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Crushable predictions for Duggars in 10 years--Here's MINE


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Ironically, in my experience, the rigid upbringing makes it more likely. When you're told, for your entire life, that anyone who doesn't toe the line, keep sweet, and follow the program is going to burn in hell, and that everyone else is a part of the evil "secular world" and that people in the secular world do drugs, have lots of meaningless sex and generally run wild, well, when you leave the church, you go and do what you've been told people outside your church do. And why not? You have never developed a personal moral compass, you've only ever been allowed to do what you've been told to do, and were sheltered from anything that might require you to develop self-discipline.

Yes - the rumspringa documentaries and stories show that, they tend to be more promiscuous and drug-taking than any non-Amish teen would be (most of them are probably working hard in school to get into a good college) because that's what they think the world is like and that's all there is to it


My predictions for the Duggar kids in 10 years:

I go back and forth about Jill having a big family. I think she'll stay single for quite a while. Jill will realize that life sucks as a SAHD tending to Michelle, future nieces and nephews that visit, and the remaining J'kids that live at home.

Several of the J'kids will have issues with depression. They will resent Jim Boob for his overbearing nature and forcing them to do the dog and pony show.

Josh will have serious health issues because of his food addiction. He will not understand why he is no longer "famous" and why TLC (and Sean) wants nothing to do with him. Josh will have the roughest time adjusting to non-public life and will not understand why he can't be elected into public office.

Jinger and Joy will team together to write a tell-all book.

Josiah will disappear to a different country and live his life, helping other brainwashed people to find their self-worth.

Josie will resent Jim Boob and Michelle for treating her like a sideshow instead of a human being.

The Howlers...who knows. I keep thinking if Boob and Mullet don't find other outlets such as sports and public/private school, these boys can and will be a handful when they reach adulthood. They're not quiet like JD or Joseph, and Boob and Mullet don't seem to get that these Howlers are very spirited and energetic.

I predict that Boob and Mullet may have a real empty nest syndrome (besides Jill and a handful of other J's) because the kids will not want anything to do with their parents when they move out of the compound.

Someone will come out of a closet---- I'd bet my next paycheck on it.

Okapi (new here, but enjoying it!)

Welcome! I agree with you. With those numbers, odds are good. I hope it is one of them with a backbone, not another "Pray the gay away" fundie husband that I see around quite a bit. Those poor courtin' girls waking up the night after their big wedding night as pure as they were in their big white dress....oh wait, that was me.


I agree with one of the previous posters that said Josie will grow up to be like Smuggar. Mullet will definitely have a break down soon.


I think Mullet will have a break down because she is an attention whore and once TLC is out of the picture, certain people will stop giving two shits about her.

Two of the Duggar children will move far away to lead "alternative" lifestyles if you will. I won't name who I think it is.

Who's the second one? :lol: No, don't answer that.

I'm tempted to make predictions too, but they'd just be a hybridization of other people's lists at this point. I do agree that we'll probably see the entire spectrum of results from their upbringing, from full-on fundie (Jill) to fundie lite (Josh) to complete renunciation (hopefully the middle children on down), but most likely none will take the Quiverfull thing to the extreme that they were raised in.

In the short-term, though, I really am interested in seeing how (a) Michelle deals with menopause and (b) Josh deals with the gravy train ending; like everyone else, I'm not expecting either outcome to be pretty. NjoyingNsanity had a brilliant speculative post about Michelle in the Jennifer's Birthday thread a while back:

I don't think anyone thinks she's completely stable now, but if TLC refrains from canceling the show when menopause hits things should get interesting once she completely flips her shit and starts dressing either cats or lap dogs in frumpers and starts naming them things like J'fluffy and Jrover. If nothing else the recipes for Meow Mix Caserole and Alponetti should be interesting.

I also think Jill will have a big family. I don't see her ever leaving the fundie lifestyle. She is smug and she seems content with being a fundie.

She certainly seems like the most self-satisfied of the girls. Blech. I really hope that one day, she will look back at some of the things she said (on tv! At least most of us don't have those moments recorded so clearly for posterity) and do a massive embarrassed face palm. Or maybe she'll be proud? I guess I can only see her going to one extreme or the other: being a SAHD for so long that she grows disenchanted and leaves the movement entirely, or following in her mother's footsteps. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl attracted to moderation.


