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Buying into feminism is like smoking cigarettes


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In my mind, buying into feminism is a lot like smoking cigarettes. While I understand why someone who has smoked two packs a day for the past 50 years might have a hard time kicking the habit, I am dumbfounded that anyone not already addicted to nicotine would ever take their first drag in this day and age, knowing what we now know about tobacco’s causal link to lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, and a host of other devastating illnesses.

In the same way, I find it incredulous that anybody who has witnessed firsthand the destruction and despair that follow in the wake of feminism would continue to cling to such a bankrupt ideology.

Yet cling they do, and with dogged persistence.

If these women could leave off chanting their antiquated rhetoric long enough, they would hear the cries and whimpers of the modern class of victims their manifesto has created — victims that include their own children, everyone on the planet with a Y-chromosome, and ultimately the feminists themselves.

To be sure, some espouse feminist ideals because they patently believe in them, but I suspect much of our society cooperates solely for the sake of remaining politically correct. They can see as well as the next person the mess this radical movement has made of things, yet they keep their thoughts to themselves and watch on in silence.



I am a feminist and I smoke, so it must be true!


Last time I checked, feminism didn't kill anyone.

Last time I checked, feminism didn't kill anyone.

Oh, that's already been covered in the "Feminism has killed more people than the Holocaust" thread.


Destruction & despair? Damn, I must not be doing it right, because I'm happier than I've ever been.

If these women could leave off chanting their antiquated rhetoric long enough,

:?: How exactly is feminist rhetoric "antiquated"? It's been around for a much shorter period of time than the biblical patriarchy rhetoric that the fundies are spouting off.


A bit dramatic, don't you think? I had a working mom, didn't feel like I was a victim. My husband thinks feminism was great for women so there's on Y-chromosome individual who don't consider himself a victim. And I consider myself a feminist, I certainly don't think I was victimized for, you know, going to school, working or talking back to my husband. What world does this lady live in?

Oh, but it is like smoking a cigarette in that it can be quite addicting once you buy into it! :D


Sorry. I'm going for a fag.


Ummmmm what? I guess this is someone who believes in the "ideal world" of the 1950s and before? Who thinks that everything was perfect back then? Yeah right. Life WAS NOT better for everyone back then and she's a moron if she thinks it was.


I smoke AND identify as a feminist. I solemnly swear that if I reach hell before the rest of you, I'll save a place and have your choice of libations mixed in advance.


I don't smoke, never have, but I'm a feminist. Does that mean that feminism is lurking somewhere in the corner waiting to strike and get me in my sleep? :?

much of our society cooperates solely for the sake of remaining politically correct.

She is so stuck in her narrow world that she can't imagine anyone actually holding another view point.

How does feminism give someone cancer?

It's all the abortions. No breasts are safe.


I love how she classifies it as "For Women Who Think". Pretty sure everything Jennifer Flanders typed is the exact opposite of that.

When did men and children become "victims" of feminism? Last I checked, feminism is about empowerment, not harm.

Oh, fundies, PLEASE.

I smoke AND identify as a feminist. I solemnly swear that if I reach hell before the rest of you, I'll save a place and have your choice of libations mixed in advance.

Dry rosé, please. I'll bring the ciggies.


I'm a feminist, and I don't smoke. I am so confused.


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