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There is nothing conservative about banning gay marriage


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And that was said by a Republican. :shock:

"I've been married for 29 years. My marriage has been the greatest joy of my life," he wrote. "There is nothing conservative about denying other Americans the ability to forge that same relationship with the person they love."

"Today we have an opportunity to do more: conservatives should start to lead again and push their states to join the nine others that allow all their citizens to marry," Huntsman wrote."

http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/ ... GH20130221

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Too bad that little column was the last coffin nail in his political career. I mean, I agree with him (there *is* nothing conservative about allowing government such sway in one's private life) and good for him for evolving. I think he would be a great president. But good luck finding donors to any future campaigns.

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His statement nits the nail on the head.

I just want to yell at people who are against gay marriage. Why does it matter to you?! Does it affect your marriage and relationship?! It's all about denying people the same rights. That's it. It's deeply rooted in hate, not the Bible.

I don't care who people marry (as long as it's between two consenting adults), what women do with their uteruses, etc. You know why? Because it does not affect me or the way I want to live my life. However, it does very much affect other people when these things are taken away/made illegal, even though it still may not affect me (I'm probably not going to get gay married or have an abortion).

:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:


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There was a snippet in the Evening Standard tonight about all the Muslim MP's who just voted in favour of gay marriage in the recent UK vote. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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I just want to yell at people who are against gay marriage. Why does it matter to you?! Does it affect your marriage and relationship?! It's all about denying people the same rights. That's it. It's deeply rooted in hate, not the Bible.

This. And one thing I do like to point out (and I have) to those who are against equal marriage is how would they feel if they wanted to marry the person they wanted to spend their life with but are prevented legally from doing so? I would ask them "just take a minute to put yourself in their shoes. Being told you can't marry because of who you are. How would you feel about that? Would be seem pretty unfair wouldn't it. Because that is what is happening here". Told that to my homophobic sister in law and blew her mind.

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he was sketchy about this during the primaries (arguably, when it would hurt him the most) so good for him

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Good for him!

I maintain that if your (general "your") marriage is "destroyed" or "made less" or whathaveyou by someone else being allowed to get married, then the problem is in YOUR marriage, not in the other people being allowed to get married.

We do not live in a Theocracy! We don't. Nor would most of us want to and given how many conservatives think that Obama is Muslim, they'd better be careful about pushing for a Theocracy too lest they get more than they bargained for :roll:

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He was the only Republican candidate that I might have gotten me to vote Republican. Of course, as soon as he opened his mouth and admitted that he believed in Evolution and could speak Chinese, I knew he was out. He was too intelligent for the Republican party. He should have run as an Independent.

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I once asked a person "What harm is gay marriage going to do to the country?" To this day I have never gotten an answer.

As long as no laws are being broken, no one is being harmed, and both parties agree, I cannot see any harm in allowing gay marriage. If homosexual couples want to marry I'm all for it!

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He was the only Republican candidate that I might have gotten me to vote Republican. Of course, as soon as he opened his mouth and admitted that he believed in Evolution and could speak Chinese, I knew he was out. He was too intelligent for the Republican party. He should have run as an Independent.

And if I'm not wrong, I also believe Huntsman is also concerned with climate change, which pretty much brands him a heretic with today's extreme right, teabagger GOP.

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I hate to let the cat out of the bag, but not all republicans are anti-gay marriage.....

Here's an article about an upcoming ad campaign that highlights both republican and democratic support for equal rights:

http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/20 ... -marriage/

While yes it is very popular to say democrats are pro-gay marriage, republicans are anti-gay marriage. I don't think that accurately reflects personal opinions. I know plenty of conservatives, who are either indifferent or pro-gay marriage. I also think the stigma attached to being a republican who supports gay marriage has prevented many republicans who are for equal marriage rights from officially taking that stance because they don't want to alienate the extreme right. Just like you cannot assume all Catholics adhere to the views of the pope, not all republicans agree with official party platforms.

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I hate to let the cat out of the bag, but not all republicans are anti-gay marriage.....

Here's an article about an upcoming ad campaign that highlights both republican and democratic support for equal rights:

http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/20 ... -marriage/

While yes it is very popular to say democrats are pro-gay marriage, republicans are anti-gay marriage. I don't think that accurately reflects personal opinions. I know plenty of conservatives, who are either indifferent or pro-gay marriage. I also think the stigma attached to being a republican who supports gay marriage has prevented many republicans who are for equal marriage rights from officially taking that stance because they don't want to alienate the extreme right. Just like you cannot assume all Catholics adhere to the views of the pope, not all republicans agree with official party platforms.

Yes, I think there a plenty of Republicans who are not total fuckwits, and who do support same sex marriage. Sadly, they get shouted down by the extremists in the party.

Personally, I think we'll see a transformation in the GOP. I think plenty of Republicans are wising up and seeing the radical right and the teabaggers are not exactly an asset to the party. And younger people are much more accepting of diversity, and that includes embracing same sex marriage. This transformation won't happen overnight, but it needs to be done.

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I basically see the Republican party as very fractured. There are two groups the Teavangelicals and the more educated one leaving the Republican party to support a Libertarian view. I personally voted Libertarian last election because I thought McCain was a crappy candidate and Obama's platform going forward seemed fraught with issues. Currently I'm reading The Teavangicals and if you haven't read it I would recommend it for insight into the thinking of the movement. Also be prepared to have your blood boil when reading. I'm only a couple chapters in and there have been a few times already where I have gone okay idiots just because you repeat it enough times does not make it true. The one thing I know the author will not address is the rise of Agnostics/Atheist in America and how that will ultimately have it's own impact on politics going forward.

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I think there is a third group - there are many tea party/ libertarian types who definitely are not more educated or less hysterical/ anti-government - but who don't particularly care about abortion or birth control or who people marry.

The right wingers who post obnoxious rants on my fb are generally in this group. They mostly rant about wanting more guns and hating obamacare and having to pay taxes. Sometimes they will post bizarre conspiracy theories, but they will also occasionally pass along posts that support same sex marriage.

The conservative religious people that I personally know aren't as likely to post about politics for the most part.

I think it's probably a smart marketing move for the Republicans to try to gain some more support that isn't far right religious based - but to keep the outspoken support to people not currently running for office, so they don't alienate their core base. Getting to have their cake and eat it too.

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More Republicans jumping on the gay-marriage train. It would be cynical to note that they're all retired from public life, so I won't.

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/26/us/po ... html?_r=1&

That's okay, I'll be cynical for you: These guys waited until they were retired or not planning on running for re-election again and all of a sudden, they're so "evolved." Whatevs. I have zero respect for these assholes. Once they have nothing to lose, they can "evolve." Just a bunch of fucking cowards.

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