I can completely see Joy Anna and Josiah teaming up in the future and perhaps starting their own support group/website in the style of Recovering Grace or the like for children with upbringings like they had. The eye rolling from Joy in the new season episode and absolute lack of contribution to the 'prince charming' chat just makes me more aware than ever that she's clearly sick of her lack of an individual life being shown on tv. Who knows, she might even shave her head as a defiance against the long curly hair she had to endure for years as a Duggar daughter!

I can completely see Joy Anna and Josiah teaming up in the future and perhaps starting their own support group/website in the style of Recovering Grace or the like for children with upbringings like they had. The eye rolling from Joy in the new season episode and absolute lack of contribution to the 'prince charming' chat just makes me more aware than ever that she's clearly sick of her lack of an individual life being shown on tv. Who knows, she might even shave her head as a defiance against the long curly hair she had to endure for years as a Duggar daughter!

I like to think that, but I'm worried she was just rolling her eyes about "husband talk" to show she was younger than the other girls, or something.

Just saw the end of that clip today. It's really sad. They don't really know what they want and they are indeed just sitting at home waiting for Prince Charming, it's pretty tragic.


Judging from watching lots of ATI families I predict that the kids are going to slowly start moving away from their parent's up-bringing. I think it might take awhile for the first set of girls to get fed up with how they are living, especially as the kids grow up and they have less work to do. In 10 years I think that the younger ones, who have been ignored, neglected, and allowed to do whatever are going to go wild and they will be the end of this "perfect" family.

Michelle will for sure have a break down, but I bet it will be covered up as much as possible.


I can see Michelle being one of those people that gets about 50 of those reborn dolls and treats them like they are real once the baby factory dries up.

I think she will go properly crazy by the time the older kids start courting, or she wont let them of course (how else can she ensure she wont have to make eye contact with a child over the age of 1), and whichever ones dont run while she isnt looking will be still at home and acting like teenagers at 35. I can also see her frantically looking at ways to keep Josie tiny forever, and trying to sneak anti growth hormones into the food so the kids dont grow up.

Statistically at least one Duggar has to be gay. They will probably leave as their family isnt OK with that. I think at least Jinger, Joy Anna, Josiah and Johannah will leave, they seem to be the ones that fit in the least. Jordyn probably will as well, if they dont leave her somewhere before she gets old enough to find her way home cause nobody actually knows of her existence and they will make a big deal of their poor missing blessing whos name they didnt remember before.

Jill probably wont, and will have as many kids as possible, or Michelle will use her uterus to keep a constant supply of Jbabies.

Judging by that picture done by a 12 year old leghumper, I wouldn't be surprised if Smuggar gets charged with a sex crime and his mug shot is all over TMZ.

Either that, or he's the subject of a low-rent version of a Jim Bakker or Jimmy Swaggert scandal. And Anna will just stick with him due to pressure from the family to forgive and forget.

I predict that several of the children will become atheists. At least one child will practice a non-Abrahamic religion, like Buddhism or Wicca.

JimBob and Michelle will trot out Josie at every speaking engagement, but only for a few minutes at a time and not let her say anything so that they can hide her developmental delays from the public as long as possible. When Josie never leaves home, they will claim that she just hasn't met Prince Charming yet and they value her skills as a homemaker. After they die, Josie will be dumped on Jill for care.


I hate to say it, cause the reborn crazy lady seems more fun, but I picture Michelle's mental break down, to turn evil. I think she will go out of her way to make sure the young Duggars, get things the grandchildren don't, oh, Josie here is a cookie, none for you Mack. But not in a loving way, and only when the grandkids are around to torture. I picture her pinching and flicking small kids to make them cry, and general punishing any kids that aren't hers simply for exisisting, far past blanket training or whippings. I think she will be mean to pregnant women as well, telling them her heroing stories and then telling them all about dead baby stories, that happen to unbeliving heathen whores like themselves. I think she will be like some witchy character, making everyone pay, for having kids, and not focusing one her.


Here's mine:

Agree that Michelle will go crazy when the Big M hits. She's already not right in the head and doesn't seem able to cope with much and the whole meaning of her existence is having babies. Once that ability is gone, plus the ups and downs of menopause, she will really lose it. I don't envy JB or the J-slaves when this happens as they will be at ground zero when that mental / emotional bomb goes off.

