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Oh, the horrors of female suffrage!


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I was just reading the batshit stupid comments against women's suffrage.


It has angered me to the point where I make this vow


I as a woman will vote in every election I get a chance to vote in and my vote will go toward the most proggressive candiate.

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I as a woman will vote in every election I get a chance to vote in and my vote will go toward the most proggressive candiate.

I already do this, but I will join your effort, I have three male children and I will be most certainly educating them with all my liberal/feminist propoganda.

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I knew I shouldn't click th elink, but I did. Now, what to do with my rage at this woman and her followers.

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What astounds me is that there are WOMEN who don't believe women should vote.

By the way, hypothetically, what would any of you do if you found out your husband/partner didn't think women should vote, but wasn't vocal about it.

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sunshinemary purports to be Catholic. However, many of her posts, like this one against universal suffrage, are directly and unapologetically in opposition to Catholic Church teachings. This, coupled with her choice words and phrases when discussing Catholicism, has caused me more than once to question sunshinemary's authenticity.

If she is for real, I hope she's under the care and supervision of a mental health provider. Her misanthropy is pathological.

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I cannot believe that therecare people out there with this kind of ideas.

I like the comment that listed proficiency in the use of a fire weapon as one of the criteria to be elegible to vote, besides, of course, being a married male over 40 and with one child. I do not get how being all this make you more competent to vote. It never mention having an actual working brain.

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What astounds me is that there are WOMEN who don't believe women should vote.

By the way, hypothetically, what would any of you do if you found out your husband/partner didn't think women should vote, but wasn't vocal about it.

Take him in to check for a stroke or brain tumor, as he is and always has been a feminist AND has always known my feelings about equality in all things. I'd not be suprised if some of his family members bought into this idea, but not him.

We donate to and support womens issues, and we talk about one of our goals as being rich enough to make a greater impact.

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By the way, hypothetically, what would any of you do if you found out your husband/partner didn't think women should vote, but wasn't vocal about it.

That's something that would have to come out on the first or second date, if not before the couple even started dating. People who don't believe in universal suffrage also hold regressive opinions on poverty, race, social justice, politics, religion, international affairs, etc., etc., and they're going to associate with like-minded people. It doesn't take but 30 seconds of talk, or checking their FB page, or reading their bumper stickers, to suss that out. Unless a couple spent their entire dating life with their heads up their bungs or talking about, I dunno, the blue sky or the wet rain, a women is going to know she's with a man who doesn't believe she should be able to vote looooong before there's an exchange of wedding rings.

Me, if I happened to find out my date didn't believe in universal suffrage, I would walk out. In fact, when I was dating I did walk out on guys who expressed what I thought were bigoted or intolerant attitudes towards the poor, the homeless, immigrants, Catholics, and the LGBTQ community. I walked out a few guys, but I figured that by doing so I was saving them and me a lot of time and drama. And for the record, I married a man who has an MA in gender and cultural studies. ;)

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That is scary stuff. What really scares me is how women are saying and believing in all this.

I vote in every election and I vote for who I feel will do the best job.

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I would leave my SO if he didn't believe in equality for all people. I cannot be with someone who isn't for equal rights for all.

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I just find that mindblowing. Then again, if fundie women don't vote, that might change the rightward swing of some of the candidates I've been seeing because they'll have fewer right-wingers voting for them.

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I just find that mindblowing. Then again, if fundie women don't vote, that might change the rightward swing of some of the candidates I've been seeing because they'll have fewer right-wingers voting for them.

In this case, I'd be fine with fundie women not voting, but if they even think about taking my voting right away, they should prepare for a fight. I vote in every election, and chose those candidates who have the same views as I do. I happen to be nonpartisan because I don't fit with either major party. I'm not liberal enough to be a Democrat, and I want to be able to chose what I do with my reproductive system, so being a Republican is out of the question.

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I just find that mindblowing. Then again, if fundie women don't vote, that might change the rightward swing of some of the candidates I've been seeing because they'll have fewer right-wingers voting for them.

They do vote. They just ask their husband/father/brother who they're supposed to vote for.

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I was reading the comments, and many only believe land owners should vote. That is scary, not only do they want to disenfranchise women, but also the poor.

