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American Traditionalist Society


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Apparently, the Lousewife's latest endeavor has hit Facebook:


I didn't see anything else about this when I searched, but the description of the society definitely caught my eye. And the blogger even admits that she intends for it to be "racially conservative" as well:


Given that she seems to envision local chapters, face to face meetings, etc..., I do find myself wondering how long it will take before I start seeing stuff like this around here. Conservative groups (religious and otherwise) seem to be very much on the rise here.

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From the second link:

MANY readers of this site have described their sense of isolation in a society that seems bereft of wisdom, decency and common sense. Whether it be a college student disgusted by her courses, a young man looking for a wife, a new mother who wants to remain home, a white man whose career has been derailed by affirmative action, an elderly bachelor in a once-thriving community now brutalized by black crime and vandalism, or a Marine in the feminized military, these readers share the feeling that they do not belong. They reject the lunacy and decadence around them.

straight into the racism.

One of the comments is scary and a bit bizarre:

I am excited by the prospect of an American Traditionalist Society. My concern is: just how traditionalist is the new society to be? Will it champion the traditional right of peoples to self-determination, free association, and self-awareness? Or will it, as so many “conservative†organizations do, hold forth the Enlightenment view that “we are all the same under the skin†and that race and ethnicity do not matter?

If the latter is the case, I’ll have to pass on supporting the new Society. Any society claiming to promote traditional, organic society while hewing to the multicultural, multiracial Gospel. According to the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior (pbuh) is not playing with honest cards. The things that are traditional for European people and people of European ancestry are in many cases not traditional for blacks or Asians. Whose “tradition†is the Society going to honor?

I don’t mean to be contentious, but I do insist on honesty. If the new Society is going to be a force for the re-establishment of white, Christian, pre-Enlightenment culture from which all civilization in the West is derived, I’ll be happy to sign on. But if its purpose is to promote some sort of small-world-after-all monoculture, I will take a reluctant pass.

ETA: failed at proper quoting

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I do wish these people actually had the critical thinking skills to understand the philosophies, ideas, concepts, history and theories from which they cherry-pick big words. Conflating Enlightenment philosophy and multi-culturalism? Enlightenment philosophy is the foundation of America. My head just exploded. Help me pick up the pieces, please?


This is one of her quotes!!!!!!!

"The Obamas are saying that America is their toy to play with. This is what happens when you put in charge of the country blacks and leftists who are deeply hostile to it."
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Ah, so you are uncomfortable when someone who is not of your race is your leader? You are bereft at the thought of working women and minorities surpassing you in the workplace?

Payback, mofo.

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Generationcedarchip, you are back! (I haven't seen you around for a while.) I'm glad to "see" you again. :D

Speaking of this society-thing, xenophobia/racism is undoubtedly bad by itself. In combination with religious extremism it's super bad... like alarmingly bad (dangerous). :shock:

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Keep on trying to make it 'LOLracially conservative'; you've already failed.

All of this butthurt over Obama winning STILL.....don't fundies hate Mormons as well? We'd be in for a world of a different kind of butthurt is Romney won..

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:shock: wow, that is heavy racism. I'm shocked. How can these people still be living in another century?!?

"Black crime"...uh...I mean...how...

Nope, no words for that.

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Generationcedarchip, you are back! (I haven't seen you around for a while.) I'm glad to "see" you again. :D

Speaking of this society-thing, xenophobia/racism is undoubtedly bad by itself. In combination with religious extremism it's super bad... like alarmingly bad (dangerous). :shock:

Hi Effie! Good to "see" you, too. Thinking about fundieland is sometimes stressful for me and I had lots of family stuff going on, too, so I had to step offline for a little break. Good to be back!

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Ah, so you are uncomfortable when someone who is not of your race is your leader? You are bereft at the thought of working women and minorities surpassing you in the workplace?

Payback, mofo.


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From the second link:

straight into the racism.

One of the comments is scary and a bit bizarre:

Here is "Laura's" response

I am now wondering if this actually parody. It's hard to believe that a "mainstream fundie" (who usually at least pretend to embrace all races) would come out and say this stuff quite so blatantly. It does seem to be designed to provoke.

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I am now wondering if this actually parody. It's hard to believe that a "mainstream fundie" (who usually at least pretend to embrace all races) would come out and say this stuff quite so blatantly. It does seem to be designed to provoke.

I've wondered about that, too, because I know that a lot of fundie and fundie-lite churches will at least give lip-service to racial reconciliation (and to their credit, some really are very serious about it even if I disagree with a lot of the other things they're very serious about). However, from other posts, I know that TH is basically a superconservative Catholic and I don't know enough about fundie Catholics to know how the race issue would play into that. Anyone else here know much about that?

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I'm also surprised by the blatant racism on THH. Most fundies have openly and explicitly rejected racism (although I'm sure mileage varies on that). THH seems to pander to a particular type of fundie. I don't think it's due to her super Catholicism as the church has a large non-white flock. More likely THH believes she's persecuted for her Christianity as much as for her race. Not only are there forces out for to destroy her religion, but also to destroy the white race. All of it is, of course, blamed on the damn liberals and commies. THH will deny racism, instead she says her interests are "white issues" because she considers her race to be a persecuted group in need of special care.

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