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New member answers questions (countryboy)


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Hello, I was a lurker till the snark section was blocked for the public, then I went ahead and registered. I am not a huge poster on any forum, I tend to just lurk, but you will see something from time to time from me. I am a fundie. I spose if y'all knew anything about me or my family we'd be in the snark section too, lol. I am 22, single and live in south central Oklahoma, right in the arms of Lake Texoma. As far as my beliefs go, well, for politics, I am an odd mix but generally to the right of the right, and religion, I would say, I am very far right, somewhere a little right of the Wissmanns. If you'd like more specifics I'd be glad to go into it.

Hi, since you self identify as a fundie, would you mind explaining what type? Is your family involved with ATI or Vision Forum? As far a s religion, are you reformed? IFB? I know the Wissmann's music, but I don't know how they identify in terms of theology.

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We were slightly involved with ATI, as far as VF, we purchased a lot of books from them, then we kinda moved away as we realized just how Calvinist they are. Well, I'd say we are closer to IFB, except that we have no issues with the use of alcohol (only abuse). So basically we are non-Calvinist, no issues with wine independant baptists. My mother and sister wear dresses, but not head coverings, we believe in courtship not dating, and we are KJV only. Any more questions, I am glad to answer them. Since I just got out of bed, the above might be written in code, so if I confused you just ask.

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Do you believe in women submitting to men? Do you support gay marriage? Why are you KJV only? Do you think women who wear pants/shorts are immodest?

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We were slightly involved with ATI, as far as VF, we purchased a lot of books from them, then we kinda moved away as we realized just how Calvinist they are. Well, I'd say we are closer to IFB, except that we have no issues with the use of alcohol (only abuse). So basically we are non-Calvinist, no issues with wine independant baptists. My mother and sister wear dresses, but not head coverings, we believe in courtship not dating, and we are KJV only. Any more questions, I am glad to answer them. Since I just got out of bed, the above might be written in code, so if I confused you just ask.

Well you've broken one stereotype for me, I have never known any IFB's that were ok with even moderate alcohol consumption. There are a number of posters here whose families were involved with ATI. What were your experiences? Did your family attend any conferences? Use the Wisdom Booklets? What ended your involvement?

Finally, does your family belong to a congregation? Homechurch?

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I am going to list your questions below, then answer them.

Do you believe in women submitting to men? If you mean by men, their husbands/fathers, then yes. Though men should never lord over their wives ever, the Bible also has something to say about the husband needing to render unto the wife benevolence.

Do you support gay marriage? No, absolutely not.

Why are you KJV only? I hold that all translations of the Bible other than the KJV and those that led up to it are a satanic corruption of God's word. If you want more info there are some really good books and a good free video series on it.

Do you think women who wear pants/shorts are immodest? This depends, I prefer dresses, but as far as the question, it depends on the pants or shorts.

What were your experiences with ATI? Mostly good, the people were very nice, things were just a bit pricey.

Did your family attend any conferences? No, but we did rent the tapes to the Basic and Advanced Seminars and went through those.

Use the Wisdom Booklets? No.

What ended your involvement? Several things, circumstances mainly, our life is pretty crowded and we just really couldn't get involved also, money, we couldn't afford to be involved.

Any other questions? I am glad to answer them.

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I am going to list your questions below, then answer them.

Do you believe in women submitting to men? If you mean by men, their husbands/fathers, then yes. Though men should never lord over their wives ever, the Bible also has something to say about the husband needing to render unto the wife benevolence.

Do you support gay marriage? No, absolutely not.

Why are you KJV only? I hold that all translations of the Bible other than the KJV and those that led up to it are a satanic corruption of God's word. If you want more info there are some really good books and a good free video series on it.

Do you think women who wear pants/shorts are immodest? This depends, I prefer dresses, but as far as the question, it depends on the pants or shorts.

What were your experiences with ATI? Mostly good, the people were very nice, things were just a bit pricey.

Did your family attend any conferences? No, but we did rent the tapes to the Basic and Advanced Seminars and went through those.

Use the Wisdom Booklets? No.

What ended your involvement? Several things, circumstances mainly, our life is pretty crowded and we just really couldn't get involved also, money, we couldn't afford to be involved.

Any other questions? I am glad to answer them.

