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Another Manly Man Blog


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Thanks to a fundie in the introduction section for bringing his friend to my attention. ;)


Here is another manly, man blog. And by manly man, I mean a young, sheltered guy who thinks he knows everything yet really doesn't have a clue.


He does actually address male modesty, but he seems to think that as long as a guy wears a shirt that isn't tight, no skinny jeans, and no speedoes women won't lust. Because of course the women's only lust after huge muscles. :roll:


Next time, before you rip your shirt off and show your sculpted abs to the world, take a moment to consider what God thinks about your clothing choices. When you squeeze yourself into that compression tee that emphasizes those pects of steel, stop to look in the mirror and see what your attention is first drawn to. Before you put on those skinny jeans (why in the world are you wearing skinny jeans?) think about the message that you're sending. When you slip into your Speedo, please don't. I'm just sayin'




His argument against homosexuality is possibly one of the stupidest ones I have read. It is right up there with handcuff and toaster marriage. It is a video where he tries to seem all cool and hip and basically bitches and whines because people who are gay have the nerve to say they want equality. He says by wanting equality they are not being tolerant of religious people who don't want them to get married and that to coexist with fundies people who are gay need to just go back in the closet because the mere existence of gay couples is persecuting him. He doesn't use those exact words, but that is what he is meaning.




This post is about how the ebil feminists are cramping his manly style:


Yay! More opportunity for our precious daughters to get shot up and maimed! Progress and stuff!


So glad we got to the point where, as a nation, it's no longer un-cool to send your wife or daughter downstairs to check on the scary noise at night. For a moment there, I thought I might actually have to protect the women in my life. THANK YOU, PROGRESS!


My life will be so much more satisfying now that I can guiltlessly choose the path of impotent, bubble-wrapped mediocrity. Or maybe it'll just be easier... not sure about the whole satisfying thing


What I guess that whole thing about children being precious only applies to daughters? Sons can go get shot up and maimed and it is no biggie.


And if I ever come across a girl being attacked in a dark alley, well, I certainly wouldn't want to interfere with her opportunity to show her equality!And if she doesn't make it out of the alley alive, no reason for me to lose sleep! Natural selection has worked its will once again


So he would ignore a man being attacked in a dark alley? Wow, count me in as being more manly and godly than this twit because I wouldn't. I would try to do something to help. Perhaps I care about humans more than he does.


But I do have one more request. While we're progressing, and being equal, do you think we could make registration for the draft mandatory for girls, too? Just being fair 'n stuff


If we have a draft, there is no reason to not include women.




Edited to break link _lilith

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What an idiot. Like including "girls" in selective service registration is a new and radical thought. My guess is it will happen very soon, but the idea has been around for decades.

I guess the fact that one of his fellow blog "warriors" is Mr. Doug Phillips is a tool tells you all you need to know about this guy.

If he wasn't such an idiot I'd give him the tiniest smidgeon of credit for at least addressing male modesty. But he is an idiot, so I won't.

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Can't wait to read what makes a "godly woman whom he would want to spend his life with"... allauthority.blogspot.de/2011/12/thoughs-on-biblical-femininity-pt-1.html

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Can't wait to read what makes a "godly woman whom he would want to spend his life with"... allauthority.blogspot.de/2011/12/thoughs-on-biblical-femininity-pt-1.html

It sounds like he wants a botkinette. I wonder if he has a preference.

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He mentions the Botkin blog every other paragraph, so yeah!

Rambling on and on and on about submission, in a kind of yucky way... I bet he wrote the text with one hand in his pants!

What a self-important idiot, seems to be smuggar #2 only with more blogging energy.

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Yay! More opportunity for our precious daughters to get shot up and maimed! Progress and stuff!

So glad we got to the point where, as a nation, it's no longer un-cool to send your wife or daughter downstairs to check on the scary noise at night. For a moment there, I thought I might actually have to protect the women in my life. THANK YOU, PROGRESS!

My life will be so much more satisfying now that I can guiltlessly choose the path of impotent, bubble-wrapped mediocrity. Or maybe it'll just be easier... not sure about the whole satisfying thing

And if I ever come across a girl being attacked in a dark alley, well, I certainly wouldn't want to interfere with her opportunity to show her equality!And if she doesn't make it out of the alley alive, no reason for me to lose sleep! Natural selection has worked its will once again

One more example of "feminism and natural selection don't mean what you think they mean, douchecanoe." My patriarchal ex-husband: terrified of noises in the night and in no way protective, especially not of random women in distress. All the egalitarian boyfriends I've had since then, even the uber-left wing one: protective and would have ripped any would-be attacker apart, even if he didn't know the woman being attacked. Why? Because they didn't see worth as being defined by some made-up hierarchy or strict adherence to their preconceived morality. People in distress deserve to be defended and rescued, period.

