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WTW! Rude behavior


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Why am I shocked on Josh's rude behavior. 15:36 he begins texting on stage. :roll: Good, public speaking skills.

My posts don't post--ie, I seem unable to learn this.

1) videos like this, that have the minister/youth leader at a church function, as part of the church activity tell people who to vote for (and don't come back if you vote for someone else) need to be reported to the IRS, to remove their not for profit status.

2) second thing mentioned in my "lost" post. We wondered what careers they could have with no education and limited skills. Traveling minister seems to be what they are working on. THey have the stereotypical patter down-- even anna stops the ums after she gets past the introducing her life

3) I am trying to figure out what world encourages boys to go to their parents to mention that they are horny all the time...... which Smuggar says he didn't, and should have....!!!!

I couldn't make it through the whole thing, and think if I were a kid at a youth group and they talked that long, I'd be tuning them out after 10 minutes.

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The thing about public speaking is you gotta catch teens' attention in the first 3 minutes. After that... all bets are off. But I hope the audience was polite enough not to start texting up a storm like Smuggar

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