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GOP - Divorce encourages teenage promiscuity MERGED


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Of course this is based on GOP fact pulled out of GOP asses. But other then that its absolute fact :roll:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/0 ... 08001.html

A bill making it harder for couples to divorce was approved by an Iowa state House subcommittee on Monday, with a supporter of the legislation arguing it is necessary to prevent young girls from being more "promiscuous."

The bill would make "no fault" divorces illegal in Iowa for parents of children who are minors. Now that it has been approved by the three-person subcommittee, it is ready for debate by the full state House Judiciary Committee, according to NBC 13 Des Moines.

State Rep. Tedd Gassman ®, one of the seven Republican sponsors of the bill, said that the legislation is an attempt to keep families together -- something he believes is a pillar that will keep the country from falling apart.

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I wonder why no fault divorce only makes young girls promiscuous? I thought women didn't have urges/raging hormones. Another winner from the GOP. I'm enjoying sitting back and watching them alienate most of the country.

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Wtf, seriously? If people want to get divorced let them get divorced! Honestly it can't be healthy for kids to stay in a home where the parents hate each other and have no desire to be together. First they have to control who can get married, now they want to control who can get divorced. Give it a break, stay out of people's love lives, that is not what government is meant for.

I refuse to even address the ridiculousness of the whole promiscuity claim.

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Another bill from the GOP that absolves men of any modicum of personal responsibility. "Oh noes! Those sweet young things are all over me and I just can't stop it."

You know what, if the pussy is that powerful, us women need to get our shit together and take over the world.

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Let me get this straight we can't balance a budget to save our lives, education costs are through the roof and there are not enough jobs, but please let us inact new divorce restrictions. Also this does not prevent people from leaving the household after all people do go through seperations before an official divorce.

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30 here, ever since I've left my husband - long before the finalization of my divorce - I have been living as an asexual. I chose to. Not even chose to, it came naturally. Right now, almost 1 am, I'm watching the Simpsons, loading some thai scary movie (knowing no one can beat Bughuul...) having a day off tomorrow which I'll spend in the old town taking pictures, talking to some tourists and expats, maybe writing letters to send overseas along with some gifts, will swim, workout, cook, and there will be no sex or touching people involved. Gee. Guess what, my skin is still smooth, I'm not a wreck - I have these jumps but I've always had them - and I could bring over the entire Swedish floorball team formed by smoking hot young expats. I have an apartment to myself after all! Gee, there must be something wrong with me. :) Would even have a long caffeine-dead sea salt-lavender bath but um, can't. So it's gonna be a hot oil massage for me, performed by a lady that twists the living soul out of me. Do I need to consult a pastor about my non-promiscuous lifestyle? I'm totally expected to be the second coming of the Great Wh*re of Babylon, and asexual people like me, too. Maybe they should rot me by telling me what I'm supposed to be like (donkey quote from the bible :D) THEN fix me and everyone else by prayer and trips to camps. Sorry about my sarcasm but stupidity and ignorance turns me into a horrible person, and as an asexual, I find this freaking ridiculous. But heck, everyone judges by the way they think.

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Wtf, seriously? If people want to get divorced let them get divorced! Honestly it can't be healthy for kids to stay in a home where the parents hate each other and have no desire to be together. First they have to control who can get married, now they want to control who can get divorced. Give it a break, stay out of people's love lives, that is not what government is meant for.

I refuse to even address the ridiculousness of the whole promiscuity claim.

How about a spoiled mama's boy with an ocd and severe, severe mental health issues that he denied to have? If I haven't been allowed to divorce, I would have taken an overdose of his medications long ago. I saved 2 strips of horribly strong sleeping pills in case I could not escape because I decided on "option Z" at some point.

*because people are not foods

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I think we should create a Free Jinger Mix-n-Match of fundie scare words and societal ills:

1. Divorce

2. Islamic terrorists

3. The Gay Agenda

4. Working Women

5. Public schools

6. Vaccines

7. Feminism

8. Welfare

9. Illegal Immigrants

10. Abortion

a. juvenile delinquency

b. homelessness

c. unemployment

d. cancer clusters

e. declining standard of living

f. teen pregnancy

g. home foreclosures

h. school shootings

i. drought

h. the crumbling infrastructure

Tea Party politicians, fundie bloggers, regressive media outlets, anyone who wants to whip up righteous right-wing indignation can pick one letter and one number, smash them together in a sentence using "cause" as the verb, and have a field day with it.

For example:

Islamic terrorists cause unemployment.

The gay agenda causes home foreclosures.

Welfare causes cancer clusters.

Abortion causes drought.

