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Anybody knows this blog?

Aurora rising

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First of all: Hello all, I´m new on this board. I´m from Germany and love to lurke on the site - but please forgive my grammar mistakes, english is not my first language (obviously).

I found this blog some time ago:

therandomwritings.com/ (I hope I broke it enough?)

and it kind of disturbs me. Okay, they are more fundi-light (her clothes!) but somehow he looks.... strange...

What do you think?

Have a nice day

Aurora rising

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Guest Anonymous

I've scanned a few posts quickly and am not sure what you mean? All I have seen is a young woman getting a haircut and buying clothes. Do you have any particular quotes/links to the parts you find disturbing?

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Maybe it´s just me.... :doh:

She said that she changed her clothes-style because of her husband and I found this strange (but then, I´m a huge fan from "my clothes are my decision")


Or maybe it´s the fact that they married so young and never seems to be relaxed with each other:


She seems to be totally dependend from hin and he is just..... not my type (being very polite here)

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Guest Anonymous

Oh yeah, I can see from those posts she seems to be some sort of conservative christian. I don't see anything raving fundie about her; she just seems to be another vapid "look at meeeee in my colourful tights! I'm so different to everyone else!" attention-seeker. I dread to think what she found to fill her self-published book with, going on the content of her blog. :lol:

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Well, this post is interesting. Wish we had a copy of the 75-question application the husband had to fill out for her parents in order to be considered as a courting candidate:


Seriously? I've gotten career jobs with fewer hoops through which to jump.

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She's a third culture kid. I get what she writes because I generally find that we TCKs often don't fit in exactly in any culture specifically but create one of our own.

I don't quite get why she got a BA in Mandarin and then went to Cosmotology school, especially since she professes to hate Cosmotology school, but I guess that's her business.

She was not raised Fundie lite. I think her family is full on fundie, and I suspect that like a LOT of her generation, she has figure out where she wants to fall. Since her DH doesn't fall anywhere close to fundie, my guess is that she'll get less and less Fundie as she continues to grow.

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