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Re: IBLP teenage talk from Boob and Mullet - Locked


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Many of my friends did what my parents did when they were teenagers in the 70's ( this is the mid to late 2000's I'm talking about). casual group dates and casual let's go bowling or to see a movie one on one dates. It was more of a let get to know each other and have fun, no hook ups of any kind required. There is a big difference with casually ,non excursively dating like this and having a new boyfriend/girlfriend every week. Most of my friends didn't mutually exclusively date and/or poly fidelity date until they were at least 18 whether by choice or because of rules. Most of the few that did exclusively date before that were together for at least a year.


I didn't believe then and still don't believe in dating in high school ( or for me at least collage) , family and school come first no exceptions. Granted finding love as a polyamorus asexual is hard. People tend to be turned of when you have no desire to go further than a peck on the lips.

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Many of my friends did what my parents did when they were teenagers in the 70's ( this is the mid to late 2000's I'm talking about). casual group dates and casual let's go bowling or to see a movie one on one dates. It was more of a let get to know each other and have fun, no hook ups of any kind required. There is a big difference with casually ,non excursively dating like this and having a new boyfriend/girlfriend every week. Most of my friends didn't mutually exclusively date and/or poly fidelity date until they were at least 18 whether by choice or because of rules. Most of the few that did exclusively date before that were together for at least a year.

I didn't believe then and still don't believe in dating in high school ( or for me at least collage) , family and school come first no exceptions. Granted finding love as a polyamorus asexual is hard. People tend to be turned of when you have no desire to go further than a peck on the lips.

I hate it when people use the word believe instead of saying they agree or dont agree with something. I think a belief is different then your choice to do or to not do something like dating.

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I hate it when people use the word believe instead of saying they agree or dont agree with something. I think a belief is different then your choice to do or to not do something like dating.[/quote

I both don't believe in it and don't agree with it. I unfortunately have some extreme beliefs that due to not being able to talk about them they have been around for 15 years (people would tell me to shut up and not talk about it, including all my therapists ). These include: (BIG TRIGGER WARNING!!!)

- believing the "pregnant things" deserve to die and I struggle with wanting to punch them in the stomach and other things that harm them and their "parasite"

-Being pro-infanticide and murder general.

- Being pro forced sterilization for everyone.

And these are the more socially acceptable ones

I have shunned and defriended people for doing things that I consider(ed) unacceptable. Dating is one of them, so it is a belief that I am trying to change. I am having face this because my sister is 16 and dating now. I feel what she is doing is wrong and it is causing a huge problem. Anyone have any advice? I've tried to get help but no one wants to help me or they drop me or they tel me it's normal.

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I hate it when people use the word believe instead of saying they agree or dont agree with something. I think a belief is different then your choice to do or to not do something like dating.[/quote

I both don't believe in it and don't agree with it. I unfortunately have some extreme beliefs that due to not being able to talk about them they have been around for 15 years (people would tell me to shut up and not talk about it, including all my therapists ). These include]

You want to harm pregnant women and their babies? You think people should be able to murder others, and no one should have children?

And people have told you you're normal?

You need to find a new therapist, quickly. Not being okay with your teenage sister dating is the least of your problems.

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I hate it when people use the word believe instead of saying they agree or dont agree with something. I think a belief is different then your choice to do or to not do something like dating.[/quote

I both don't believe in it and don't agree with it. I unfortunately have some extreme beliefs that due to not being able to talk about them they have been around for 15 years (people would tell me to shut up and not talk about it, including all my therapists ). These include]

We are not a self help forum for recovering fundies. I still dont consider not agreeing with dating to be a belief. Its an excuse to be rude to people you dont agree with.

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That's the strange thing I'm a life long atheist living in southern baptist country . Perhaps I should explain that I've been suicidal for most of my life and have only had one year without being suicidal. These beliefs are a direct result of that. I assumed that because I wanted to die that everyone else wanted to as well, and I wanted to help. My goal at 9 was to find a way to reduce the population so it started early. Add in the autism and complex ptsd among other things and things get sticky. I know this is not normal intellectually it is trying to change my physically and emotional reactions and belief system that seems to be the problem. I guess I just needed the validation that it is not normal because of others reactions. I going to start with my 5 therapist in a year. Hopefully it works out this time. fingers crossed.

And back on topic I want to see video of this class to see if they can keep a straight face.

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That's the strange thing I'm a life long atheist living in southern baptist country . Perhaps I should explain that I've been suicidal for most of my life and have only had one year without being suicidal. These beliefs are a direct result of that. I assumed that because I wanted to die that everyone else wanted to as well, and I wanted to help. My goal at 9 was to find a way to reduce the population so it started early. Add in the autism and complex ptsd among other things and things get sticky. I know this is not normal intellectually it is trying to change my physically and emotional reactions and belief system that seems to be the problem. I guess I just needed the validation that it is not normal because of others reactions. I going to start with my 5 therapist in a year. Hopefully it works out this time. fingers crossed.

