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Does anybody else here love Anne??

Does anybody else hate 'The Continuing Story' and 'A New Beginning'??


I watched the first movies just last December, and since seeing it on TV have been in a massive Anne phase. Love love love the first 2 movies, absolutely despise the second 2. Especially the 2008 one, 'A New Beginning'. Kevin Sullivan just went on way to much of a tangent for me, I prefer at least loosely sticking to Montgomery's story.


Other opinions?

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Love Anne and read all of the books. I found the tragedy of Rilla of Ingleside quite a deviation from the rest of the books and I was impressed with it.

I didn't like any of the movies. Well, there was one AOGG movie that was good, but its sequel was nothing like the book and it pissed me off.

I really loved the Emily series though. Emily's Quest caps my all-time favorites list in a way the Anne books never quite could.

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I loved them, except new beginning, which I didn't bother to even watch. Once I saw the previews and saw that the story was entirely revamped I was offended. How could he do that to Anne?! However, I did like the Continuing Story because I feel it kept with the spirit of Anne and I'm not one of those purists when it comes to book to movie adaptations or historical movies. It grew her up, we got to see the relationship between her and Gilbert and having her become a nun (well at least as a disguise) was a nice throw to her nun fantasy. The last few books were quite boring; she just becomes very matronly and has a family. In the movie she takes charge and does what needs to be done in spite of her fears and danger. It's much more feminist.

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Does anybody else here love Anne??

Does anybody else hate 'The Continuing Story' and 'A New Beginning'??

I watched the first movies just last December, and since seeing it on TV have been in a massive Anne phase.

Yes yes and yes!!! I have never read the books, so I obviously had nothing to compare them to... but I loved the first two Anne of Green Gables movies! :-D Gilbert is such a hottie! :-D

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I LOVED the books, and the show when I was little. What are they doing now? I saw that someone posted on youtube to a new Anne show? I was so confused...and since it wasn't in order I didn't watch it. Update me???

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I can't comment on the movies - I think I might have seen one or parts of one at some point, though - but I did like the books series when I was younger. I don't think I kept them, though. (I still have a box of books back home in the cellar somewhere but I'm pretty sure I gave them away.)

I loved the Emily trilogy, though. Actually, I have the box set in my bookshelf here. I'm seriously considering a re-read. It's been years since I've read them but I think (hope) they'll hold up. (I think I might go over and grab them after I post this...)

Anyone else read any of L.M. Montgomery's short stories? I really liked her "dark" stuff (collected in Among the Shadows.)

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Yes! I LURVE them (see avatar). I've read the books through "Anne's House of Dreams," and I want to finish the series, but I have a pretty challenging schedule. I've loved Anne of Green Gables since I was a little girl.

I love the first two movies, and I refuse to watch the others.

I really am obsessed. I feel like if I shared the depth of my passion for the Anne books/movies on this board, it would scare y'all off! ;)

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leena_noor: Kevin Sullivan, the same director who made the original Anne movies, decided in 2008 to make a 'prequel' to Anne story. Gahhh it was terrible. Anne is no longer an orphan, her father is some kind of hero, Gilbert is killed off, Green Gables is completely run down, and Anne marries some American Broadway guy. *shudder* I really hate that movie.

I've read up to House of Dreams, at some point I'd like to finish the series but can't seem to find the time. One of my life goals is to visit PEI. I'm considering going to an exchange to Queen's university, primarily because Anne went there.

Oh, Anne, you are amazing. "I don't want diamond sunbursts and marble halls, I only want you.." Sigh :D

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Yes, I loved Anne of Green Gables. I've seen two movie versions...one in black and white, watched in a pre-dawn baby feeding session...don't remember who starred, but it was good enough to keep me awake. The other was PBS' version, which I think came out in the early 90's??? They played it during their most recent pledge drive. The only problem: Towards the end, Diana confesses to Anne that she has a thing for Gilbert...I don't recall that from the books. I think there must be more installments of the PBS version.

