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Duggars in Japan - video!


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Thanks for posting these! The second one they are just enjoying some traditional festival activities but they're doing some from summer (the goldfish catching) and some from winter (rice pounding). It's a usual street festival scene. The first one pretty much they translated all the content and you can overhear it, but the paddles with "yes/no" signs is a fairly common format on variety shows, they'll ask some guests in (sometimes it's one of those giant bands or whatever) and then survey them on various questions.

The second one seems to be part of their appearance on the show "Unbelievable!" from Fuji TV (there's a page about the episode: http://www.fujitv.co.jp/unb/contents/121004_2.html) but I don't know if other clips are up. I'll have to search around...

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Wow, jackpot!!! The whole episode of "Unbelievable" is up on Youku (Chinese website that rehosts a LOT of Japanese TV) at the URL: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU3ODQ3MzEy.html

It's from 2012/10/4. The show is about just "unbelievable!" stuff from around the world, so there's a wide variety of just "SRSLY??? wow" type videos.

It's over an hour and a half long, I have not seen it before so I don't know when the Duggar segment is and unfortunately I'm at work so can't just watch the whole thing now... also there are no subtitles (in Chinese or otherwise) but... have at it!

Definitely gotta watch this tonight though!

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I hate how they thought it was funny to scare poor Josie. And she ran to her sister mom, not her real mom of course.

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Jessa says they'd like to adopt some. I definitely think they will adopt and keep the TV show going.

Yeah, I think so too. There's definitely another book in it as well.

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Thanks for posting these! The second one they are just enjoying some traditional festival activities but they're doing some from summer (the goldfish catching) and some from winter (rice pounding). It's a usual street festival scene. The first one pretty much they translated all the content and you can overhear it, but the paddles with "yes/no" signs is a fairly common format on variety shows, they'll ask some guests in (sometimes it's one of those giant bands or whatever) and then survey them on various questions.

The second one seems to be part of their appearance on the show "Unbelievable!" from Fuji TV (there's a page about the episode: http://www.fujitv.co.jp/unb/contents/121004_2.html) but I don't know if other clips are up. I'll have to search around...

is that what is used to make Mochi? (I got those at Trader Joe pre-vegan and I loved those, so so good!)

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is that what is used to make Mochi? (I got those at Trader Joe pre-vegan and I loved those, so so good!)

Yep, that was mochi they were making (looks like they were making "kusamochi" which has a sort of leafy plant pounded into it too, hence it's green - "plain" mochi with only rice is white). Pounding rice like that the old way with the big hammer is a traditional thing for New Year, towns will have a big deal public fest doing of it, sometimes.

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Holy shit, Jessa said they would like to adopt some! I never thought I would hear any of them say that. I thought they were too far into ATI/Gothard.

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Holy shit, Jessa said they would like to adopt some! I never thought I would hear any of them say that. I thought they were too far into ATI/Gothard.

Both Michelle and Jim Bob have stated before that adoption is something that they've talked about and the family is keen for. Given that we've seen them advocate for easier international adoption, I think it's pretty safe to say they don't particularly care what Gothard says about adoption.

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I think Gothard has also pretty much dropped the adoption is bad thing. Fundies adopting babies to save them from hell is pretty darn trendy now and with the dropping numbers of ATI members he probably can't risk alienating potential families who adopted.

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