Thanks for the answers, a couple more questions: Do your parents (Im assuming you are not married and live at home, correct me if I'm wrong) consider themselves quiverfull? Do you worship in a homechurch style, like the Duggers, or are you a part of a larger congregation? Also, (last one form me) how were you educated? I'm assuming homeschool, but did you attend college or trade school? What did you think of your education?

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Why do you believe that your religion should be forced on the rest of America? (gay marriage) Would you be okay with other religions doing the same to you and taking equality away from you because of their religion? We have religious people who are gay here and would like to get married but they can't. So they are not only having equality denied to them, they are unable to practice their religion.

Debrand(and I think Beeks) has a wonderful story about how submitting to her husband almost ruined their marriage and after they dropped it and started treated each other as equals their marriage was a success. So since wifely submission can ruin marriages and equality can be a success how can you say that womanly submission is always correct? By the way, neither of the men were being abusive or treating their wives bad, but once they started to view their wives as not their equal in all ways and the wives started viewing themselves as not equal, the marriage went down hill.

Male modesty. Thoughts? Pants(even loose ones) show off a guy's crotch pretty darn well, so why should women wear dresses and not men? In the Bible they were wearing dress like outfits anyway so all the modesty verses aren't talking about pants. Shorts on men are just as defrauding as shorts on women. Why do you think the focus is always on women being modest.

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Do my parents consider themselves quiverfull? There is only four of us kids but they are very in favor of big families and wanted more kids so, they could fit in that mold. I really am pretty unfamiliar with quiverfull, I've heard the term thrown around, and it has something to do with big families but that is about all I know.

We home church, though we would have no issues with joining a congregation it is just a matter of finding a like minded one.

I am home schooled yes, no I have not attended college or trade school, but I have done self study for learning several different trades. By the end of this year I am planning on enrolling in flight school.

Why do you believe that your religion should be forced on the rest of America? I don't. Since when was sodomy a religion? As far as sodomites getting married, well, they can't get married until they decide to marry the opposite gender, because as defined by God, marriage is between a man and a woman, two men living together ain't marriage anyhow, so you can't make it marriage when it isn't.

How about all the marriages that are successful with the wife being in submission? Like my parents? If submission was ruining someones marriage, something is wrong in my opinion. What is your definition of submission?

I think it is a huge mistake that male modesty is so ignored. It is really silly that men can take most of their clothes off yet are often getting on the girls for modesty. I am not sure why the focus is on women. I never said shorts were immodest, I said it depended on the shorts, so... When was the last time you saw a girl lusting? They don't talk about yer crotch, they talk about yer muscles, for men it is different, I think men should wear loose fitting clothes, no muscle tees and shrink wrap pants. A friend of mine wrote a good article on male modesty check it out. allauthority.blogspot.com/2012/08/magic-mike-and-male-modesty.html

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There are lots of people who are gay and their religion says it is okay for them to get marrried. My non-religion says gay people can get married and yet you are forcing your religion on me. Why does your version of god get to define marriage? I don't believe in god and there are people who believe in other versions of god and their god defines marriage as between consenting adults. But you feel like you should get to force your religion on others by refusing to allow them to get married.

"marriage is between a man and a woman" So all those Biblical heroes that had more than one wife weren't really in marriages?

When was the last time I heard women lusting. Have you read some threads around here? There are lots of lusting women and 99% of it doesn't have to do with muscles. LOL Guy's muscles do nothing for me. Other parts of the body, though.......

Edited to add: Please don't say that marriage is only a religious institute. Non-religious people have been able to get married for a loooooong time, so that argument doesn't work unless you are also advocating non-religious people be banned from marriage.

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As for submission, if it works for your parents great. Just because it works for them doesn't mean it will work for everyone. Yes there was something wrong in those marriages, the wifely submission. Once that was done away with the marriages were fine. Submission, to me, means that the man gets the final say in decision making. That he is the head of the house. Sure he might consult the wife, but he gets to make the final decision.

Now in my marriage we don't believe in this because we don't buy into the idea that a penis automatically makes someone a better leader or decision maker. We both have stregnths and weaknesses which we can acknowledge. We got married to have an equal partner through life. When we disagree on something we are adults capable of sitting down and talking it out. He doesn't trump me because I lack a penis. When you respect and view each other as equals it is easier to have a discussion and come to a decision. I have been married for a long time and can think of no time where we couldn't come to a decision that made us both happy.