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His sister comments on the article 'It must be so nice for your sisters to know they have a brother ready to get his fists bloody to protect them. That's kinda how I would feel if a slut tried to distract Nathan..."Okay, missy, stick em' up!" '

Not a very ladylike sentiment and they do seem to be a bloodthirsty bunch. I suppose if I walked by him with an inch of cleavage I would become the 'slut' that was distracting.

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What a minute? He's advocating girls in the military, but not boys? And he would not stop to help a girl being attacked in the alley way because natural selection? That's just cruel. I can't believe he wants to do this stuff to children. That's so wrong.

Ok, ignoring his poor use of titles, not helping people in trouble would be difficult. I'd call for help immediately because I care about other people's lives. Apparently he really thinks that equality means never helping a woman at all. Is it really that hard to just treat people as people, holding the door open for whoever's behind you, giving up your seat to someone who appears tired or weak or sick and clearly could use it more than you, helping someone struggling with items by opening the door or helping carry things in simply because they need it and not because you view them as incapable or weak or worse, because you view them that way simply because they don't possess a penis?

Oh, and most parents I know see it as their job to protect children and most noises in the basement are probably just the odd noise houses sometimes make, or maybe the the odd chipmunk that got stuck in your basement and not some axe murderer on the loose. It doesn't matter if the parent is male or female, it's their job to protect children, who are vulnerable. Women are not a vulnerable, weaker population. Stop treating them as such, thanks.

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Well - I do hope no man takes his modesty advice seriously. There is nothing I like better than being defrauded by a good looking guy in slim jeans ;)

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His sister comments on the article 'It must be so nice for your sisters to know they have a brother ready to get his fists bloody to protect them. That's kinda how I would feel if a slut tried to distract Nathan..."Okay, missy, stick em' up!" '

Not a very ladylike sentiment and they do seem to be a bloodthirsty bunch. I suppose if I walked by him with an inch of cleavage I would become the 'slut' that was distracting.

I haven't looked at his blog yet, but decided to read through this thread first. My reaction is a mental double take and a 'Wha....?"

So, her big strong, manly brotherly can't tell a young woman that he isn't interested? This is more proof that quiverful/fundamentalists/Vision Forum raise children that are emotionally and socially stunted. Unless a female is trying to rape her brother, she should not have to defend him from normal flirtatious behavior. He should be man enough to do that himself

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All he does is whine. It is just amazing. For someone who goes on about being manly, 99% of his posts are going "Boo-hoo. Poor littles me! I can't be manly because women work and have equality.My manhood is so week that it cannot stand up to treating women with respect and equality."

Here is his post about Mother's Day:

In a society that increasingly looks down on motherhood, despises the covenant of marriage, spurns the blessing of children

Where does he live at? I am surrounded both irl and online with people that don't look down on mothers, don't despise marriage, and view children as such a blessing that they only have them when they are wanted and are able to properly care for them. Children are so valued that they should be raised without abuse and starvation. They should be raised with a good education and a nice place to sleep. They should be raised knowing that their parents love and value them as individuals. This is in stark contrast to fundies who just collect children. It is easy to say children are a blessing, it is harder to actually treat them like that.

destroys the distinctions both physical and occupational between men and women- why bother

Dear man-child, we have father's day too.

Is this another leftover from the Christian feast of our forefathers? Is this just one more bloom from the springtime of Christianity that simply hasn't yet been successfully scorched by the humanistic heat of the Marxist summer? I think so

I guess google is just not manly enough, so let me explain the history of Mother's Day. It isn't a Christian feast or a bloom from the springtime of Christianity, it was started by Ann Jarvis to honor her mother. Her mother started an organization called "Mother's Day Work Club". That's right she got women to work. Outside the home. In the 1800's. Shocking, isn't it.

Our world downplays this calling. "Housewife" is now an insult, and "stay-at-home mom" means "lazy slob" or perhaps "abused weakling

This is just a flat out lie and lies do not become manly men.


