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The World Is A Mission Field For Christians


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Again Lori Nitwit is pushing for Christians to be act like missionaries.


There are Christians who do not think we should be involved in politics in any way since this isn't our home and we are citizens of another kingdom. Our only focus should be on leading others to Christ. They don't vote or get involved in the political process at all. I respect their decision.

However, I don't agree. We are taught at our church that going to church on Sunday is just the locker room where we learn about Jesus, His love, and how we are to live. The world is our playing field and we need to go out and be salt and light in a dark and decaying world. We have been transformed by Jesus and need to be transforming our world with His love.

Our pastor encourages us to be involved in every area of society: the arts, entertainment, sports, business, politics, etc. He wants us to make a difference in our neighborhood and where we work and play. The world is our mission field wherever God places us.

Yes, knowing Jesus and believing in Him is certainly the most important thing in life. Everything else pales in comparison. But a society that lives according to God's principles, regardless if they know Him or not, will be a better society. God made us. He made our blueprint for living. He knows what is best for us.

Yeah Lori, other religions exist in the world and Christianity isn't supreme and many people are never going to believe in God or other higher deities. Not all athletes and actors are going to act like missionaries in the entertainment and sports worlds. Lori needs to stop with speshul Christian snowflake attitude.

Once a society has families that are falling apart, like ours does, it starts to crumble. Many single mothers depend upon the government for financial support. Police have to police more with all the young boys being raised without fathers. So many children are being born out of wedlock today which causes a huge burden on society. Abortion is common as a way to get rid of an "inconvenience."

Not all children born out of wedlock cause burdens on society and not all single moms depend on the government.

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Oh, the seven mountains or 7 spheres of Dominionism. Theonomy in action. She wants everyone to be forced to live as she does. not suprising, but evil as heck.

I hadn't heard of this until our state's primary last summer, and now realize my politician / inlaw is deeply involved in this.

I think we should tell her we are praying against her 7 spheres theonomy and that she will learn that being submissive in the way she is, is not pleasing to god, and blogging about it as she does turns people against god.

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Oh, the seven mountains or 7 spheres of Dominionism. Theonomy in action. She wants everyone to be forced to live as she does. not suprising, but evil as heck.

I hadn't heard of this until our state's primary last summer, and now realize my politician / inlaw is deeply involved in this.

I think we should tell her we are praying against her 7 spheres theonomy and that she will learn that being submissive in the way she is, is not pleasing to god, and blogging about it as she does turns people against god.

I also think it is evil mainly because she ignores a lot of cultural aspects.

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The commandment was "Love one another, as I have loved you...", not "Go and shove your lifestyle down the throats of people who don't want it". If your way of living is so exemplary, people will be naturally attracted. But Lori and her ilk's way of life stinks up to God's nostrils, which is why they have to resort to legislating.

As for the arts and entertainment, puh-leeze. Their art is shit, their "literature" is a joke, and so are their movies. Nothing fundies create will challenge people or move them if it's so embarassing people won't even admit to their mothers they read/viewed it.

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Well, I am the breadwinner of my family at this time. Therefore, if I ever find myself single, there's zero chance I'll need the government's help in feeding/housing/clothing myself and my son. Lori can bite me.

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There's a picture I saw from a brochure informing 'Christians' of the heathen Buddhists in Thailand and why they ought to convert, accompanied with pictures of Buddhist monks and a girl with her hand in prayer (at a Buddhist temple) :evil:

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