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Bachmann and her 'ex lesbian' friend


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When are all these closet cases going to accept that "gay" isn't something one does, it's something one is. Living life in the closet is indeed a choice, but it doesn't make one any less gay.

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You know, it could be she's *gasp* bisexual and is choosing only to be involved with men?

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Alecto, I think the people who have prayed away the gay successfully are indeed bisexual and also incapable of understanding that bi=/=gay. I could be with a man or a woman, and I choose to be with a man. I am not gay. That does not mean that my lesbian cousin could make the same choice.

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Boynes's life as a gay woman was chaotic; she cheated on her girlfriends and was cheated on. For awhile, she was addicted to—and sold—cocaine. But from time to time, she writes, her churchgoing childhood would kick in, and she would think of God and recognize that she was on a sinful path. At last, she writes, in 1998, a chance encounter with a Christian woman in a parking lot prompted her to renounce her lesbian ways.

It seems like quite a few of the ex-gays I've seen have had drug problems--I really don't understand why they connect that to their sexual orientation. Being gay does not lead to doing drugs! It's common sense, but they act as if it's the natural progression of their "decision" to be gay (actually their decision to be honest with themselves). Don't many of them realize that their life may have been difficult as a gay person because of the trauma heaped onto them by their bigoted families?

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I read that story, and her description of the "lifestyle" makes no sense. Straight people do drugs and cheat on their partners too..it has nothing to do with them being straight just like it had nothing to do with her being gay.

If she apparently has to avert her eyes when she sees the pretty ladies, as she admits in the article, she's not "cured". If she is actually bi she's choosing to ignore the lady loving side of herself. And I'm a lesbian, and for sure could not chose to be straight. Sure, I could have sex with a man...technically...but that would make me miserable and slightly nauseous and it wouldn't be fair to either of us.

It seems like she had a lot of real problems, that had nothing to do with being a lesbian. And she doesn't even make it sound like her "cure" worked. For the record, I'm the kind of lesbian who wants a wife, 2.5 kids and a dog, so I guess I fail at the lifestyle.

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