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Lori Alexander: All reasons for BC are bad except my reason

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Lori's latest post "Weeping for the Women" is about how sad it it is when women use BC.

She goes on to say that all reasons for using BC reflect a lack of trust in God, except for one reason: health problems of the mom. Coincidentally, that was the reason she used BC after her last child.


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wtf? Ttust god to provide for you, unless you are ill, because then clearly god forgot about you and might actually give you a blessing that would hurt you?

She is such a fucking hypocrite. I mean, I am glad birth control is available for those who want it for whatever reason including health reasons, but her mandate that everyone trust what god has planned except for her is ridiculous. But then why am I surprised by that? She is ridiculous all around.

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What was it about the "limit your use of medical intervention!!" business she was just going on about? Hmm..

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Think anyone could sell it to her that all reasons for using birth control come back to the health of the mother? You know – financial health, emotional health, physical health. Or would that just throw her into another bible passage search tizzy (just really wanted to use this word in a sentence today :) ) to support her suppressive views.

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Ya gotta love this quote:

I realize this is an issue between each husband and wife but I enjoy giving you opinions contrary to what society tells you so you can carefully decide your options. This world is on a broad path that leads to destruction. God's narrow way is a path that leads to life and I love walking on His path.

So she says this is a private decision between husband and wife, but then says that she enjoys putting in her 2 cents? Um, why? Doesn't that contradict her own advice in every other post about wives submitting to husbands? "Hey honey, I know this is a private matter between us and you've expressed some strong opinions on the topic, but Random Lady on the Internet says we shouldn't be using birth control!" Yeah, that will go over well.

Anyway, thanks Lori. I was never capable of thinking for myself, apparently, until you came along lecturing me about doing something else.

It's also so reassuring to know that we are all on the path to hell, but you are apparently certain that you have your own unique divine roadmap to G-d's Path.

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Up until artificial birth control, most people just had babies whenever God blessed them with them and they didn't think anything about it.

Ah, nothing like a little revisionist history first thing in the morning ... of course NO WOMEN, EVER tried to limit their pregnancies until the BIG BAD PILL came along! :roll:

Also, the line about "empty nests" at 39 only applies if you had one (or your last) baby at 21. Maybe not for fundies, but that's pretty young around these parts. I get enough "OMGz you're so YOUNG!!!" at playgroups, and I had Monkey when I was 27. Barring any potential siblings, I won't get and empty nest until I'm in my forties. That actually sounds like a great time!

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Ah, nothing like a little revisionist history first thing in the morning ... of course NO WOMEN, EVER tried to limit their pregnancies until the BIG BAD PILL came along! :roll:

Yeah, these people don't seem to realize that different methods of birth control have been around for thousands of years, meaning that people in the past didn't just have "babies whenever God blessed them with them and they didn't think anything about it." What they really don't like is that modern methods of birth control are safe, effective, and give women power over their own bodies. The horror!!!

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Most women feel fatigue and nausea with pregnancy. Some feel it the whole pregnancy. Isn't birth control "for health" then?

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I think Lori should be trusting god more. God never lets women get pregnant when it might kill them. If she were to get pregnant, god will protect her. Oh, wait...it's only other women who need to trust god. Gotcha.

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My health issues were I felt like jumping off a bridge if I had another child. Three was my limit. Plus my headship was done. So I listened to him. Lol. So, am I doubly good?

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realize this is an issue between each husband and wife but I enjoy giving you opinions contrary to what society tells you so you can carefully decide your options. This world is on a broad path that leads to destruction. God's narrow way is a path that leads to life and I love walking on His path.

WHAT? This is in direct contradiction to everything she has posted. Birth control is always for the health of the woman. Plus, according to her women should submit to their husbands. There's nothing to discuss...you obey your husband in all things So, is using birth control HER decision or her husband's?

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