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Hey guys, I moved this out of the introduction thread since it's moved past that a bit and other people may be interested in this, but it's lost in the intro thread :)

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Why do you believe that your religion should be forced on the rest of America? I don't. Since when was sodomy a religion? As far as sodomites getting married, well, they can't get married until they decide to marry the opposite gender, because as defined by God, marriage is between a man and a woman, two men living together ain't marriage anyhow, so you can't make it marriage when it isn't.

I think you missed the point. Its not that being gay is a religion, but that not everyone in the country belongs to a religion that is against gay marriage. Some people dont belong to a religion, and some religions are fine with gay marriage.

Why do you think that your religion should be the one to choose who gets married and not theirs? Would you like it if another religion decided that something that was important to you (but wasnt considered a sin in your religion) should be banned because its against your religion?

Christianity does not own the term marriage.

Every religion has some form of marriage, and people can get married outside of the church.

Im an atheist. If I get married to someone, it wont be in a church or in any form of religious ceremony, as I do not believe in God. Why is it that I can marry a man, but not a woman? God will not be involved in my marriage at all, so it cant be anything to do with religion as religion does not affect my life at all. I dont stop eating pork because Muslims and Jews say its against their religion, so why should I not marry a woman if I want to (and I plan on doing one day, in my country we are close to making gay marriage legal) just because its against your religion.

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Any other questions? I am glad to answer them.

You call gay people "sodomites". That pretty much answers any questions I have.

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Hi Country Boy.

You seem to have confused a sex act with sexuality. There are plenty of heterosexual and bisexual couples who enjoy sodomy, and plenty of homosexual couples (especially many lesbians) who don't. I'm not being snarky - just pedantic.

You say you are home schooled and home church. Do you see that at 22 and provided only with associations and materials your parents approve of that you may have a lot to learn? You seem to have unfettered Internet access (not many stay at home adult children in fundiedom would have access to FJ), I sincerely suggest you use it to evaluate other world views. The fact that you are looking at FJ is a good sign, please listen to what people say with an open mind.

Are you planning to court? What does courtship look like for you?

And regarding quiverful - do you intend to use contraception in your marriage?

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Why are you KJV only? I hold that all translations of the Bible other than the KJV and those that led up to it are a satanic corruption of God's word. If you want more info there are some really good books and a good free video series on it.


How did the KJV manage to overcome the "satanic corruption" of previous texts, especially given that the KJV depends upon documents that have clearly changed over time? Particularly since the KJV includes verses that many believe were added later on (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Bi ... anslations). What about the issues with translation that people have found and attempted to address with latter translations?

How do you justify the selection of books into the KJV Bible, considering the biblical canon derives in large part from Catholic councils?

Why do you believe that your religion should be forced on the rest of America? I don't. Since when was sodomy a religion? As far as sodomites getting married, well, they can't get married until they decide to marry the opposite gender, because as defined by God, marriage is between a man and a woman, two men living together ain't marriage anyhow, so you can't make it marriage when it isn't.

please note the selection I bolded above. This would better be expressed as "as my religion believes marriage is defined by god", which highlights the imposition of your religion on the rest of us.

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On the topic of the KJV, how do you, as a modern American, feel about the fact that because it was sponsored by King James (an active homosexual) it was translated with a bias towards monarchy and the god ordained role of kings (in support of and under the patronage of a king who enjoyed sodomy)?

Do you believe that god inspired King James (an imperfect man by any standards, especially biblical) to preserve his word for his English speaking worshipers?

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Guest Anonymous
A friend of mine wrote a good article on male modesty check it out. allauthority.blogspot.com/2012/08/magic-mike-and-male-modesty.html

So, are you the commenter "God's Country Boy", from that blog post? Whose comment linked to this blog:


The owner of which has enough photos of himself on the blog (and on his bedroom walls, apparently...) to compete with Miss Raquel.

And a fabulous manly stance:


And a rather interesting bio:

Me? well, I guess I am just that. Just plain ole - Me. I am a country boy with a heart for God. I live on 2 acres just west of Luke Air Force Base, with three dogs, one cat, two miniature horses, some sheep, a whole passel of chickens and ducks, and one nutty family. I am not much, just a big 'ole sinner like the rest of this fallen world, probably worse, although maybe a bit more heavily armed than most. I prefer to keep it simple: all I wear is jeans, army-dud t-shirts, cowboy boots, and either a camo or a cowboy hat. At any given time, I am one of those guys that will be carrying a gun, several knives, and a self-defense flashlight. Plain and simple, armed and dangerous.