This makes about as much sense as anything they come up with.

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I think we should create a Free Jinger Mix-n-Match of fundie scare words and societal ills:

1. Divorce

2. Islamic terrorists

3. The Gay Agenda

4. Working Women

5. Public schools

6. Vaccines

7. Feminism

8. Welfare

9. Illegal Immigrants

10. Abortion

a. juvenile delinquency

b. homelessness

c. unemployment

d. cancer clusters

e. declining standard of living

f. teen pregnancy

g. home foreclosures

h. school shootings

i. drought

h. the crumbling infrastructure

Tea Party politicians, fundie bloggers, regressive media outlets, anyone who wants to whip up righteous right-wing indignation can pick one letter and one number, smash them together in a sentence using "cause" as the verb, and have a field day with it.

For example:

Islamic terrorists cause unemployment.

The gay agenda causes home foreclosures.

Welfare causes cancer clusters.

Abortion causes drought.

This makes about as much sense as anything they come up with.

Thats probably how they do it as well...

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I think we should create a Free Jinger Mix-n-Match of fundie scare words and societal ills:

1. Divorce

2. Islamic terrorists

3. The Gay Agenda

4. Working Women

5. Public schools

6. Vaccines

7. Feminism

8. Welfare

9. Illegal Immigrants

10. Abortion

a. juvenile delinquency

b. homelessness

c. unemployment

d. cancer clusters

e. declining standard of living

f. teen pregnancy

g. home foreclosures

h. school shootings

i. drought

h. the crumbling infrastructure

Tea Party politicians, fundie bloggers, regressive media outlets, anyone who wants to whip up righteous right-wing indignation can pick one letter and one number, smash them together in a sentence using "cause" as the verb, and have a field day with it.

For example:

Islamic terrorists cause unemployment.

The gay agenda causes home foreclosures.

Welfare causes cancer clusters.

Abortion causes drought.

This makes about as much sense as anything they come up with.

You need to add global warming, evolution and atheism.

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How about dinosaurs, 911 was an inside job and us being surveilled through invisible cameras in flat screens? (Btw this could be turned into a drinking game.)

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We should all gather in front of Fox News. Drink for every combination you hear/can make. Granted, the game won't last long as everyone will pass out...

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Not much will bring me out of lurking, but this did.

I think it is really, really odd to use this as the reason for preventing divorces. Divorce effects both male and female children. It is a difficult time for both, but the GOP does not seemed concerned about boys growing up to be womanizers. Again, there is a focus on female sexuality.

Makes me fucking sick.

Wtf, seriously? If people want to get divorced let them get divorced! Honestly it can't be healthy for kids to stay in a home where the parents hate each other and have no desire to be together. First they have to control who can get married, now they want to control who can get divorced. Give it a break, stay out of people's love lives, that is not what government is meant for.

I refuse to even address the ridiculousness of the whole promiscuity claim.

It isn't. My mother was 17 and my dad was 23 when they got married, and they still are (almost 30 years later) I can't remember a time when they really got along consistently. They fight almost constantly. When my Dad was working, it was a little better because he was not there as often. He was laid off in December and their house has been a war-zone since. When I was younger, I used to ask them to get divorced often, and still occasionally bring it up to my mother (who deals with way more bullshit than she should).

I don't know if that has anything to do with my promiscuity and lack of desire to commit, but I doubt it. I agree, it is ridiculous to even attempt to draw conclusions.

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What is up with the Gop's fetish of the Victorian era and patriarchal ideals that won't work in modern American society? Are they that afraid of old white men losing power and minorities and women getting revenge? :|

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I think we should create a Free Jinger Mix-n-Match of fundie scare words and societal ills:

1. Divorce

2. Islamic terrorists

3. The Gay Agenda

4. Working Women

5. Public schools

6. Vaccines

7. Feminism

8. Welfare

9. Illegal Immigrants

10. Abortion

a. juvenile delinquency

b. homelessness

c. unemployment

d. cancer clusters

e. declining standard of living

f. teen pregnancy

g. home foreclosures

h. school shootings

i. drought

h. the crumbling infrastructure

Tea Party politicians, fundie bloggers, regressive media outlets, anyone who wants to whip up righteous right-wing indignation can pick one letter and one number, smash them together in a sentence using "cause" as the verb, and have a field day with it.

For example:

Islamic terrorists cause unemployment.

The gay agenda causes home foreclosures.

Welfare causes cancer clusters.

Abortion causes drought.

This makes about as much sense as anything they come up with.

Hmm, maybe this could lead to Fundie Mad Libs.

I'm not a fan of divorce, but I do believe it should be an option for people's whose marriages have truly fallen apart.

