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The Arsenal on dating v courtship


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The number one purpose for this kind of dating is pleasure: fun. The relationship usually starts out extremely superficial, and almost always because of physical appearance. The guy and girl find each other “hot,†as the kids like to say.

These dating relationships can last anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months. Sometimes—though rarely—they can get up to over a year long. These relationships are fueled by selfishness, not love. They may feel like they are in love, but love is not about feelings. In reality, each partner is trying to leech as much personal pleasure out of the other person as possible. Once one or the other decides they've gotten all they can get, they break-up.

Dating around for fun is like blowing yourself up for fun. You're going to hurt yourself, and the others around you.





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Just read the first one, but... yeah, this guy has never been on a "normal" date. He thinks that you decide to become boyfriend and girlfriend and THEN go out to a movie. Sometimes I feel bad for these fundie kids, honestly. They spend their whole lives being told that everyone who isn't in their own little ultraconservative sect has no sexual ethics whatsoever, and I really think that they're terrified of us.

Also clicking on his about me suggests that his parents homeschooled him but called their school: "Theirlastname Preparatory Academy". Which actually wouldn't be such a bad idea to disguise a subpar education if they had chosen a name that was NOT shared by all their alumni.

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