With 19 kids, I can see one or two just taking off on their own and telling the family to fuck off. JD is my likely candidate and maybe Josiah when he is older. I don't see any of the girls doing this, though I hope I am wrong. The best escape I see for the girls is marrying some fundie lite guy who says all the right things to JB so that the courtship and marriage can proceed. Post-marriage, as the headship, the husband will allow them to wear pants, use BC, not have kid after kid, and "gasp!" let them take a job or go back to school. Maybe they can leave fundiedom altogether this way. I doubt all the girls will do this, however, given their limited prospects, this is the best outcome I realistically see for them. Otherwise, they will either be SAHDs or just marry some super fundie guy like their dad and carry on the same sad life just under a different headship.

Smuggar will not enter politics despite his claims simply due to lack of work ethic and education. He's in for a rough time after TLC is out of the picture and he faces having to actually work for a living, live within budget, and not have all the perks that came as a result of the show. He will get real about his ability to support a large family and he and Anna will quietly use BC. He would actually have to live like, you know, a lot of us. He will go fundie lite; he's already on the way to doing that.

I see a tell all book or interview down the line for sure. I don't know who it will be as it could come from the one you least expect.


I agree that Mullet will have emotional problems (which are already festering) as it becomes clear that the childbearing is over. It won't by a tragically fun cray-cray thing like being obsessed with a pet or doll because that would go against her need to stay in line with Gothardism. It will be more like a morbid mean streak as tankgirl describes.

I do see a very special episode with a Christian intervention about Smuggar's food obsession. Food has clearly become an idol to him and he will need to be reprogrammed. Anna will need to get knocked up again so that Smuggar's presence is not required in the home and one or two of the younger male sibling will be brought in to run the car business in his absence. The work experience will make them eligible to marry suitable girls and slowly fade into a somewhat above subsistence life in relative obscurity. Also, one of the j'slaves will move in with Anna to help out during this period. There can be several episodes highlighting the godly advantages to having such a large and tight knit Christian family to pull together if one member becomes "ill". Another episode will feature the return of Smugly from rehab/reprogramming in time for the birth of his child. He will however, be sidelined for the most part in terms of any responsibility by the family members who have filled in the spaces for Anna and her now complete brood. They will be her sustenance, her companions and her world for the remainder of her days.

Eventually, 2-4 of the J'slaves will be set up in a separate home and be given their own reality show. They will have contact with the real world and will react in a variety of ways. Perhaps one will find it all too sinful and will become even more fundy than her family, although she will never marry. My guess is that Jessa and Jinger will quite enjoy it and eventually become fundy-lite, marry and become a part of the Kirk Cameron type.

I do think that Josiah will eventually run off so that he can be fabulous. He will be photographed by TMZ and begged to do a reality show, but he will have become entirely too normal and choose instead to lead his own independent life.

The little ones are harder to predict. They got very little real attention and may have some problems adjusting to adulthood. I do not think that their stories will be heavily covered by the media, but there may be a story here or there about their struggles. Josie will stay with her mother to the end of her days.

If Jim-boob outlives Mullet (and I suspect he will), I predict that he will marry a fundy lady in her mid-thirties and have 3 more children.

The big tell-all will come years later. A much older Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow will assemble 7-8 of the now fully grown children to reminisce and share stories. The more bitter children will not attend. They will share some of their frustrations with their upbringing along with happy stories, but they will all agree that the parents did what they truly believed at the time and forgive them their excesses.

Finally, one last prediction. One of the Duggar children will at least date or befriend one of Michael Jackson's children.


I think some of the middle children will have trouble adjusting in adult life. They are currently being raised as a pack. Its going to be hard for them to go from that to independence.


Smuggar will not enter politics despite his claims simply due to lack of work ethic and education. He's in for a rough time after TLC is out of the picture and he faces having to actually work for a living, live within budget, and not have all the perks that came as a result of the show. He will get real about his ability to support a large family and he and Anna will quietly use BC. He would actually have to live like, you know, a lot of us. He will go fundie lite; he's already on the way to doing that.

I see a tell all book or interview down the line for sure. I don't know who it will be as it could come from the one you least expect.

THIS. I completely agree with you.