And wouldn't divorce also encourage boys to be promiscuous?

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On Monday, the Iowa state House moved out of committee a bill that would make no-fault divorces illegal. That’s a huge relief for one state legislator, who fears that no-fault divorce will turn his 16-year-old granddaughter into a harlot.

State Representative Tedd Gassman ® spoke emotionally about the legislation — which would require all parents of children under 18 to prove their spouse had committed a crime, abandoned the family, or committed adultery — saying that it related to the real-life scenario of his daughter’s divorce. That situation, he said, was at risk of turning his daughter into a hormonal trollop:

“This basically is an attempt on my part to keep fathers in the home,†Gassman said. “I sincerely believe that the family is the foundation of this nation and this nation will go the direction of our families. If our families break up, so will this nation.â€[...]

Representative Gassman said the issue is “near and dear†to his heart because his daughter and son-in-law recently divorced, putting his granddaughter at risk.

“There’s a 16-year-old girl in this whole mix now. Guess what? What are the possibilities of her being more promiscuous?†Gassman said.

“What are the possibilities of all these other things surrounding her life that a 16-year-old girl, with hormones raging, can get herself into?â€

No-fault divorces allow unhappy couples to put an end to their marriages, so it is not at all clear that they are worse for a child than continuing a marriage where parents resent the kid for keeping them together against their will. And while it does not address the problems with power and economic disparity (PDF) between high-earning male spouses and low-earning women, no-fault divorce is a quick solution for a victim of domestic violence to escape an otherwise dangerous situation. Additionally, one study showed that fewer women committed suicide or were murdered by intimate partners in states with more liberal divorce laws.

http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/0 ... omiscuity/


Go, Gassman, thanks for humiliting your grandaughter, by opening disscussing her sex life, which you

One: Have no idea about.

Two: Her sex life is none of your concern

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I hope I"m seriously dead by the time the GOP reaches its goal of turning this country into a dystopian, real life 'Handmaid's Tale' thanks to laws like this.

Oh yes. Womenz are whooors and menz are menz can do whatever the fuck they want.

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What is up with the Gop's fetish of the Victorian era and patriarchal ideals that won't work in modern American society? Are they that afraid of old white men losing power and minorities and women getting revenge? :|

Not only will they not work now, they didn't work then. Sure, poor white men could comfort themselves with not being at the very bottom of the heap, but they werent actually better off then than now.

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I had this exact conversation with my husband this morning on the way to work this morning.... but since I"m healthy, I told him I'm going to do what I can to stop it-- I am getting old enough I have less to lose by pissing people off, and I'm about to start. LOL!

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I'm so old I can remember a time when the GOP wasn't filled with the fuckwits we have now. But since the extreme religious right took over the GOP sometimes in the 1980s we have descended into true madness. I truly think extreme religious right and their stranglehold on politics is one of the worst things that has happened to our country in the past couple of decades

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*raises hand* Mr Gassman, what about those among us whose parents enjoyed happy marriages, and who have good, strong relationships with their fathers? Who am I supposed to blame for my former teen hormones, and a safe and consensual phase of sowing my wild oats? And what about my partners? I can't be sure about all of them, but off the top of my head, most seemed to come from no-divorce homes.

Well, there was that one guy, whose parents hated each other, but refused to get divorced (very strict Catholics), and he was pretty messed-up. Walking through their door was a bit like stepping into the ice-age. You sort of expected a mammoth to trample you, and a glacier slowly squashing you to death. Now, Mr Gassman, that might have been me, but it didn't seem a particularly healthy environment for children to grow up in.

But what do I know, right? I'm a godless heathen, who talks to her dad every other day for at least an hour - we live in different countries- coming from a no-divorce home. I was also raised Catholic, so maybe we can blame that? Or maybe we can blame my liberal parents after all? They didn't see sex as a bad thing, and taught me to make emotionally mature decisions that were good for me, while teaching me how to protect myself? It's just an idea, Mr Gassman. But maybe, just maybe, it might be a good idea to raise girls and boys without judgement, but with the self-confidence to make decisions for themselves, the knowledge to protect themselves and respect for each other? Just an idea.

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I would be seriously pissed if my grandfather (hell, any of my relatives) used my parents' (hypothetical, in my case) impending divorce to make a political point. Who does that? Particularly given he's not too far from saying "my 16 year old granddaughter is at risk of becoming a filthy slut."

That poor young woman, being dragged into this.

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What is up with the Gop's fetish of the Victorian era and patriarchal ideals that won't work in modern American society? Are they that afraid of old white men losing power and minorities and women getting revenge? :|


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