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HELP ME... about to beat this fundie asshole!!!


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I got in an "arguement" yesterday with a fundie friend's husband (who by the way refused her insurance before pregnancy and refuses to sign up for medicaid because it's evilz and NOW she is 14 weeks pregnant and has had NO prenatal care whatsoever) about the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act.

He LITERALLY said that yelling at your wife would now qualify as a FELONY case of Domestic Abuse. My husband is a cop, and basically called BS when I asked (which I assumed already, it is another case of the conservatives yelling the sky is falling when it is not).

It led to him calling me names, and I just saw afterwards that he posted the following directed at me.

I am fucking STEAMING and wish I lived close to him so I could beat his ASS. He is an AMWAY crazy, and spouted all of this the night after I refused to "support him in his new goals."

Check out his facebook if you so please to read the other drivel he posts... http://www.facebook.com/chris.mattingly.5205?fref=ts

He also has a weightloss page (he is 400 pounds and very, very unhealthy)



I find women who have no purpose in their lives very funny and sad at the same time. They are easy to spot because of their need to challenge people all the time....especially grown men.

Call it an inferiority complex, call it a low self image, call it feminism influence, whatever you want to call it.

And because the way a man lives his life threatens their psyche or puts a spotlight on their laziness or lack of purpose they feel the need to challenge him, "give him a piece of their mind" or "bring him down a few notches" to their level....sad sad....

Instead of being who God created them to be and using those strengths they are constantly sizing themselves up against men....instead of realizing men and women are "equal but different" and using her strengths, they feel they need to compare herself to men and a mans strengths evidenced in their need to constantly "challenge" men.

How about you put on your big girl panties, suck it up and make something worthwhile and lasting happen in your life that will benefit generations to come instead of spending all your time tearing down and challenging other people to make yourself feel more "adequate". #readyoulikeabook

PLEASE help me feel better about this!!!

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I also love the responses from the crazy asshole guys:

4 people like this.

Brent Coltrane Lol, what happened

Yesterday at 8:26pm · Like · 1

Crosbythe Eighth Finally, lol, someone said it! Good stuff. Show me the most powerful beautiful female Angel and I'll show you creature that has never existed.

Thursday at 8:52pm via mobile · Like · 1

Asseged Major LMFAO!!!, Mr Chris Mattingly, quote of the Week, or more so quote of the Month, Way to end Feburary with a Bang, hahahahahahaha

Thursday at 11:11pm · Like · 1

Phil McCollum Kind of surprised this post didn't generate a large train wreck of responses. That said, if you used the word people instead of women in your post it probably would not have changed the meaning much as men without any purpose in life are likely just as aimless as women without any purpose in life.

17 hours ago · Like · 3

Chris Mattingly Very true for the most part Phil.....most guys I have met though don't challenge in my experience....they are more like "Dude how can I do that too!"

17 hours ago · Like

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Anychance you can just ignore him and stay her friend. She is a grown up, and should have known what she was getting when she married him. she could be getting prenatal care without insurance--view all this as a joint decision.

I have some inlaws who I can't discuss politics with at all. No point. No matter how wrong they are on the facts, they never believe they are spouting untruths.

Place on ground, walk away, watch it fizzle from a distance, but don't engage.

His major vs his physique is interesting. No wonder he has to work for himself selling amway.

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Anychance you can just ignore him and stay her friend. She is a grown up, and should have known what she was getting when she married him. she could be getting prenatal care without insurance--view all this as a joint decision.

I have some inlaws who I can't discuss politics with at all. No point. No matter how wrong they are on the facts, they never believe they are spouting untruths.

Place on ground, walk away, watch it fizzle from a distance, but don't engage.

His major vs his physique is interesting. No wonder he has to work for himself selling amway.

Thanks. He actually quit college, because it is obviously a waste of time. ;) He goes on and on all the time about how college does nothing, and now everything is all better because he is an "entrepreneur" (MLM doesn't count IMO as being an entrepreneur).

I see what you mean about it being a joint decision, but as you can tell in his response he is teetering on abusive and thinks it's his right to "put his wife in her place." I believe she is a little "slow" from what I can tell, but has no diagnosis. Her family fought against this marriage as hard as they could, but since she was legally an adult, she moved out against their will.

So sad for her, she says that he is the only one allowed to find out about prenatal care and refuses to allow her to make an appointment- or she'll be in "trouble."

