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Candy's Castle tour! New and IMPROVED!


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Candy's got a new tour of her "castle" up. The only new thing I noticed was the new loveseat in the living room, and the laptop set ups in her children's rooms.

I still think her daughter's "bedroom" is a walk in closet, but couldn't muster up the energy to comment on it.

This fundy trend fascinates me-I have never felt compelled to create a video of my house and post it online for all to see. What's up with that? "Here's my laundry room! Doesn't it just give you CHILLS?"


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Strong reference to trolls, are fundies getting more touchy? Maybe don't blog about your personal life if you're sensitive.

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More like a tour for would be robbers. But what are they going to take? Bibles?

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1. If I were going to break into this place, I would be bringing matching slipcovers for the hideously mismatched living room furniture. NOTHING in that room goes together.

2. Is she posting prideful videos about her trailer? This looks an awful lot like a trailer. No exterior shots. :think:

I don't mean any offense if you, reading this, are reading it from your trailer. I've been in some that are really quite nice, and some that are on astonishingly beautiful pieces of land. But I don't think I just watched a video of you referring it to it as your castle, either.

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Candy's got a new tour of her "castle" up. The only new thing I noticed was the new loveseat in the living room, and the laptop set ups in her children's rooms.

I still think her daughter's "bedroom" is a walk in closet, but couldn't muster up the energy to comment on it.

This fundy trend fascinates me-I have never felt compelled to create a video of my house and post it online for all to see. What's up with that? "Here's my laundry room! Doesn't it just give you CHILLS?"


Oh it's not just a fundie thing. Though on youtube most people only do certain rooms at a time...

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1. If I were going to break into this place, I would be bringing matching slipcovers for the hideously mismatched living room furniture. NOTHING in that room goes together.

2. Is she posting prideful videos about her trailer? This looks an awful lot like a trailer. No exterior shots. :think:

I don't mean any offense if you, reading this, are reading it from your trailer. I've been in some that are really quite nice, and some that are on astonishingly beautiful pieces of land. But I don't think I just watched a video of you referring it to it as your castle, either.

I was thinking the same thing! Maybe not trailer, but tacky tacky house. Prideful much?

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Somewhere in the world the 70's are still happening :shock:

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I was thinking the same thing! Maybe not trailer, but tacky tacky house. Prideful much?

This is a Clayton Manufactured Home ! Candy was so proud explaining us when she bought it a few years ago...

She spent a lot of time explaining the major differences between her Clayton Home and a trailer :lol:

What I understood is that Clayton are nice trailers, but still trailers...

She isn't into decorating, which is quite obvious when you look at her home, she is only interested by a well organised and tidy home :roll:

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I try and temper my judgement on other people's decor - so much depends on circumstances/personal taste. In Candy's case: the best thing I can say about her house is that is looks clean.

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Somewhere in the world the 70's are still happening :shock:

Hey! My house is full of things from the 70's. I so want new stuff, but until the kids learn not to break everything in sight, it's gonna stay that way. I can't wait to remodel and redecorate.

Putting up a tour of your house is just making it easier for robbers to figure out where you live and what to steal while they are there.

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I can't snark on her house. Some people have and some don't. I will, however, say that I so adored the picture of her posed by the pantry! Isn't she just the vision of a godly homemaker!!??!11!!

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The animated hearts, giggling flowers, and sparkle animation are still up for snarking, right? And the "I love my laundry room!"? ZOOM IN on hubby's office? It's like hyperspace, y'all!

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Hey! My house is full of things from the 70's. I so want new stuff, but until the kids learn not to break everything in sight, it's gonna stay that way. I can't wait to remodel and redecorate.

Putting up a tour of your house is just making it easier for robbers to figure out where you live and what to steal while they are there.

In her case, it's probably keeping robbers away.

Also, while the main floor of my house is updated, my bathrooms have disco fever. Replacing everything in a bathroom, or three bathrooms in my case, is kind of expensive.

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Oh, the Clayton home! Doesn't she have a gallery up somewhere of various Clayton homes as though they are Frank Lloyd Wright masterpieces.

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Her living room appears to have been decorated by frat boys . :shock: Nothing matches, everything is drab and every square inch of floor is occupied by big pieces of furniture. Much too cluttered and claustrophobic. Every room, except the bathroom, looks like a flea market exploded.

She really should not be boasting about her castle. Too bad Meredith doesn't hold classes for joyful christian's on how to decorate on a shoe string.

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Her decor is irrelevant. Her need for validation is another story. She needs validation from others, so she shows anyone who cares her 'castle' ten times a year - she needs the 'oh, that is so neat and tidy/pretty' words from others, even if they're strangers. Same with her dress pictures and head covering pictures - which also happen several times a year; her binder, her laundry room...

Candy is a very miserable woman who is relying on random Internet people to validate her, just as she's been doing for ten years.

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It's interesting to me, the really strict religious people who need such external validation. Shouldn't it be irrelevant what the world thinks, and the only thing that matters is that your conduct is godly/ charitable/ contributing towards the goal or goals of your religious organisation? From ordinary religious people it's one thing (they're part of the world and they acknowledge that) but those who make such an effort to be seen as apart still seek this kind of approval.

To me, they're inadvertently telling us it's not all it's cracked up to be.

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[si Robertson] Hey! .... [/si Robertson] .... Yes, I somehow picked it out as a prefab home right away, but the "castle" appellation didn't bother me. I'll tell you why:

35 long years ago, when my The Spousal Unit and I were buying our second home, I referred to our first home quite deprecatingly to our real estate agent. She turned a stern eye on me and said, "Listen here: To somebody, this place is a castle. And that somebody is gonna pay good money for it. NEVER belittle a property - unless you're trying to buy it, of course."


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It's interesting to me, the really strict religious people who need such external validation. Shouldn't it be irrelevant what the world thinks, and the only thing that matters is that your conduct is godly/ charitable/ contributing towards the goal or goals of your religious organisation? From ordinary religious people it's one thing (they're part of the world and they acknowledge that) but those who make such an effort to be seen as apart still seek this kind of approval.

To me, they're inadvertently telling us it's not all it's cracked up to be.

The bolded makes total sense.

But, alas, as a rule, fundies are allergic to logic.

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Those photos just make me want to declutter it.

A new wall unit from Ikea, a couple of cheap ikea sofas, a tin of off white high gloss paint & a great big dumpster could make it look sooo much better.

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Strong reference to trolls, are fundies getting more touchy? Maybe don't blog about your personal life if you're sensitive.

Coming from fundies, I understand "troll" to mean anyone with a different opinion to them. Which is, at the last count, anyone who's not a fundie.

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