I really think Josh lurking here is a good sign. If anything he is learning to question why he believes what he has been taught. I hope Anna has unrestricted internet access as well.

I would love Anna or Josh to do an AMA on Reddit. :greetings-wavingblue: I know Josh would hate to pass up an opportunity to be in the "spotlight."


THIS. I completely agree with you.

I really think Josh lurking here is a good sign. If anything he is learning to question why he believes what he has been taught. I hope Anna has unrestricted internet access as well.

I would love Anna or Josh to do an AMA on Reddit. :greetings-wavingblue: I know Josh would hate to pass up an opportunity to be in the "spotlight."

I want a tell all book so badly. I agree with what you've said about Josh. I see him trying to get into politics at some point though, only to get smacked down in a landslide. His head and ego are too damn big.

osh lurking here is a good sign. If anything he is learning to question why he believes what he has been taught.

Is he, though? Even if he enjoys the attention, I thought he simply views us as godless haters and then just keeps on doing what he's doing to be contrary. And *cough* because Jesus said so.


He might view it as a kind of research. To see what the 'haters' have to say. Or to see what the 'opposition' is writing about him.


I want a tell all book so badly. I agree with what you've said about Josh. I see him trying to get into politics at some point though, only to get smacked down in a landslide. His head and ego are too damn big.

There is a journalist trying to get a tell all book on the Gosselin published. It is finished but not released. Supposedly Kate and her legal team are threating him (he is a local PA journalist who had inside knowledge from the early days till the TLC days). I hope there is a way the tell all on Kate gets published because I think we will get a glimpse into how TLC edits and operates and give us more clues on the Duggars real life.He has already posted about product placement on TLC and freebies and compensation(he had a contarct that showed Kate getting 50k for one placement and free stuff). I think a Duggar tell all is more then 5 years away.


Okay - fast forward ten years...

JimBob (mid 50's) - will continue to dabble in real estate. Gothard willhave died and JimBob will have moved his family's alliances over to VF

Michelle (mid 50's) - will suffer from incredible back pain. Josie will be her last living child. She and JB will continue to do speaking sessions at fundie churches.

Josh (34) - still married to Anna. 4-5 children - still wanting to be involved in politics, but generally ignored or politely tolerated by right wing politicians. He will still have the used car business and will be a partner with JB in real estate.

Anna (34) - still married to Josh. Homeschools, but has taken some cooking and nutrition classes online and has become more fit. Teaches Sunday School and has her kids in a co-op for math and science.

Mykynzy, Michael and future M's (13-6) - watch some tv, able to have friends from co-op, 4-H and Scouts.

Jana (32) - married to an ATI guy she met while working at HQ. While initially following Gotahrd, Jana and hubby became less fundy. They have several children, whom Jana homeschools. They attend a regualr church and she has been involved in both children's groups and musical productions.

John (32) - married one of the Query girls from nearby. They worked together to build up his towing business to include excavation and general constructon. His wife works with him in the office. Has been known to enjoy a beer or two. Their kids go to a Christian school.

Jill (31) - has married a Baptist minister and has lived a prolonged amount of time in South America. She has several children and will continue to have more. Jill uses her doula/midwife skills to deliver babies.

Jessa (29) - Was attracted to several young Republicans on the Santorum tour. Ended up marrying one of them. He then joined the army and she is living in army housing. Her kids go to school and Jessa works in an office. She enjoys shopping adn is excited that her husband's next post is Hawaii - she has already bought several bikinis...

Jinger (28) - After several mission with ATI, Jinger broke away and works as a photographer. She blogs about her adventures and has maintained contact with her family. She is not married, but has had a couple long-term relationships. She is engaged to a nice guy and uses birth control, but doesn't talk about it to her more conservative family members.

Joseph (27) - Is married to Carlin Bates. He is in business with his brother, John. They several kids and will have more. Carlin homeschools and they don't watch much tv, but do enjoy camping.

Josiah (26) - Left the family when he was 19. He really wanted to be a journalist and was frustated by his lack of ability to communicate his ideas on paper. He worked part-time and put himself through college (needing several remedial courses). Josiah is unmarried, but is living with Mary Maxwell. They plan to have two children some day.

Joy (25) - Left with Josiah when she was 18. She worked hard on upgrading her high school marks and went to college. She has joined the army and has learned to kick some butt. Both she and Josiah have a strained relationship with their fundy family.