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Love the interview! Its so true what Megan said about Lucy Maud, she was so ahead of her time.

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Random but fun fact. LM was married to minister. He was apparently a very fire and brimstone type who suffered from depression and often thought he was possessed by demons. (He obviously had some type of mental illness, but because of the times was never properly helped). I think it must have been miserable for her. Writing was probably her only escape.

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Random but fun fact. LM was married to minister. He was apparently a very fire and brimstone type who suffered from depression and often thought he was possessed by demons. (He obviously had some type of mental illness, but because of the times was never properly helped). I think it must have been miserable for her. Writing was probably her only escape.

I think about that a lot. L.M. suffered from severe depression, too. It's bizarre to me how fundies use the Anne books as examples of the perfect life, when the author so clearly had an unhappy marriage. My aunt, and cousins, and Stephenie Meyer, and probably many others talk about the books/movie as representing a simpler, happier time for people. For L.M., real life was probably nightmarish, and with barely any means of escape.

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That is really interesting about LM. I just quickly researched her life, her marriage really sounded terrible. There was a quote that said something like "for a woman who has given the world so much joy, she was mostly unhappy".

This has made me think about the fact that JK Rowling was also depressed when she began Harry Potter. I have so much respect for authors who manage to brighten the lives of millions of people, and that respect is magnified tenfold when they managed to do so under such horrible conditions.

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I think about that a lot. L.M. suffered from severe depression, too. It's bizarre to me how fundies use the Anne books as examples of the perfect life, when the author so clearly had an unhappy marriage. My aunt, and cousins, and Stephenie Meyer, and probably many others talk about the books/movie as representing a simpler, happier time for people. For L.M., real life was probably nightmarish, and with barely any means of escape.

I like to joke that Meyer only wrote Twilight because she had nothing else to do. I mean, no booze, no gambling, no coffee etc. Someone in my creative writing workshop asked why we don't study her. He was nearly crucified.

Has anyone read LMM's diaries?

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:lol: That very well may be true, xDreamerx! Although I enjoyed the Twilight books as I read them, I still know that they're awful. They're like a bad Mary Jane fanfic; I feel kind of creepy reading them, since I know they were probably Meyer's sexual release. *squick*

I really want to read L.M.'s diaries. What are they like?

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Love all the Anne of Green Gables books. Have read all of them. While teaching 4th grade years ago, we read the 1st book and i heard the girls at recess aguing that Anne was a real person. They were very disappointed about her being a fictional character.

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I've seen the first movie...but I don't care to see the others because of how I've heard how they deviate from the books. I love the books...but I love the Emily books even more.

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The second movie, the sequel doesn't deviate from the books too much. Well, compared to the rest. Have you seen the Emily TV series?

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I haven't...I have the Emily movie in my Netflix queue tho. Unless it's the TV series, not sure.

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  • 4 years later...

I don't know if anyone wants to talk some more about Anne of Green Gables or any of L.M. Montgomery's other works, or if everyone got it out of their systems in the thread drift in the "Melissa of Green Gables" thread. If anyone still wants to talk to others "of the race of Joseph", here's a thread for that. Kindred spirits come one, come all!

(I may or may not have satisfied my urge to discuss Anne. We'll see.)

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I absolutely loved the Anne books when I was young.  My nan had kept my mums set, and I read them, then my own daughter read them when she was younger.  I've still got them, except for the first one, which I reluctantly lent to mums friend for her daughter. After a couple of months I nagged mum to ask for it back, and the friend admitted she'd thrown it out - mum mustn't have made it clear that I wanted it back, and it was an old, somewhat tatty book.  She bought me a lovely new one, but I wasn't happy!

Anyway, since I'm not bitter and twisted  30 or so years later, I'm not going to mention my mismatched set again...

I could still cry today if I read the bit where Anne's first baby, Joy, died.


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