities of the pre-Boob years!)!

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Boob will basically talk about how he took a vow in his Christian high school club to only date other Christians. He will then go on about how Mullet and her family didn't go to church. Then Mullet will talk about her boyfriends and then she will how Christian Boob saved her.

Overall, I agree Boob and Mullet know zilch about teenage relationships. I thought it was ridiculous when the J'Slaves did a relationship talk at some conference last year. Those girls can't have boyfriends and the friends they have are usually fundie girls from other families. The girls also have a messed up generalized view on women who date. In that episode with Sarah Malley, one of the J'Slaves said something like "We like that our dad is going to pick who we marry". The J'Slave also said something like "Dating is bad because women date different guys every week."

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Boob will basically talk about how he took a vow in his Christian high school club to only date other Christians. He will then go on about how Mullet and her family didn't go to church. Then Mullet will talk about her boyfriends and then she will how Christian Boob saved her.

Overall, I agree Boob and Mullet know zilch about teenage relationships. I thought it was ridiculous when the J'Slaves did a relationship talk at some conference last year. Those girls can't have boyfriends and the friends they have are usually fundie girls from other families. The girls also have a messed up generalized view on women who date. In that episode with Sarah Malley, one of the J'Slaves said something like "We like that our dad is going to pick who we marry". The J'Slave also said something like "Dating is bad because women date different guys every week."

What an over generalization!?! I would not say every week. They should ask Amy Duggar.

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I'm guessing:

1) God

2) Father

3) Mother

4) Siblings

5) Pastor? IDK. I doubt it will be self or a friend - they all seem to "die to themselves" and rarely have friends. Definitely not dating and the Duggars can't really claim future spouse, since the jslaves aren't (visibly) courting

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I'm guessing:

1) God

2) Father

3) Mother

4) Siblings

5) Pastor? IDK. I doubt it will be self or a friend - they all seem to "die to themselves" and rarely have friends. Definitely not dating and the Duggars can't really claim future spouse, since the jslaves aren't (visibly) courting

5= Future Headship? Or it very well may be friends and they'll just yammer on about the importance of their watered-down fundie view of friendship and the caution to not be "led astray!!"

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Can I give JB&M a lecture about five critical teenage relationships? My teens are only 18, 16 & 14 so I have no proof that what I am doing is correct. (I won't claim I did the right thing until I see them as adults.) This is based on my own teen years plus my experience as a teacher.

(1) God. I am Christian so yes, I do think a good relationship with God is the most important thing in anyones life. Of course, atheists aren't going to agree with me and that's fine. Your choice. Just remember I am aiming this list at JB&M and the ATI crowd.

(2) Family. Teenagers need a support system, people who will love them regardless of what they do and be there to pick up the pieces when things go wrong. This does not necessarily mean Mum or Dad. It does need to be people who are consistent and reliable. Grandparents. Foster carers. (Sister-mums are no use for teenagers as they are either too close in age or they are heading off into their own marriages and jobs and are not going to be around.)

(3) Peers. Teenagers need peers. As you start to gainn independance from your parents peers fill the gap. They provide you with a different type of love and support.

(4) Non-family role models. Family provide one example of how to live and one system of support. Other role models give you a wider range of ideas to choose from and a greater system of support. My personal list as a teen would have included school teachers (some more than others), orchestra conductors, friends parents, sport coaches, church ministers and youth group leaders. Some people look up to famous actors or sportspeople. Some even look up to the Duggars.

(5) Nope. No one else is critical. Sorry JB&M, I can only find four critical relationships. Oh and siblings aren't critical. Nice but not critical. Only children do quite well in life.

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How is this a bad thing? Dating doesn't always = being in a romantic relationship or sex.

I grew up hearing about how my dad went on "dates" frequently, sometimes weekly. I wondered how it was possible for him to "date" so many girls, since when I was in school teens tended to not go on dates until they were officially in a relationship. I later found out the secret--whenever anybody in his group of friends got a date, the friend and the girl would fix up all of their friends for dates on the same night. Each pair would go for dinner and a movie or some other activity separately, then everybody would meet up afterwards at a local burger or pizza place. Some dates lead to relationships, but it was mostly just something to do on a Saturday night.

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Maybe they'll start with the story again- either Michelle's mowing the lawn or Dimbulb's FAIL bike analogy to virginity.

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JimBob will talk about how important it is to be obedient to your parents and they are always right, while simultaneously badmouthing his father for the family's financial problems.