Jed (23) - Is making Christina movies. Has been dating one of Kirk Cameron's daughter.

Jer (23) - Has studied graphic design. He found College Minus lacking so went to college with his parents' blessing. He enjoyed his college life and has made a lot of great friends. He enjoys going out with his friends and has no intention to settle down yet. He is just getting started in his career in San Diego.

Jason (22) - Has apprenticed and is now working as a brick layer. Enjoys partying with friends. Not fundy.

James (21) - Is working in the oil fields. Has a live-in girl friend, but hasn't told his parents.

Justin (19) -has decided to become a minister and is at college.

Jackson (18) - has been given tons of crap jobs to do by his elder brothers and wants out. He doesn't quite know how to do it so he remains home. he is thinking of joining James on the oil rigs.

Hannie (almost 17) - has finished high school but wants more education. Is planning to leave at 18 if she is not allowed to enrole in a "real" college" Her cousin, Amy has said that Hannie can come to Oklahoma and take courses at the community college there. Has had a couple of boyfriends.

Jenny (15) - wants to be a teacher - a REAL teacher. He been taking online courses to improve her reading and writing skills. Knows she will need intensive math and science upgrading so has joined Anna's co-op for that. There are homeschooling famlies froma variety of backgrounds in the co-op. Misses Jill and skypes with her a lot.

Jordyn (13) - loves to run and is very athletic. Refuses to wear skirts. Wants to play soccer and has convinced JB to let her since he is softening up.

Josie (12) - Loves to paint. Generally gets what she wants. Has asthma. Likes dressing up for VF costume events.


I'm waiting for someone to say the inevitable: Michelle kicks off after massive internal bleeding due to an exploded uterus, and Jim Bob marries a twenty something, popping out 20 more kids.

I agree that Mullet will have emotional problems (which are already festering) as it becomes clear that the childbearing is over. It won't by a tragically fun cray-cray thing like being obsessed with a pet or doll because that would go against her need to stay in line with Gothardism. It will be more like a morbid mean streak as tankgirl describes.

I do see a very special episode with a Christian intervention about Smuggar's food obsession. Food has clearly become an idol to him and he will need to be reprogrammed. Anna will need to get knocked up again so that Smuggar's presence is not required in the home and one or two of the younger male sibling will be brought in to run the car business in his absence. The work experience will make them eligible to marry suitable girls and slowly fade into a somewhat above subsistence life in relative obscurity. Also, one of the j'slaves will move in with Anna to help out during this period. There can be several episodes highlighting the godly advantages to having such a large and tight knit Christian family to pull together if one member becomes "ill". Another episode will feature the return of Smugly from rehab/reprogramming in time for the birth of his child. He will however, be sidelined for the most part in terms of any responsibility by the family members who have filled in the spaces for Anna and her now complete brood. They will be her sustenance, her companions and her world for the remainder of her days.

Eventually, 2-4 of the J'slaves will be set up in a separate home and be given their own reality show. They will have contact with the real world and will react in a variety of ways. Perhaps one will find it all too sinful and will become even more fundy than her family, although she will never marry. My guess is that Jessa and Jinger will quite enjoy it and eventually become fundy-lite, marry and become a part of the Kirk Cameron type.

I do think that Josiah will eventually run off so that he can be fabulous. He will be photographed by TMZ and begged to do a reality show, but he will have become entirely too normal and choose instead to lead his own independent life.

The little ones are harder to predict. They got very little real attention and may have some problems adjusting to adulthood. I do not think that their stories will be heavily covered by the media, but there may be a story here or there about their struggles. Josie will stay with her mother to the end of her days.

If Jim-boob outlives Mullet (and I suspect he will), I predict that he will marry a fundy lady in her mid-thirties and have 3 more children.

The big tell-all will come years later. A much older Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow will assemble 7-8 of the now fully grown children to reminisce and share stories. The more bitter children will not attend. They will share some of their frustrations with their upbringing along with happy stories, but they will all agree that the parents did what they truly believed at the time and forgive them their excesses.

Finally, one last prediction. One of the Duggar children will at least date or befriend one of Michael Jackson's children.

The Hannie/Blanket ship starts now! :lol: Kidding, kidding.


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