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As if they haven't been publicly making gross comparisons between abortion and the holocaust on TV, they're now endorsing lifeunited.org and putting sob stories on their blog. :roll:

An American Holocaust




A couple of years ago our family visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. The designers of the museum did an incredible job telling the tragic story of over 6 million Jews who were brutally executed.


The purpose of the museum is to educate others on what happened, so that hopefully, something like this will never happen again!


A couple of weeks after we went to the Holocaust Museum It dawned on us that there is a holocaust taking place right here in America!

More than 56 million lives have been destroyed in our country! That is over

4000 babies being killed and 4000 women being wounded each day!


We talked and prayed about what our family could do to make a difference in saving the lives of the unborn.


We ended up contacting the national prolife groups and asked them to all work together and pool their incredible resources to motivate and activate many people to get involved in ending abortion in America. LifeUnited.org was formed as a coalition to unite the prolife army to use technology with top quality online pictures, diagrams and videos to educate today's world that each child is a special creation of God, being formed in their mother's womb.


We encourage you to reach out to your friends, relatives and fellow church members and tell them about LifeUnited.org.


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I can hear Michelle's baby voice exclaiming over the holocaust in America! What's that kids? HO-LO-CAU-ST!!

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Oh gosh, this makes me think of the disgusting facebook-group I came over a month ago. "Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust": facebook.com/WeAreSurvivors?ref=ts&fref=ts :x

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I don't think the Duggars saw the whole Holocaust museum at all. Knowing Michelle, they just breezed through smiling (and wrangling howlers)

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There are a couple- the Rape of Nanking could be considered a holocaust. But this is the best fundies can come up with. Can't learn about other cultures y'all-we's Americans! (insert Jim Bob's atrocious laugh).

Edit because I know how to spell Nanking :oops:

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Just look at what some of those idiots* are spouting:

It's Saturday. And if you survived Roe v. Wade, you probably have a day off.

But for more than 3,500 preborn people, this Saturday will be their last day.


Planned Parenthood not only has trouble with the whole not-murdering-thing -- and lying about preborn people's humanity -- it has issues with its OWN catchword choice!

Check out the breaking lawsuit of a woman who was forced to abort by the abortion biz giant!

*Quotes taken from the crazy facebook-group

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Honestly, do people seriously believe that abortion happens EVERY day?

I mean, I'm not knocking abortion but come on now fundies....go focus your energies on something more troublesome like actually helping others out? Helping the poor is more Christian than helping to stomp out women's rights.

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Ok, I have been dying to know exactly where the data that 3-4,000 "babies" die every day comes from? I have tried and tried, but all I get is pro-life websites.

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They could inflate their numbers by the millions if they count ALL the menstruating women and ALL the men having a wank every day. Because every sperm/egg is sacred.

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Because of course being pro choice means that I think every woman needs to show up at Planned Parenthood once a month and be forced to have to abort a pregnancy no exceptions. :doh:

As far as trying to make the leap from a legal medical procedure that is discussed & decided on between a woman & her Dr with the Holocaust...What I have to say can't really be posted on a board where youngish children might read :evil:

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Unless the situation involves torture and privation and having sentient people dig their own graves before either shooting them or making them stand in the pits while lobbing grenades at them before setting them on fire; or herding them into a building, locking it up, and setting that on fire; or hacking them to death with knives; or beating them to death with clubs, shovels, of even fists, then it's not comparable to genocide.

Fuck off, fundies.

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There are a couple- the Rape of Nanking could be considered a holocaust. But this is the best fundies can come up with. Can't learn about other cultures y'all-we's Americans! (insert Jim Bob's atrocious laugh).

And the slaughter in Rwanda.

I am pro-life. It never entered my mind to compare abortion with the Holocaust. My family was personally affected by it, my niece losing everyone but her maternal grandfather on that side of her family. Her GF was hidden by a Dutch family. That family also saved all the family photographs. It is beyond haunting to look at those photos and see my niece's great grandmother, who was a clone of my niece. Everyone of them, gone.

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To be sure, pro-life isn't a bad thing. But fundies are taking it way out of context. They want to misinterpret it like they do the bible. Pro life means you will support ALL babies and ALL people. Not just fetuses. And presumably you're also against the taking of life. Which usually isn't supported by fundies, who are all for the death penalty.

"If you're preborn, you're cool, but if you're preschool, you're fucked!" seems to be their rallying cry nowadays.

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"If you're preborn, you're cool, but if you're preschool, you're fucked!" seems to be their rallying cry nowadays.

Yes, preborn or reborn = okay.

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To be sure, pro-life isn't a bad thing. But fundies are taking it way out of context. They want to misinterpret it like they do the bible. Pro life means you will support ALL babies and ALL people. Not just fetuses. And presumably you're also against the taking of life. Which usually isn't supported by fundies, who are all for the death penalty.

"If you're preborn, you're cool, but if you're preschool, you're fucked!" seems to be their rallying cry nowadays.

I am anti-death penalty. I get in trouble all the time when I remind the pro-lifers I meet on line that pro-life means all life is sacred, not just the unborn. They don't like that.

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Okay, doing an update. I discovered via WHO that approximately 250 children are born every minute, which makes it about 15,000 every hour and 360,000 every day.

According to USA Today, an estimated 37 babies are born addicted to prescription pain killers every day. Just pain killers, not any other drug or alcohol and not worldwide. And according to the Huff Post, 3 in 1,000 newborns were addicted to narcotics in 2009. An estimated 1 in 750 babies born in the US each year hae FASD symptoms. Again, these are just US statistics. WOrldwide is surely greater, especially as some eastern European countries have much higher rates of FASD children than the US. According to the Elizabeth Glaser AIDS Foundation, an estimated 100-200 babies are born HIV+ every year in the US. Again, there are much higher rates in countries like Africa. That's an HIV+ child born every 2-3 days just in the US.

Also according to WHO, an estimated 7.6 million children under the age of 5 died in 2010. Most common cause of death was infectious diseases (4.4 million). Pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria led in death causes. Prematurity and birth asphyxia were also high on the list, accounting for 1.2 million deaths in 2010. That leaves another 2.32 million children dying of various other causes. Accidents are the most common cause of under 5 deaths in the US according to the CDC.

So, with the supposed 3-4K "babies" aborted each day, another 360,000 were born. So according to the pro-life people, an estimated 1-1.5 million babies are aborted every year, but yet the same amount will die being born too early and of birth complications. And even more will die of preventable illnesses, yet abortion is a "holocaust". In low-income countries respiratory illness, diarrhea illness and HIV/AIDS are the leading causes of death at 2.53 million. In middle-income countries and high-income countries Ischaemic heart disease and stroke/cerebrovascular diseases lead in causes of death at 10.2 million and 2.2 million respectively. COPD and trachea/bronchus/lung cancers follow. Those are all above the estimated aborted fetuses/zygotes in number.

The CIA world factbook claims an estimaed 155,000 people die every day.

So by their logic, infectious diseases are a "holocaust" among children and heart and cerebrovascular illness is the new adult "holocaust". Actually, being alive is a "holocaust". :think:

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