I am more than likely going to remain friends, but slightly concerned he will continue to troll my account through her- it is otherwise pretty locked down, and we are pretty security minded given my husband's profession- that AND he knows our address and is known to own many guns and tinfoil hats. :shock:

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Dear Lord, what an ass. I have to second what Salex said about not allowing a "debate" to happen between you to. He sounds like the type that would enjoy trying to get your goat and pick a fight. Obnoxious is the best word I can come up with right now for this guy. If you can't arrange to see your friend without being around him, I'd just ignore and dismiss whatever he said just like I would with an obnoxious toddler. Without fuel a fire eventually dies.

Regarding this man and his wife's prenatal care -hope she at least takes vitamins?- all I got is :teasing-nutkick::teasing-nutkick: That's one for each ball.

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If you must post to him, perhaps use this type of statement. "Well, bless your heart. Everyone is entitled to expression their opinion."

Otherwise, put your big girl panties on and walk away because one should "Never wrestle with a pig because you’ll only get muddy and the pig enjoys it."

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Thanks, everyone. I actually blocked him, and don't plan on ever talking to his sad excuse for a person again- makes me feel a bit better that I'm not the only one who thinks he sounds like/is an idiot.

: off to find purpose in my life:

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God, reading that made my blood pressure increase. He sounds like a big fucking douche, and clearly the type of guy who gets off on showing how much better and smarter and manlier he is than all us stupid wimminz. I'm sure he was expecting you to respond and start a debate, and it probably pisses him off that you didn't. Good work!

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Better tell him that people get arrested now for not providing prenatal care. It's considered negligence especially if somehting goes wrong!

As for his attidue that woemn compare themselves to men.. no contest. WE are stronger a man can't even have a cold without acting like they are dying-try giving birth! I feel no need to compare mysef to the opposite sex because there is no way to compare us to them!LOL Heck just look at a man's face when he O's...you crack up everytime....

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That's awful... I'll never understand this need fundies have for misgoyny.

You're doing the right thing though by blocking him. Just keep yourself secure.

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I have a lot of trouble understanding the American medical system. What did you mean that she "refused" medical insurance? Can you provide some details. Why would anyone refuse available insurance?

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A fundie guy who refuses to take care of his other half and then projects his own inferiority complex onto someone who dares pelt him with facts? Oh, I'm shocked – almost as shocked as I am by his passive-aggressive post on the subject. (I mean, gee, you're concerned about someone else's safety and you have facts to back up your assertions? That must surely mean you are the lazy one with no life. It's the same answer these powerful he-men give all the damned time. Screw facts; those are for women and fags. Men have penises, so men win.)

I'm sorry, Slt; I know this pisses you off, but all his post caused in me was laughter. Real, honest-to-God laughter.

If you're worried about his wife and her health, speak with her. If she doesn't listen and instead follows the advice of her surrogate daddy, that's her own problem.

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Total douchebag; I would have blocked him too. If you're worried about him getting on his wife's account and being able to see yours, you might set some filters so her account can't view as much of your info/posts.

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That is some classic Freudian projection right there. His phallic anxiety is all over that. He needs a hug and a Viagra, not a talking-to.

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I'm so, so angry for you.

I know a guy who is the "hippie liberal misogynist" type. He insists that any woman over 28 is basically over the hill, says it is a medical fact that older (by which he means, like, 33) women's vaginas are "toxic", etc. (He's 36 and refuses to date girls over 25.) For the past three years or so he had been dating a girl who was obviously slow and possibly mentally ill. He had been "treating" her with reiki, ended up having her move in with him when she was about 22, refused to let her see a psychiatrist because he believes meds are evil, verbally abused her, and finally kicked her out when she "cheated" on him (after he told her he wanted an open relationship.)

Your friend's husband basically sounds like this guy's fundie twin.

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And thanks to the wonders of modern technology, anyone thinking of employing or doing business with this guy will find his little rant. Anyone thinking of dating one of his leghumpers will find theirs. It's all good.

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"I have some inlaws who I can't discuss politics with at all. No point. No matter how wrong they are on the facts, they never believe they are spouting untruths."

I have a brother and sister in law like that. As my mom says you aren't going to change them. I realize that, but I do enjoy twisting their ignorant archiac views around to their faces whenever possible and saying something that makes their jaws drop. Also, sister in law (who is a major homophobe, amongst her other phobes and isms) has a favorite mug that her mother brought her back from Vegas. It is a souvenir from a Joan Rivers Tribute Show, where all of the Joan Rivers are portrayed by drag queens.

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I feel for your friend. She needs help and support. I am so sad that she is reproducing with this guy thst obviously feels he owns her. It sounds like he treats her like cattle.

I just about bust a gut seeing he studied nutrition and exercise. Dude can't even see his own dick...ugh. I hope to the end of the earth they dont have a daughter.

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Place on ground, walk away, watch it fizzle from a distance, but don't engage.


I agree with salex. It was a good decision to block him from facebook.