May I ask what attracts you to a forum like FreeJinger?

Were you hoping, perhaps, to enter into a caption competition?

Shortly after was our Church water day, and the congregation got wetter than they have in a LONG time. Yeah, we had young and old, parents and kids, the sheep and the shepherds all getting extraordinarily wet together.


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Wow if that is him he he needs to realize that that picture is defrauding. Women also check out guy's asses.

And I love how he could tell the dwarfs in the Hobbit aren't saved because they drink and burp.

Wow, and that blogger really does beat Miss Raquel in "modestly" taking and posting pictures of himself. And the whole "I'm not calling 911 because I have loaded guns laying around my house without being locked up." is just more stupid than words. And this is coming from somone who has guns in the house so don't scream anti-gun at me. I'm pro-gun, pro-gun laws and pro-idiots not leaving loaded guns sitting around.

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So I just read countryboy's friends blog about modesty and it seems to be written by another extremely sheltered fundie who doesn't understand women. He also seems to think that women only lust after big muscles so as long as you keep your shirt on and don't wear tight shirts you can't make women lust.

Bless their sheltered little hearts. This is what happens when fundies keep their kids in a bubble, they end up at free jinger thinking they know all the answers when they really know nothing.

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Guest Anonymous

Well, I don't know if I am right or wrong in my suspicion that Country Boy is blogger God's Country Boy, but I am going to take an educated guess that he is nonetheless probably aware of Miss Raquel, as she tends to feature in the blog lists of the commenters on the modesty post that CB linked to. There seems to be a circle of late teens/early twenties bloggers who feed into each other's certainty about the world.

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Dear Country Boy,

The friend you linked to is an idiot with poorly thought out "arguments" against things like homosexuality and the feminists movement. When I get done running errands today if no one else has started a thread about him in snark, I will. Thank you for bringing such a fundie to us. I'm sure your friend will appreciate this. Tell him he can come here, but he needs to be prepared to back up any of his arguments with logical, well thought out answers. The Bible says so won't cut it here.

Love and kisses,


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(snip) At any given time, I am one of those guys that will be carrying a gun, several knives, and a self-defense flashlight. Plain and simple, armed and dangerous.

:shock: Just how dangerous is it to live in the rural USA? I grew up in the countryside too (not the US) and now live in Scotland, where there's a whole lot of countryside too. The only "weapon" I've ever needed were my hands. They're pretty useful, when it comes to slapping cows on the backside (to get them out of the road) or chasing a flock of sheep away (get out of the road, damnit). For any other emergencies, I have an entrenching tool (so far only used for digging and opening beer bottles, and hopefully never for more than that), a Swiss Army knife (tins, beer bottles, cutting stuff and emergency car repairs) and duct tape. I can see though, how bears and wolves might be an issue.

I can't compare, since the most dangerous animal I've ever met were wild boars. Back home, the forestry commission recommends that you leg it or climb a tree, because those beasts are ruthless. I had a small dog with me, which was too heavy to drag up a tree, so we ran - they lost interest. Trying to shoot at them would have lost me valuable time in getting out in the open, where they don't like to be. No casualties, except one shaken human, and one small dog yapping. So, how dangerous is the American countryside? Or am I mistaken, and you need all that gear to use against other humans?

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I don't think that countryboy is the blogger on God's Country Boy. Countryboy said he lives in Oklahoma, but the blogger says he lives near Luke AFB, which is in Arizona. From the little I've read of the two of them though, they would get along swimmingly. Not a good thing.

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I think that is his blog, he just changed details here so we hopefully wouldn't find it and realize it was him. I will not be surprised if he doesn't come back to this thread. Having to defend his beliefs will be a challenge.

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Have we scared off Country Boy?

Since he's probably still reading I have a word of advice:

You're 22. It's normal to believe strange things that you have been taught on faith at that age. It's also normal to start questioning them as you transition into adult life, and if you found your way here I hope you have.

Just remember that if you can't explain and justify your beliefs rationally then you probably need to examine them and ask yourself exactly why you hold them. "Cause god says" isn't an answer unless he's personally said then to you (in an identifiable way, not a sense of rightness and reinforcement after prayer). "Cause my parents/preacher says" is not an argument an adult should use.

It sounds like your faith is important to you and you use it to guide your other beliefs. If that's the case then you owe it to yourself to really search for what your Bible actually says, reading it as a whole and reading verses in context, before you spend your life following it.

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