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Mary Mother of God - Ruben from Homemaker by Choice is nuts.


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I think I just felt some brain cells die and I only watched 45 seconds of it. The music is annoying and the "Norman Puewarmer" costume was horrible. Really hoping he doesn't go ahead and make a 2nd episode.

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Haven't seen the video, not sure I want to, but yeah, I've found Ruben pretty intolerable for a while. I had to stop reading his blog about a year ago now, I couldn't bear to watch him stroke his own ego to orgasm anymore. I think my last straw was the post where he had his car blocked in or something and was lamenting the missed opportunity to proselytize to the chick who did it, because she obviously needed to find God or why else would she have parked like that? He's definitely hateful and possibly insane.

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His point is that it is not cherry picking to read one verse in Leviticus and see it as law, while reading the one after it and seeing it as an interesting historical artifact. So when God said mixed fibers and homosexuality are both abominations *in the same book and chapter*, what He meant was that mixed fibers are totally okay and teh ghey is evil!

That's cherry-picking, buddy.

As far as his assumption that atheists don't know any Christians, I am shocked someone would even say that. In the USA, regardless of your own religious beliefs or lack thereof, almost every person you encounter is a Christian. You CANNOT escape Christianity even if you try.

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But if an atheist actually met a Christian, they'd be converted instantly. Right?

So my friend Ruth, who I have been friends with for a dozen years now, is a Christian. A very committed one at that, although not fundie in the least. Perhaps that's why her magical, sparkling Christianity has not rubbed off on me then!

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So my friend Ruth, who I have been friends with for a dozen years now, is a Christian. A very committed one at that, although not fundie in the least. Perhaps that's why her magical, sparkling Christianity has not rubbed off on me then!

By his definition, I think that Ruth is an "atheist."

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I'm an atheist, my mom is Christian (Anglican), my dad is agnostic, one sister is baptist, another is catholic and she has one Muslim son, one catholic daughter and one atheist son. My remaining sister is new age and prays to angels and spirit guides. Essentially, I don't even have to go beyond my own family to encounter many belief systems, each of which I respect as they respect mine. Fortunately none of us are self-righteous assholes, and we are each secure enough that we can actually talk about religion without playing the "mine is bigger/better than yours!!1!" game. I'd love to invite Ruben to one of our huge family dinners, if only to watch his mind asplode, except he's an arrogant imbecile and would ruin our appetites :(

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So my friend Ruth, who I have been friends with for a dozen years now, is a Christian. A very committed one at that, although not fundie in the least. Perhaps that's why her magical, sparkling Christianity has not rubbed off on me then!

I had a lot of fundie-lite friends as a child. Some how, I remained immune to magical, sparkling Christianity even then (although at least a few of them are no longer Christian).

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All my Christian friends and families are going to be heartbroken to discover that they are not, in fact, Christians. Ruben said so, so it must be fact.

Either that or I don't actually know any of them.

eta: what was in my mind was not clear when put into words the first time around

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I couldn't get this to load, but on the sidebar there was that Monty Python bit "she's Witch!"

"logically, if she weighs the same as a duck, then she is made of wood! And if she is made of wood then, SHE'S A WITCH!"

Is that he same kinda logic used here?!?

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I live in the South. I can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Christian. I'd say somebody got da woo-woo in da brain.

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All my Christian friends and families are going to be heartbroken to discover that they are not, in fact, Christians. Ruben said so, so it must be fact.

I know, right! All of his other BS aside (and I probably didn't absorb that much of it 'cause his voice was SO ANNOYING), I did fixate on the fact that he insists that atheists don't know any Christians, so can only get all of their info from other atheists! Even if an atheist could completely isolate him or herself from Christians socially, they would at least run into Christians at work or school. Most of my co-workers, my mother (who works for her parish), my in-laws, my oldest friend (who is an Episcopalian priest), and my husband will all be disappointed to know that they aren't Christians, because since I'm an atheist I couldn't possibly know them if they were.

/runs off to read new thread analyzing this shit line by line...

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I know, right! All of his other BS aside (and I probably didn't absorb that much of it 'cause his voice was SO ANNOYING), I did fixate on the fact that he insists that atheists don't know any Christians, so can only get all of their info from other atheists!

Which is kind of ironic considering Ruben and most other fundie christians get all their info about the evils of atheism from other fundie christians. I would be surprised if he knew any atheists, at least in any meaningful way. We generally manage to go about our lives and coexist with the rest of the world in the same way that christians do :roll:

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Since its obvious that these two have some sort of mental issue, can we assume it may be folie à deux?

They are constantly contradicting themselves and manipulating scrpiture to account for it. What they consider religion is just a very twisted, extremely selective form of christianity. I am laughing so hard at some of these comments, most especially the ones about his voice - which I have to agree is the most horribly annoying I have ever heard. His wife brings some heavy competition, though, with the way she always has to pause to swallow a mouthful of spit when she speaks.

I, also, am bewildered at his statement that "atheists don't know christians" when clearly its the other way around. Athiests tend to me more open minded and dont only socialize with other athiests - they have tend to have friends from many religious and cultural backgrounds. I bet Ruben has never met a Hindi or Muslim person before in his life. I wonder if his tiny little peasized brain would explode if he ever had to work with or interact with someone like that.

I feel terrible for their daughter and for the baby they are pregnant with. Its always so sad when you see these radical christian kids who are just completely and totally dead behind their eyes. It makes me even more upset than those Human Society commercials with the starving puppies. When their kid is in the videos, even though its only a baby it already has that please-someone-help-me face.

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'Most atheists don't know any Christians'? Really? Really?

As bad as it is, I'm going to force myself to watch the whole thing.

That's about as far as I got. I mean seriously? I know plenty of Christians, hell 90% of my family is some form of Christianity or another. And guess what? They all cherry pick. Cherry picking is not a bad thing per say, since the world has changed since the Bible was written, but when your cherry picking makes you always the good one and anyone who disagrees with you an evil person there is a problem.

Example, someone claiming that the Bible instructs all women to stay home and raise their kids but said person is a married woman with children whose job it is to travel around to teach about Biblical womanhood then there is something off since it's okay for her to work, but not other women...

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So my friend Ruth, who I have been friends with for a dozen years now, is a Christian. A very committed one at that, although not fundie in the least. Perhaps that's why her magical, sparkling Christianity has not rubbed off on me then!

This always makes me want to beat my head into a wall.

I'm married to someone who, on a pro-religion day, identifies as diest/agnostic and on an anti-religion day as atheist. he's married to someone who still self-identifies as Christian.

My husband, if push comes to shove, will tell you that my dad, (a 'recovering-ish' fundie--still more fundie leanings than I would like, but he's gotten better and is still getting better) is the person who gives him the most hope in Christianity...someone who, for all of his faults, 'walks the walk'; who you can have reasonable discussions with on abortion and homosexuality, someone who gives [without publicizing] a lot...

If someone like my dad can't 'reach' my husband, how the hell is this nutter going to, with her damnation and dismissal of his doubts, going to?


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You can see their "love story" here:

...and by "love story" I meant "marriage arranged online by her father."

Show of hands - who thinks Daddy paid this guy off just to get his daughter out of his house?! Hahaha.

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Everyones worst fears have been realized: they have made another episode. His homely homemaker is in this one.

I find it extremely disturbing that they think they have a reality show of some sort. I honestly believe that he is suffering from ome sort of dillusional mental disorder.

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