I think you may want to try to stay in contact with your friend because this relationship might turn abusive, even more than refusing prenatal care.

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I have a lot of trouble understanding the American medical system. What did you mean that she "refused" medical insurance? Can you provide some details. Why would anyone refuse available insurance?

There are many fundies who qualify for government assistance (in the form of Medicaid for their medical care, food stamps, etc) who refuse to take it because it is "not trusting God." They are okay taking loads of assistance from others, but it is looked down upon to take anything from the government in their circles.

I tried to explain to her that in a best case scenario, her bills will be around 10k for prenatal care and delivery, and God forbid anything worse- c-section easily 30k (mine was), NICU stays easily into the hundreds of thousands. She got very, very angry with me. I told her in no uncertain terms that if my husband forbid me to do that, I'd go around his back and do it anyways. For the health of my baby and myself.

He tricked her into not getting private insurance before pregnancy and when she "fell" pregnant, he told her he's been looking around for a good plan- I tried to explain to her that private insurances will NOT insure an already-pregnant person for pregnancy (it isn't like employee sponsored health plans where you can't have a pre-existing condition), she didn't believe me and told me to never, ever talk to her about insurance or doctor's visits again. I am very worried about her health, but will respect her wishes to not mention it again- as a nurse, I know how terrible not getting prenatal care can be- she's been pinning a lot of stuff about homebirth, which is illegal in our state without a doc, onto her Pinterest... so, I am wondering if her jackass husband is forcing an unassisted homebirth on her. Time will tell!

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And thanks to the wonders of modern technology, anyone thinking of employing or doing business with this guy will find his little rant. Anyone thinking of dating one of his leghumpers will find theirs. It's all good.

Unfortunately, pretty much all Amway people are like this- they encourage keeping wives in the dark about financials, business dealings, etc. She literally has NO idea how much they make yearly after 3 years of marriage. Horrifying.

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I wish I could unsee that douchelord's horribly misogynist's comments (and the comments from his leghumpers), but I can't. I really feel sorry for his wife. Still, I'd wouldn't completely shut her out just because she's married to an asshole. From the steaming pile of crap he put on his FB page I can imagine he might border on abusive. Keep your eye on her, especially considering she's pregnant.

I guess it's best to ignore him. I think he's desperate for attention. I can understand why you're upset, though. Someone once left a nasty, woman-hating comment at my blog years ago, and I really felt like I had been hit in the gut.

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I wish I could unsee that douchelord's horribly misogynist's comments (and the comments from his leghumpers), but I can't. I really feel sorry for his wife. Still, I'd wouldn't completely shut her out just because she's married to an asshole. From the steaming pile of crap he put on his FB page I can imagine he might border on abusive. Keep your eye on her, especially considering she's pregnant.

I guess it's best to ignore him. I think he's desperate for attention. I can understand why you're upset, though. Someone once left a nasty, woman-hating comment at my blog years ago, and I really felt like I had been hit in the gut.

Yes- I plan on keeping her on unless she tries to back up any of his stunts. I feel so bad for her, she moved almost 1k miles to be with him against her family's wishes, and now has nobody around for support. She spends her entire days on Pinterest and Facebook and has expressed to me that her husband gets angry easily. I have tried to encourage her to stand up, which doesn't seem like the best idea anymore. I will wait and see where this heads...

As far as being hit in the gut, that is exactly it. I don't know WHY I let another's opinion (especially such a ridiculous, misguided DICK of a "man") get to me so much. Lazy? I graduated 2 years early from High School by busting my ass. I graduated from nursing school and became an R.N. at 19 after further busting my ass. I worked as a nurse for 5 years (still busting my ass!), all the while putting my husband through college on our very limited budget (oh the horror! wimmin workin'?!) . No purpose? I recently had our first child, and he has given me more purpose than I could ever hope for my life.

I know his accusations aren't true, but they still make me :x

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Me, I'd go for the jugular, but I'm nasty like that. Something like:

Dear Chris, if men are supposed to be the providers then maybe you should provide your wife with prenatal care. As a Registered Nurse, I can't tell you how important it is and how many lives we save with it. Perhaps helping people IS the role God gave me. As a Republican you must know the US has the best healthcare system in the world so surely, as her provider/protector, you will encourage your wife to participate. Second, please stop referring to me as lazy when your pictures show such a slothful lifestyle. Perhaps if you spent your time more wisely, instead of posting pictures of the disgusting food you eat, and posting lies about women, you could conquer your morbid obesity and provide for your family in a way that doesnt depend on them getting your life insurance when you die of your gluttony in a few years. See what God did there? He put me, a nurse, in your life! And here you thought women had no purpose. Hope this helps!

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