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Kidist's Head is Going to Explode!


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I saw this in the morning and it made my day. I love her!

Ooh, me, too.

Can you imagine that imperious, condescending Ann Romney doing this? The only dancing thing about the Romneys is that damn horse!

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I just realized what FLOTUS stood for. I will be in the corner of shame now

Don't feel bad. I only found out because it was on a semi-recent Simpsons episode.

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I don't believe in an afterlife, let alone a "the dead can see all" image of heaven. But it is fun to imagine late First Ladies looking on, thinking "That's what the President's wife gets to do now? I was born ________ (insert number here) years too soon!"

Wonder who would be envious -- Dolly Madison? Abigail Adams? Edith Wilson? Florence Harding? Eleanor Roosevelt? Bess Truman? Jackie Kennedy?

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^Definitely Dolly Madison & Eleanor Roosevelt. I think Jackie O had a lot of fun herself. Laura Bush is probably horrified and confused by the concept of fun. Ann Romney would never a. dance, b. acknowledge cross dressing is a thing, or c. wear a dress as cute as that blue & green one Michelle is rocking.

Personally, I am so jealous of Sasha & Malia. Their parents kick ass. As people, I love our President (though I readily admit he doesn't walk on water) and First Lady. Their family is beautiful and I'm proud to have them represent my country. *happy content sigh*

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First Lady of the United Stated. FLOTUS.

ah. of course :) thanks

super cute video - they both have some wicked dance moves :lol:

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Gah, FLOTUS rocks. Just when you think she can't get any better, she does. I hope that their departure from the White House isn't the end of her public life.

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^Definitely Dolly Madison & Eleanor Roosevelt. I think Jackie O had a lot of fun herself. Laura Bush is probably horrified and confused by the concept of fun. Ann Romney would never a. dance, b. acknowledge cross dressing is a thing, or c. wear a dress as cute as that blue & green one Michelle is rocking.

Personally, I am so jealous of Sasha & Malia. Their parents kick ass. As people, I love our President (though I readily admit he doesn't walk on water) and First Lady. Their family is beautiful and I'm proud to have them represent my country. *happy content sigh*

Laura Bush I've heard is a pretty private person but she has a good sense of humor about herself.

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I just realized what FLOTUS stood for. I will be in the corner of shame now

I always thought FLOTUS sounded like the name of a really cool older lady. She lives in brightly colored mumus, loves the gays, and drinks two fingers of Scotch at two in the afternoon. She also plays a mean game of canasta.

"I can't wait to play canasta with Flotus McGee this afternoon. And she always has the best scotch!"

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Laura Bush I've heard is a pretty private person but she has a good sense of humor about herself.

Mrs. Bush seems pretty reserved but she seems like she can have a good time. And though Hillary Clinton gets portrayed as so serious and no-frills, I bet she's a hoot in person. I always liked the late Betty Ford, and in her younger years she was a dancer. So if she was still alive she could show both Fallon and Mrs. Obama some fierce old-school dance moves.

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Ah Kidist would just wail about how unbecoming all this going on TV and dancing and exercising is, and what a hideous dress not to mention horrible arms. All the old First Ladies were demure and poured tea and helped their husbands by being hostesses or something. She really does have only one real setting. Me I love Mrs. Obama, I wish she'd adopt me.

I do feel sad about Laura Bush doing this though http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... ge-ad.html

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Michelle Obama is the greatest.

To be fair, Kidist seems to explode at the most ridiculous things. Vera Wang, anyone?

What does she have against Vera Wang? Is it the fact that she is a successful Asian designer whose creations are coveted by women worldwide? Seriously, what is it?

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What does she have against Vera Wang? Is it the fact that she is a successful Asian designer whose creations are coveted by women worldwide? Seriously, what is it?

She hates Asian women, particularly those who are romantically involved with white men.

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What does she have against Vera Wang? Is it the fact that she is a successful Asian designer whose creations are coveted by women worldwide? Seriously, what is it?

Yep, well thats probably the real reason, how dare this sucessful Asian designer get ANYTHING, the reasons she actually states go along the line of--

I don't know how Wang got to be so successful, other than her aggressive strategy of being all over the place at once. She also clearly pushes her products in as many magazines as possible (even the prestigious ones like Vogue have taken on her cause). And her items displayed on department store shelves, especially her perfumes, gives her name recognition.

This is, I think, a new style of competition (and goods) we are to expect from Asians in higher levels of society of this multicultural world of ours. I see this everywhere, from store managers, university and college instructors, film and literary producers, even construction workers (my neighborhood is filled with Chinese construction workers who don't even speak English). Even the internationally, the Chinese keep taking bold steps.


Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg, if you really want just google Kidist and Vera Wang for all the bile.

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