Only land-owning men get to vote? What century is this. It is bone-chilling that such thoughts exist in this time period

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Personally, I take every opportunity I get to vote. Always have. When I turned 18, it was very important to me to be able to vote, and to participate in the democratic process. I don't get misogynist women who turn their nose up at the vote, and claim that one vote cancels out another. My SO and I have rarely agreed on politics in our near-decade together. So, yes, possibly, my voice cancelled his out. Good! One less conservative (in the European sense).

Actually, growing up, I didn't think that voting was all that important. Until in 1991- when I was ten years old-, I saw a programme about voting rights for women in Switzerland. One part of Switzerland only gave women the vote in 1992. I vividly remember an interview with a woman who said that she didn't believe she needed the vote, because her husband knew what was right for her. That absolutely horrified little me. I just couldn't believe that this grown woman wouldn't want to speak for herself. Daft as it sounds, she's in the back of my mind, whenever I vote. Abstain, for all I care, lady, I WANT to be heard. In a way, you might say, a Swiss anti-suffrage lady on telly, made me militant about voting whenever I can.

One step ahead of you, AtroposHeart. ;) :)

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She's an ungrateful little bitch. If it weren't for womens' rights sufferagists, she wouldn't be able to write on her blog. If she's truly anti-feminist, she should lead by example: - close her blog, shut up, stay at home, never go out without an appropriate male companion (husband/male relative comes to mind), never speak unless spoken to, keep house, please her husband as much as possible while ignoring her own wants and taking care of her kids 24/7. But I guess she doesn't have to; because both she and Lori are in God's Special Snowflake Club where women who hate themselves preach against feminism and the opportunities it gives to minorities and women to "progress" America into their ideal Victorian past that would be their present Gileadean America. I only read a part of it, and it's sickening. Even the man who no women should be in a relationship with; MarkyMark (who is sighted by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a Supporter of anti-women hate) has commented on this blog. This woman along with Lori should shut up forever; because after all; they don't believe that women shouldn't have a voice because some women may want to * le gasp * vote for progressives who'll open up opportunities for minorities and women; and the patriarchy loosing their power would cause havoc, wouldn't it? :roll:

Then the world would be out of order! * long rant is long*

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I got to the commenter who said the fact that 1 in 4 women will be raped is a myth. After that I just can't.

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I've always wondered what makes these anti-suffragist women tick. It's one thing to think themselves inferior if they were born in the 19th century. However, these women were all born into an era when a women's right to vote was undisputed. Are they just naive? Do they have serious personal issues? Do these women feel burdened by life that they fantasize of a life where they would be "taken care of"? Perhaps they believe if women were not "burdened" with choice and opportunities, life would be easier. I admit having opportunities creates its own problems. Knowing one's place, even in an mediocre existence, can be appealing.

Or, maybe these women are just naive thinking their interests would be looked after by others. History tells us otherwise. If women are denied the vote, then women's issues will be marginalized. Women's concerns will be put on the back burner.

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I've always wondered what makes these anti-suffragist women tick. It's one thing to think themselves inferior if they were born in the 19th century. However, these women were all born into an era when a women's right to vote was undisputed. Are they just naive? Do they have serious personal issues? Do these women feel burdened by life that they fantasize of a life where they would be "taken care of"? Perhaps they believe if women were not "burdened" with choice and opportunities, life would be easier. I admit having opportunities creates its own problems. Knowing one's place, even in an mediocre existence, can be appealing.

Or, maybe these women are just naive thinking their interests would be looked after by others. History tells us otherwise. If women are denied the vote, then women's issues will be marginalized. Women's concerns will be put on the back burner.

The ones not men masquerading as women (God please be most of them) are probably brainwaahed and terrified to such an extent that they have internalized the misogyny as a way of proving they are good women. I listened to a rejoin report of the public group sexual assaults of women in Egypt. These assaults occur in broad daylight in crowded squares on women from 15 to 60 years old covered from head to toe. Women were saying it was a shame, but that these women must be unvirtuous because men would never assault a virtuous woman. My initial impulse was to beat them, but then it occurred to me that their belief and their voicing of it was a way to protect and sooth themselves. This could never happen to them because they were virtuous. It's sick, damaging magical thinking.

By the way, that whole blog is one of the most horrifying things I have ever read. It's a crcle jerk for Christian MRAs who speak of women in the crudest terms possible.