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It sounds like he wants a botkinette. I wonder if he has a preference.

It doesn't matter. Women are interchangeable as long as they meet his helpmeet checklist (hot, smart enough to make me look good, but will totally shut up when I tell her to, and easily manipulated by Christian dogma).

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He says that Fiddler on the Roof is the most dangerous and disturbing films he has seen. He is upset because it shows that women are free to fall in love and get married so any women watching it might get ideas that their father can't control them.

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Can pastors endorse candidates from the pulpit? Should politicians allow their religious beliefs affect their political decisions? Should Christians keep their faith to themselves, relegating it to the personal aspects of their lives?

I don't know his answer but he links to a video that I can't play because the sound has quit on my computer. However, I can answer the question for him. Yes, they can share their political viewpoints if they give up that tax deduction. That is simple.

Brad said...

You can only "coexist" in hell!

I believe American (professed)Christianity has lost its savor and needs regeneration.

Cultures are not changed by the masses, but by dedicated minority's.

If everybody is doing or accepting "it", search it out and question it biblicaly.

Don't be afraid to get shot in the head for your faith! If we truly be in Christ, where is the sting of death?

What is this poster talking about?

Here he is discussing The Bourne Legacy

The old and chivalrous concept of "women and children first;" the Biblical idea that the men should be the protectors of a society and the defenders of the innocent, the defenseless, the weak and oppressed, these are now rare things to see modeled.

When did this actually exist? It certainly isn't biblical, not in the sense of kicking butt at least. In the Old Testament, god gave permission for war brides, women taken during captivity and forced into marriage. And rapists had a choice of either paying for the victim's virginity or marrying her.

Another thing with regards to this is that Marta actually does a little bit of fighting (if it could be called that) in a non-manly way.  She's not good at it, but she does it when she needs to- namely, she kicks over the motorcycle of an agent trying to pursue them.  I love this- a woman who isn't afraid to use force, but she does it only as a last resort, and even then in a feminine, desperate, self-defense way, not an "I totally dominate you, scum" way.


Yay! More opportunity for our precious daughters to get shot up and maimed! Progress and stuff!

As someone who grew up without her biological father due to war, I can only say it is as tragic to loose a young woman as it is to loose a young man. Equality means that a woman's life isn't more important than a man and that men shouldn't have to take risks that women don't.

I mean, goodness, can you imagine how oppressed my poor daughters would be if their brothers opened doors for them all the time? The chauvinism.

Or that his children have to respect humans as humans first. That they give respect to all people just on the basis that human live is important and should be valued?

And if I ever come across a girl being attacked in a dark alley, well, I certainly wouldn't want to interfere with her opportunity to show her equality! T

The sad part is that even though I've read this crappy comment from him and realize that he has nothing but contempt for me and my views, I would still try to save him if he needed help. He believes that women who don't act in ways he finds acceptable are worthy of abuse.

My baby sister is in the military. She is tough, strong and served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. IF he was in danger, she would help him and hopefully, he would help her if she was in danger. That is how decent, noble people act.

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He says that Fiddler on the Roof is the most dangerous and disturbing films he has seen. He is upset because it shows that women are free to fall in love and get married so any women watching it might get ideas that their father can't control them.

I am sorry, I have another, "Whaaa?" moment.

This is my husband's all time favorite movie. No wonder my daughters want to go to college and be independent.

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He isn't a decent noble person. He is just a self-absorbed little, fundie, man-child. Those thoughts would never even enter my husband's mind and he is so manly that he isn't scared of women being his equal.

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He says that Fiddler on the Roof is the most dangerous and disturbing films he has seen. He is upset because it shows that women are free to fall in love and get married so any women watching it might get ideas that their father can't control them.

It is maybe the most annoying film ever or is that the song?

I am going down this rabbit hole tomorrow. But that example of feminism was .. don't know. Pre-school? Oooh you want to be equal well then protect yourself while I stand by and watch you be attacked because you know nobody ever knew that guys are physically stronger and that type of argument is just..... So light bulb new! (NOT)

Yes I would protect anybody I could. I don't use my religion or actually any value system to decide who deserves.

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His bizarre post on Sandy Hook:

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Chavez, the list runs on- the greatest murderers in history, perhaps rivaled only by those behind the abortion mills of America. Yet when the line of atrocities is marched into public view which serves as irrefutable evidence for the need for gun control, these holocausts are never mentioned. Massacre after massacre in American theaters and schools is trotted out as evidence for why the people should be disarmed, but not once are these slaughters even hinted at.

