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Homosexuality And Genetics


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I agree with this. I always stay out of the "is it genetic?" arguments. It always seems that people want to prove that homosexuality is genetic like that will make homophobes accept them. I don't think that's true; we have racists and sexists even though we know race and sex and genetic.

I mean, I think homosexuality probably is genetic, but more than that, I think it doesn't matter. Even if homosexuality were a choice, I think who we marry should be a choice people have the right to make.

I think part of the reason people want to prove that homosexuality is genetic (I think it partially is, and is probably a mixture of lots of things, none of them a choice), is that if it was proven to be genetic, people would stop trying to turn people straight. A lot of people, if they think it's a choice, think you can stop being homosexual if you want to, and I know from experience that's it's extremely damaging if you try. The idea that it's a choice is where all the ex-gay conversion therapy bull shit comes about. You can have a racist who says they hate black people, but they're not going to say they think that if a black person just tried hard enough they could stop being black. So to me personally, it doesn't matter if it's genetic and anyone who thinks there's any element of choice is an idiot.I'm not holding out for homophobes to accept me, I'm sick of people, especially men, thinking they can turn me straight and maybe it's naive to think they might just stop if they realize that's impossible. So I think it's much easier to be hated for something than to be told you can change when you know you can't. I hate when people call homosexuality a lifestyle, but even if it was a choice, it wouldn't be a lifestyle. Hope any of that makes sense. It's a sensitive issue for me because I spent all my early-mid teen years trying desperately to be straight. I don't want anyone else to ever try that.

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During my teenage angst years, I decided I should be gay. It just seemed the way more logical conclusion in my mind, and I certainly wasn't seeing much action from teh boyz as a rather strident and vocally opinionated individual, nor did I have particularly frequent crushes. I spent a few weeks trying with all my might to develop crushes on girls (since that was as far as I'd progressed with anyone at that point). I just kept getting sadder and sadder though, and the whole life-stretched-out-before-me seemed more downer than upper. I didn't get it, until I reluctantly tried substituting back in one of the boy crushes in my head. And it was like a weight was lifted, seriously. I liked (some very few) boys! Even if they didn't like me! Even if I felt more kinship with my friends who were struggling with aspects of their sexuality than those who were in steady (for highschool) relationships!

I'd never thought prior to that point that people COULD choose their sexuality (or that they couldn't); I just thought they were how they were. I attribute my attempt to "choose" to teenage exceptionalism (well, I am speshul!), letting logic trump heart/body/whatever, or not realizing that these sexy-crush feelings were indicators of sexuality (common sense was never my strong suit).

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Looking back, I think I was hit on by a girl in high school. We were paired up for an English exercise and were sprawled out in the hallway. Apropos of nothing, she said, "You have the most beautifully shaped lips." I was a big nerd who had never been complimented on my appearance so I said thanks and complimented her hair and went back to Sophocles. Maybe that was my chance to jump ship and I missed it.

I honestly couldn't care less if homosexuality is genetic, hormonal or simply the choice of someone to become even extra more fabulous. I think everyone should feel comfortable to express their sexuality in any consenting way they wish.

My boss and I have a running joke where he tries to claim Richard Gere for his team and I'm trying to foist Tom Cruise off on his people.

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I'd like to thank all you ladies for your kind and thoughtful propositions. It really helped boost and ol'girl's confidence. I was so worried I wasn't worth the effort of recruitment, and now it's raining women! :gay-umbrella:

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Old argument is old. It's been scientifically proven that homosexuality is genetic.

I'm a horrible bi as I have not converted anyone :D

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