And back on topic I want to see video of this class to see if they can keep a straight face.

I...really hope you get help....

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[snip] Anyone have any advice? I've tried to get help but no one wants to help me or they drop me or they tel me it's normal.

Sure, I have lots of advice:

Don't share your "beliefs" for shock value

If you recognize something is socially unacceptable/actively harmful to others don't have your tone be "Oh, y'know, no big deal, odd beliefs eh?"

Get a better therapist

Go into therapy expecting to change

Recognize you need to change

Leave your sister alone

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Thank you anjulilbai, for your encouragement,I appreciate it. I'm much better then I was, I feels so good to wake up and be happy, instead of too depressed to get out of the bed. Thank you medication!

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I hate it when people use the word believe instead of saying they agree or dont agree with something. I think a belief is different then your choice to do or to not do something like dating.[/quote

I both don't believe in it and don't agree with it. I unfortunately have some extreme beliefs that due to not being able to talk about them they have been around for 15 years (people would tell me to shut up and not talk about it, including all my therapists ). These include]

As a mother of a child with Autism, a therapist who does not understand how your Autism affects you may say that it's normal to have obsessions that take over - that's one of the things Autism can do. However, people with Autism benefit very well from CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy). If you're adding in PTSD and other disorders, you need to find a therapist who's not going to dismiss such thought as a harmless manifestation of Autism. Not wanting to eat spicy food is an okay way to live with Autism, not being able to drink 7Up while being able to drink Sprite is an okay way. Wanting to punch pregnant women is not okay. I wish you well on your journey. Please look into CBT and get help.

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Being suicidal/depressed is completely different from thinking others want to/should die, believing in infanticide or wishing harm to pregnant "things" (assuming you're including humans in this). Get help. This goes beyond just thinking dating is wrong (and, as I recall, dating in the 70's wasn't mostly group dating, it was both, as it is now; these things really don't change).

Autism might include strong, rituatlized behaviours and beliefs, but not usually abnormal/criminal ones.

To add, nothing the Duggars can say on teen relationships would probably be of any real value.

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[i both don't believe in it and don't agree with it. I unfortunately have some extreme beliefs that due to not being able to talk about them they have been around for 15 years (people would tell me to shut up and not talk about it, including all my therapists ).

Strikes me that you might need different and better therapists.

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[i both don't believe in it and don't agree with it. I unfortunately have some extreme beliefs that due to not being able to talk about them they have been around for 15 years (people would tell me to shut up and not talk about it, including all my therapists ).

Strikes me that you might need different and better therapists.

Not sure if you've read this, but it was meant to be a slam at your therapist, not you. Any therapist who tell a person to shut up and not talk about such a thing seems unprofessional to me.

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That's the strange thing I'm a life long atheist living in southern baptist country . Perhaps I should explain that I've been suicidal for most of my life and have only had one year without being suicidal. These beliefs are a direct result of that. I assumed that because I wanted to die that everyone else wanted to as well, and I wanted to help. My goal at 9 was to find a way to reduce the population so it started early. Add in the autism and complex ptsd among other things and things get sticky. I know this is not normal intellectually it is trying to change my physically and emotional reactions and belief system that seems to be the problem. I guess I just needed the validation that it is not normal because of others reactions. I going to start with my 5 therapist in a year. Hopefully it works out this time. fingers crossed.

And back on topic I want to see video of this class to see if they can keep a straight face.

Theres a site called the Suicde Project,where you can talk about this stuff all day long,with other people who want to talk about their MH issues&how much life sucks-Im sure there are others too

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Being suicidal/depressed is completely different from thinking others want to/should die, believing in infanticide or wishing harm to pregnant "things" (assuming you're including humans in this). Get help. This goes beyond just thinking dating is wrong (and, as I recall, dating in the 70's wasn't mostly group dating, it was both, as it is now; these things really don't change).

Autism might include strong, rituatlized behaviours and beliefs, but not usually abnormal/criminal ones.

To add, nothing the Duggars can say on teen relationships would probably be of any real value.

As someone with autism, I definitely know that others definitely do want to die/should die, I don't believe in infanticide ( it's hard to after having grown up with two cute little baby cousins and seeing my old therapist's pictures of her new baby ), and no way do I wish harm to pregnant "things". This isn't an autism thing for sure.

I agree that CBT works. I have OCD and I go to therapy to help me with the disorder. Having a good therapy helps. Medication with therapy is really beneficial.

