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Loves being with her kids


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From an increasingly fundie acquaintance's Twitter this morning:

"People ask: how to do you like homeschooling. I say I LOVE being with my kids...why do I get a weird look? I am not the weird one!!"

How to even process this?!? First, they're not asking a question if there's no question mark. Second, "how to do you like" is not even a comprehensible English construction. Third, I love being with my kids as well, but I'm in no way qualified to instruct them at an academic level of rigor that will prepare them for post-secondary education, nor can I as an adult provide them with the challenge that comes with interacting and learning with peers.

This woman did "try" with private and then public schools, but was on them about every little thing, and finally pulled her third grader out. He's unschooled now and spends his days doing whatever he likes, hanging out with his preschool stepbrother and their mom. He lacks any sort of discipline to finish a task and doesn't get that at home, either. The family has been on a course from hippie-crunchy to dipping toes in the fundie pond, and it's just sad. My guess is the weird looks are coming from other adults who see that these kids could be learning a lot more from someone who's there to teach them rather than just hang out. :x

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I homeschooled from 1986 through 2003. Among the hundreds of homeschooled kids that I've known, only a few received an inadequate education. Currently, I teach in public schools almost daily (subbing), and I meet far more children who are below grade level than I did in homeschooling circles.

I'm not a big fan of unschooling, but it can work well, especially for younger children. The Colfaxes have written a book or two on the subject, and they had tremendously successful "graduates."

Just saying....although my sample is, of course, somewhat limited!!!!!

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