Yeah, I'd forgotten how we never talk about, I dunno, HITLER AND THE HOLOCAUST. C'mon! On any given day half the internet is comparing someone who has annoyed them to Hitler! Or Stalin, or Mao...(or, if the target is Obama, all three simultaneously)

And Chavez may go down in history as many things, but "one of the greatest murderers of all time" is seriously not going to be one of them. I mean, what is going through this boy's head? Does he live in one room, with only the fundiesphere to keep him company and the odd VF DVD pushed under the door?

It gets worse...

Is it because they are irrelevant to the gun-control issue? Not at all. Few things could be more relevant. No, the stories of these genocides cannot, must not be told because they tell the other side of the gun-control story; they are living testimony to the importance of the idea behind the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The American founders were not protecting Americans' right to hunt. They were not protecting Americans' right to protect themselves against would-be rapists and home invaders. They were protecting Americans' right to protect Americans' rights. The Second Amendment puts a wall of lead between the American people and a foe far more dangerous than any dark shape in a back alley. The dangers of a tyrannical government unchecked by an armed populace are illustrated potently by each government-led genocide, each purge, each Auschwitz and every Siberia.

I am generally fairly pro-gun for a lefty but this is an utterly stupid argument. Does he really believe peasants in rural China or Russia were wandering around tooled up to the eyeballs until they were forcibly disarmed by the evil gubmint? Or that every Jewish toddler was wandering around with a pistol until bribed (possibly with a lollipop) to give it up?

This is the sort of thing banged out by people who think the rest of the world is exactly like America except America gone wrong. Patterns of gun ownership are completely different in other countries. In some places, there are huge internal conflicts and everyone is armed. In other places you can walk down a busy high street and not see anyone in the vista which stretches in front of you who's even fired a gun, let alone possesses one. This is because, well, countries aren't just little USAs with foreigners in them fucking shit up, but possess history and culture of their own.

Also, if he thinks he can hold off the US Army with his popgun he must be having a laugh. Or him and all his mates. Or all of the Gothardites. Or even everyone in the US who has a gun (which will never happen as bizarrely not everyone who owns a gun believes exactly the same things that he does.) He's been watching too much Red Dawn. The answer to this conundrum is fairly simple, but I'll leave him to work it out himself.

Finally, men who get a kick out of watching women defend themselves "desperately" and in a feminine way while in fear of their lives are Not Nice Men and should be avoided. This is all I will say on that.

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JesusFightClub, some of these men believe that they would be considered the good guys by their fellow Americans. What they don't understand is that like Tim McVeigh, they would be seen as the enemy not just by the government but by normal Americans. Very few would want to join them, most would think that they were crazy. Almost all Americans would help the government find them and lock them away. Trained soldiers have a difficult time in war zones where they are hated. How much more difficult would these American terrorist have it if their own fellow citizens wanted them to be stopped?

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Yeah, the majority of America, even Christians would think this guy is scary. Anyone who has that much disdain for women isn't manly or nice or even Christ-like. He is just another jerk who expects women to worship him because he has a penis.

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My fundy-lite dad must've been doing it wrong. He loved Fiddler on the Roof AND expected (and paid for) all his children (sons and daughters alike) to attend a brick and mortar college.

:roll: about feminism = men get carte blanche to behave like callous assholes. That blog post says so much more about this "manly" man's character than it does about feminism.

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Is this another leftover from the Christian feast of our forefathers? Is this just one more bloom from the springtime of Christianity that simply hasn't yet been successfully scorched by the humanistic heat of the Marxist summer? I think so



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Finally, men who get a kick out of watching women defend themselves "desperately" and in a feminine way while in fear of their lives are Not Nice Men and should be avoided. This is all I will say on that.

Yep. If your first response to "women should be able to vote and own land" is "but can I punch them in the face?" there is something wrong. If your first response to "black people should be treated equally" is "so can I say the n-word now?" there is something wrong. And if your first response to "women should, if they meet requirements, be able to serve in all areas of the military" is "so can I let people rape them as revenge?" there is something wrong. If letting society be equal makes you feel like something is being taken from you, there is something wrong, and if your response to that is to say "fine, then I should get to punish them for it!", there is, say it with me, something wrong.

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