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It really annoye me when Boob talked about Grandpa Duggar that way. What? Just because he didn't meet ATi standards he's bad?

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Just occurred to me: isn't one of the big boasts of home school fundies that their children are never 'teenagers'. They are suppose to go straight from being children to being adults. Teenage years are seen as years of rebellion which their speshul little snowflakes don't do. Children are given adult responsibilities from around 12-13 and considered adults when they marry.

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Just occurred to me: isn't one of the big boasts of home school fundies that their children are never 'teenagers'. They are suppose to go straight from being children to being adults. Teenage years are seen as years of rebellion which their speshul little snowflakes don't do. Children are given adult responsibilities from around 12-13 and considered adults when they marry.

Wait, really? Teenagers are evil? :shock:

I probably shouldn't even be shocked, but... I mean, my teenaged years were fairly-ish full of rebellion (my entire family is math, science, and medicine oriented, so what did I do? I'm an English major. TAKE THAT, TRADITIONALISTS!! [...*cough*]), but rebellion doesn't necessarily mean drugs, gangs, babies, and stuff.

I don't have kids, so maybe I'm full of it, but seriously, am I crazy for thinking that rebelling can be somewhat healthy?

Sorry. But yeah, I'd bet anything that they're going to lecture about keeping 'pure' with teh boyz. And teh rest of the ebil world.

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I'm not exactly sure how far ATI/IBLP go with the no-teenage thing. I am sure i've heard JB & M talk about but I could be confusing them with someone else. (I follow too many fundies!)

I know it is a major issue within Vision Forum. There are sermons on "teenage" being a modern invention and that it is a period of rebellion that only occurs if parents allow it. I first came across it through Libby Anne (Love, Joy, Feminism) but I have since heard it from many others.

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Wait, really? Teenagers are evil? :shock:

I probably shouldn't even be shocked, but... I mean, my teenaged years were fairly-ish full of rebellion (my entire family is math, science, and medicine oriented, so what did I do? I'm an English major. TAKE THAT, TRADITIONALISTS!! [...*cough*]), but rebellion doesn't necessarily mean drugs, gangs, babies, and stuff.

I don't have kids, so maybe I'm full of it, but seriously, am I crazy for thinking that rebelling can be somewhat healthy?

Sorry. But yeah, I'd bet anything that they're going to lecture about keeping 'pure' with teh boyz. And teh rest of the ebil world.

Why did Evie from the movie The Mummy pop in my head there with your comment lol!!!!

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It's as though they are afraid of teenagers. It's fairly normal to have a period of life where you're questioning what you were told as a child, selecting the stuff you're willing to go along with, and forming your own opinions about the rest of it. That's called differentiation by developmental psychologists and growing up by the rest of us. It's normal.

It's not normal to be locked away under parental protection so that you never differentiate. That's like growing bonsai children.

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My teenage rebellion was wearing the most obnoxious socks with my school uniform. My school had no rules regarding the color of socks we had to wear. They changed the rule after I graduated. I was a good kid overall son they let me have my little spat of rebellion. I was involved with a few pranks. They never hurt anyone or damaged property. My favorite was filling the principals office with 3 feet of balloons. All of the students involved had to help after school to pop some of the balloons but that was the extent of the punishment.

The crazy sock thing never went away. I now knit my crazy socks instead of buying them.

My point is that most teens won't do a full rebellion. Most are good kids just testing their boundaries and learning to express their personality. I find that kids go into a most likely to go into a full rebellion are the ones who's parents try to keep then from having little rebellious moments.

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They dont know anything about teenage relationships. Those poor kids dont have a social life.

This times 1,000!!

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My point is that most teens won't do a full rebellion. Most are good kids just testing their boundaries and learning to express their personality. I find that kids go into a most likely to go into a full rebellion are the ones who's parents try to keep then from having little rebellious moments.

Right, most teens leave their rebellious phase with no ill effects (assuming they don't do something that actually has permanent effects on the rest of their lives). I have a cousin who was in a heavy metal rock band, dyed his hair crazy colors, transferred from the Orthodox Jewish high school to the public school, etc. Today, he owns his own mortgage business and has a 5-bedroom house, a sweet wife, and two beautiful sons.

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Why did Evie from the movie The Mummy pop in my head there with your comment lol!!!!

One of my favorite movies. XD

I was actually very angry when I found out that librarians were getting laid off most places, because I had secretly been planning to one day be able to say, "I ... am a librarian!" and then collapse drunkenly on a hot guy.


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