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How do fundies explain away events like the Mars landing?


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The Nasa Curiosity rover touched down last night:


Pictures were sent back almost immediately:


I know I very nearly cried with joy because I was for sure something this complicated couldn't go off without a hitch. But it did.

How do fundies explain this marvelous human achievement to themselves? Also, discoveries already made on Mars confirm that the Solar System is way older than 6,000 years. The Curiosity landing site was chosen specifically because there was a good possibility of exposed geological layers for easy sampling.

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Do you mean findings that may happen, or the landing itself.

I'm sure a few people will say it's fake, like the moon landing was "fake", lol Other than that, probably the same way they deal with geological findings about earth. There seem to be two options: Either the findings are wrong/the science is bad/it's a conspiracy, or "God made it *look* like it's old"

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1. Satan tempting us.

2. Somehow, this actually proves creationism, but scientists are lying about it.

3. Who cares? It's a waste of taxpayer money.

4. Photoshop!

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1. Satan tempting us.

2. Somehow, this actually proves creationism, but scientists are lying about it.

3. Who cares? It's a waste of taxpayer money.

4. Photoshop!

5. Jeeeeebus.

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Well, you see, when the Flood happened, it was because God unsealed the fountains of the deeps and opened the windows of the heavens, so naturally Mars would have been flooded, too. All the planets would have. And the so-called "geological layers" are obviously the result of that flooding.

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According to George Takei, this was the first thing the camera on the Mars lander picked up :lol:


Marvin!! My favorite Martian!!

Seriously, tho, I have to say it's a shame that there are a lot of people out there (and not just fundies) that believe that things such as the moon landing or today's Mars landing are faked in some way. What happened today was a first in robotic space travel and instead of people marveling at it (no pun intended) it's written off as staged, or Satan tempting us or something.

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I know I very nearly cried with joy because I was for sure something this complicated couldn't go off without a hitch. But it did.

Same here! A friend of mine was a guest at JPL and got to watch the whole thing happen, which was amazing. When he announced that he was going, I checked NASA's Curiosity site for more info, and saw how they planned to carry out the landing. And I was just stunned at the ingenuity of it, and that it was even possible. I mean, that to me is just so beautiful and miraculous and awe-inspiring, and there's nothing supernatural about it.

But I admit I did think, "Holy crap, there are so many ways this could go wrong, and if it does I think I'm going to cry."

How do fundies explain this marvelous human achievement to themselves? Also, discoveries already made on Mars confirm that the Solar System is way older than 6,000 years. The Curiosity landing site was chosen specifically because there was a good possibility of exposed geological layers for easy sampling.

I've seen some Creationists attempt to debunk various dating methods. If the dating method can be called into question and deemed invalid and inaccurate, then the fundies can step in and point to that as proof that the Bible is right.

Mostly, they just ignore events like this, though. Too inconvenient, too uncomfortable.

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"God created it already old" is a big one.

Of course that means it's equally possible that the earth was created 5 minutes ago and YOU were created "already old" complete with faked-up intact memories, but no one ever seems to go there (unless it's the Twilight Zone).

Aside from that, probably a lot of fundies just don't bother thinking about what exactly the findings will mean. "Robot landed on Mars and is finding out about how Mars is, we can learn about how God created Mars" is as far as they will care to go because they'll just say it's "not their thing."

I saw the touchdown last night, the partying going on at that moment in JPL was something to see! So many careers made in that moment, so many sighs of relief, it actually WORKED, the scene was just great. So much just utter happiness going on.

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To recall Abeka's textbook "Matter and Motion in God's Universe," a creepy guy tells a child that it's circular reasoning to use fossils to date layers of earth, then layers of earth to date other fossils. THERE'S JUST NO PROOF THERE

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To recall Abeka's textbook "Matter and Motion in God's Universe," a creepy guy tells a child that it's circular reasoning to use fossils to date layers of earth, then layers of earth to date other fossils. THERE'S JUST NO PROOF THERE

But it's totally legit to use the Bible to prove the Bible, amirite? :roll: Gotta love...

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Of course that means it's equally possible that the earth was created 5 minutes ago and YOU were created "already old" complete with faked-up intact memories, but no one ever seems to go there (unless it's the Twilight Zone).

Isn't this the basis of pastafarianism?

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The Nasa Curiosity rover touched down last night:


Pictures were sent back almost immediately:


I know I very nearly cried with joy because I was for sure something this complicated couldn't go off without a hitch. But it did.

How do fundies explain this marvelous human achievement to themselves? Also, discoveries already made on Mars confirm that the Solar System is way older than 6,000 years. The Curiosity landing site was chosen specifically because there was a good possibility of exposed geological layers for easy sampling.



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To answer the question that started the thread, some of the Southern Baptists I post with on another forum are claiming it's all been staged with the help of the ruthless Commies in Hollywood. Others are saying that if we find the elements of life on Mars it is proof that god was making a test run before he populated the earth.

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For the fundies that actually try to answer these questions, the 'creation scientists' My money is definitely on the "circular logic" non-argument. They will simply say it applies to all planets and wash their hands of it.

Everyone else, will just deny, deny, deny... unless pressured, at which point they'll do some reasearch and dicovered the godly scientists circular logic theory. At that point they'll be smugly satisfied that they've got all the answers.

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Others are saying that if we find the elements of life on Mars it is proof that god was making a test run before he populated the earth.

I love how nothing's supposed to be added or taken away from the bible, yet fundies have no problem writing this kid of scifi fanfic when it suits them.

What about a perfect, omnipotent God who gets things right the first time? God shouldn't have to 'test' anything. If he did have to then he wouldn't meet the criteria for omniscience.

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I'm under the impression that they're oblivious to it as they don't watch TV, have limited internet access, probably don't subscribe to newspapers, etc

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I'm thinking this sort of fits here.


Hope I'm doing this according to the rules...

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Creationists are die-hard. So yeah, I am sure some will call it a conspiracy, like the moon landing one. You know, the picture is a fake. :roll:

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