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Kendal is not alone


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Well, thank god Kendal found her fellow thinker on Fox news (why am I not surprised?) regarding her stance on the (non) Christmas gift for children.

Another gem, a bit confusing, but I am not as bright as Kendal of course, is her exposé about why siblings should stay or not stay together.....??


It is obvious she reads here, so FJers, actually it is not 'the father knows best' it is Kendal knows best. Don't you forget it!!

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I was about to post this. Here's what I don't understand. If you can pick up a gifts through the year, why not just save one or two for Christmas if it means so much to your kids? I fully admit to going over the top for Christmas, but it doesn't have to be that way. It seems like all of these kids would be thrilled with just one gift and a few candies in their stocking.

It's not like they don't celebrate Christmas (that would be totally different). They do. Hell, Kendal is even planning to give to everyone else in the family AND other people's kids - seems like her own little ones are the only people she doesn't think deserve something special.

Now she is also planning a birthday cake for Jesus. She's not doing it like the heathen Christians do though:

We've never actually done a birthday cake for Jesus. I have a confession, I always thought the idea was sort of silly. I know....I know! Maybe because I've seen it abused and so the whole idea of it turned me off. We'll come down to a room overflowing with gifts from Santa and then we'll throw in a birthday cake for Jesus so we can make things a bit more spiritual. See what I mean?

So, presents for a needy family? Check.

Presents for extended family? Check.

Birthday cake for someone that isn't celebrating a birthday and isn't here to receive it? Check.

Presents for kids? NO.

Makes total sense. :roll:

I am still wondering if Kendal and her husband will be exchanging gifts with each other and extended family.

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Guest Anonymous

Also.... the birthday cake for Jesus is somehow going to be incorporated into her husband's birthday, which falls on Christmas day.

So it would be inappropriate for the kids to get gifts on Jesus's birthday, but Daddy is somehow a special snowflake who gets to share Jesus's birthday cake. :shock:

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