So like the others say, you should get help.

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I hate it when people use the word believe instead of saying they agree or dont agree with something. I think a belief is different then your choice to do or to not do something like dating.[/quote

I both don't believe in it and don't agree with it. I unfortunately have some extreme beliefs that due to not being able to talk about them they have been around for 15 years (people would tell me to shut up and not talk about it, including all my therapists ). These include]- believing the "pregnant things" deserve to die and I struggle with wanting to punch them in the stomach and other things that harm them and their "parasite"

-Being pro-infanticide and murder general.

- Being pro forced sterilization for everyone.

And these are the more socially acceptable ones

I have shunned and defriended people for doing things that I consider(ed) unacceptable. Dating is one of them, so it is a belief that I am trying to change. I am having face this because my sister is 16 and dating now. I feel what she is doing is wrong and it is causing a huge problem. Anyone have any advice? I've tried to get help but no one wants to help me or they drop me or they tel me it's normal.


What in the actual fuck? :shock:

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Hearyoume08, I don't know where you live, but where I'm from - England - 16 is the age of consent. To us, that would make your sister a consenting adult, and that's assuming she's doing anything which requires consent. As it is, you've only said she's dating, but how is it "wrong" if her decision to date affects nobody but herself and the other party? Just because you wouldn't choose it for yourself doesn't make something wrong. Different strokes for different folks and all that. And yes, your counsellor needs to be sacked.

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Wait you still believe at this moment that pregnant women are not people but things and you want to hurt them?

either you are a troll or you need help immediately.

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Five critical teenage relationships? Main topic of Boob and Mullet for a IBLP seminar. What would Boob and Mullet know about critical teenage relationships; the only relationships her teenagers have is with their parents, siblings and like minded relatives/friends??? If they are sharing from their own teenage years; Boob had none and Michelle was quite the perky cheerleader (love to hear her share the realities of the pre-Boob years!)!

Those are the exact relationship they will talk about. Relationship to God, Relationship to Parents, Relationship to other Family Members, Relationship to Peers, Relationship to Leaders (Pastor/Youth Pastor) and about 5 seconds on why not to have a Relationship with the Opposite Sex.

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Uh oh so it wasn't a dream... And this is why I really must take my meds, I pull stupid crap like this. I'm sorry for hijacking this thread folks, apparently my crazy brain decided that this was all relevant for some reason. To answer some comments/concerns:

When I mention my Autism, I meant it as potential barrier because of the Black and white thinking, "the rules", social blindness, and resistance to change, not because it is normal autistic behavior

My PTSD type is going into the DSM V as: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder – With Prominent Dissociative (Depersonalization/Derealization) Symptoms. It overlaps symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder and Dissociative Disorder Not otherwise Specified for a frame of reference.

I start with a new therapist next Friday. I have only been in therapy for less than a year after going more than a decade without therapy. Hence the current issue at hand.

And as for the Belief vs Opinion thing:



something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.


confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.


confidence; faith; trust: a child's belief in his parents.


a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith: the Christian belief.




a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.


a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

So I guess my delusional belief is an opinion?

I will acknowledge that I am a co-dependent control freak .Somewhere along line I was taught that sex is dirty, degrading, and gross and only fit for people that you don't like . And ANYONE that engages in it is mentally ill. So it's not the pregnancy itself so much as the whole sex thing. Unfortunately, I don't remember much about my childhood so I'm not sure where it came from.

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so your opinion is that pregnant women should die because they are things with parasites?

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Wow. This is seriously the most frightening thing I've read all day. If I should ever be lucky enough to be pregnant again (I am infertile) I will constantly be thinking that there are actually people out there that would wish to cause me harm because I am pregnant, that pregnant people are 'things.' And that fantasize about murdering my child.

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It's the fact that these are what she describes as her more socially acceptable delusions that disturbs me. Wtf could be less socially acceptable than wanting to harm/kill pregnant women?

I'm still thinking and hoping she's just trolling though.

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That's the strange thing I'm a life long atheist living in southern baptist country . Perhaps I should explain that I've been suicidal for most of my life and have only had one year without being suicidal. These beliefs are a direct result of that. I assumed that because I wanted to die that everyone else wanted to as well, and I wanted to help. My goal at 9 was to find a way to reduce the population so it started early. Add in the autism and complex ptsd among other things and things get sticky. I know this is not normal intellectually it is trying to change my physically and emotional reactions and belief system that seems to be the problem. I guess I just needed the validation that it is not normal because of others reactions. I going to start with my 5 therapist in a year. Hopefully it works out this time. fingers crossed.

And back on topic I want to see video of this class to see if they can keep a straight face.

Uh... "back on topic"? Yeah, I don't think you can stop this derailment.

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