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Can we build these asshats a time machine so they can go back and live in the good ol' days they seem to love so much? Seriously this bunch of knuckle dragging Neanderthals can go enjoy all the perks of being a white male back in the day. Of course most of them forget those perks included working very long hard hours, losing your wife in childbirth, and half your children to childhood illnesses. Then there were lovely fates like possibly dying of things like smallpox, typhoid, diphtheria, cholera or the flu. Add to that possibly being required to participate in several bloody wars were things like antibiotics and pain killers were either non-existant, or in very short supply sounds like really fun times that they should have the privilege to go back and enjoy.

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The reason why I oppose female suffrage is because women are much more emotional and are easily manipulated. Women are swayed by the sexual attractiveness of the candidate rather than his voting record. We also tend to be short-sighted. I have written an anecdote about this:

http://thewomanandthedragon.wordpress.c ... ed-states/

Men are more likely to take a long view of things and are generally less swayed by the sexual attractiveness of the candidate. At the time that the nineteenth amendment was passed by the senate, it was not particular popular with the common folk. Even as it was being ratified, most states passed it by rather narrow margins.

Women do not need the right to vote if our husbands and fathers have that right. They will not vote against our best interests and are likely to make better fiscal and social policy choices. Women generally tend toward socialism, which is always an eventual failure everywhere it is attempted.

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The reason why I oppose female suffrage is because women are much more emotional and are easily manipulated. Women are swayed by the sexual attractiveness of the candidate rather than his voting record. We also tend to be short-sighted. I have written an anecdote about this:

http://thewomanandthedragon.wordpress.c ... ed-states/

Men are more likely to take a long view of things and are generally less swayed by the sexual attractiveness of the candidate. At the time that the nineteenth amendment was passed by the senate, it was not particular popular with the common folk. Even as it was being ratified, most states passed it by rather narrow margins.

Women do not need the right to vote if our husbands and fathers have that right. They will not vote against our best interests and are likely to make better fiscal and social policy choices. Women generally tend toward socialism, which is always an eventual failure everywhere it is attempted.

You're a little early for Fundie Friday.

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The reason why I oppose female suffrage is because women are much more emotional and are easily manipulated. Women are swayed by the sexual attractiveness of the candidate rather than his voting record. We also tend to be short-sighted. I have written an anecdote about this:

http://thewomanandthedragon.wordpress.c ... ed-states/

Men are more likely to take a long view of things and are generally less swayed by the sexual attractiveness of the candidate. At the time that the nineteenth amendment was passed by the senate, it was not particular popular with the common folk. Even as it was being ratified, most states passed it by rather narrow margins.

Women do not need the right to vote if our husbands and fathers have that right. They will not vote against our best interests and are likely to make better fiscal and social policy choices. Women generally tend toward socialism, which is always an eventual failure everywhere it is attempted.

*Sounds the alarms


WILD FUNDIE IS LOSE! and is comfrimed to be armed with misogyny, but it does seem to lack common sense, so it should be easy to apprehend and send to a good fundie observative center for research

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Sunshinemoron, is that the best you can do? If you're going to be a shit-stirring troll, at least start off subtly. I know I'm probably making a mistake in feeding you, and I'm probably going to regret it in the morning, but FFS, don't insult our intelligence!

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The reason why I oppose female suffrage is because women are much more emotional and are easily manipulated. Women are swayed by the sexual attractiveness of the candidate rather than his voting record. We also tend to be short-sighted.

Every empirical study ever done shows that men and women are swayed equally by irrational factors. The factors differ somewhat, but that's it. Your anecdote is worthless fiction.

Men are more likely to take a long view of things and are generally less swayed by the sexual attractiveness of the candidate.

Again, disproved by every empirical study, not to mention millenia of human history.

Women do not need the right to vote if our husbands and fathers have that right. They will not vote against our best interests and are likely to make better fiscal and social policy choices. Women generally tend toward socialism, which is always an eventual failure everywhere it is attempted.

See millenia of human history. And those well known bastions of "socialism", Germany, Sweden, and Austra

lia, are clearly on the verge of collapse.

If you want to let men treat you ad a perpetual child at best or with less respect than i treat my dog at worst, that's your business. Don't try to drag the rest of us, male and female down with you.

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