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  2. anachronistic

    Chelsea Pomeroy 2

    In Chelsea's Easter pictures George is wearing an outfit that I literally have never seen ever. It almost looks like weird plus fours. She is slowly inching him into pants I guess. Is Pentecostal fashion very big and blousy like what the older girls wear? It looks like the shape would be comfortable but the fabrics wouldn't be. I guess if you are aiming for a potato sack shape you need to add as much lace and ruffles and florals as possible to make sure that people know it is clothing.
  3. Giraffe

    Karissa Collins 2: Riding Her High Horse

    There's no way her kids are magically not bed wetters. They've probably just learned she doesn't give a shit so they grab an older sibling or their grandmother for help. No doubt Braggie has no clue what's going on with her kids over the course of a day. She's an aggressively incompetent parent. Braggie strikes me as the type of parent who has this idea in her head of what her children do over the course of the day while her older children and her mother would be standing there wondering what strangers she's talking about.
  4. CaptainFunderpants

    Josiah and Lauren 19: Staying Out of the News

    Just because you've known someone for a long time, doesn't mean you like them. It was mostly in response to the "I know that the intertwining isn't news, but it still fascinates me," comment.
  5. JermajestyDuggar

    Karissa Collins 2: Riding Her High Horse

    If the kids all get a bath before bed and then put on their clothes for the next day, it’s not too gross. But I always had bed wetters so changing everything in the morning was a non negotiable. But if her kids don’t wet the bed, then I guess it’s not a huge deal.
  6. Today
  7. Hasunah2

    Karissa Collins 2: Riding Her High Horse

    to where ? The kitchen to work as a performing monkey for social media ?
  8. PennySycamore

    Trump 66: Bond, Can't Post Bond

    Can I just say how much I love Justice Jackson!
  9. thoughtful

    Trump 66: Bond, Can't Post Bond

    The cotton candy isn't sticky enough.
  10. Put Neosporin up your nose, I guess? Does that count as external use? https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2024/04/23/Neosporin-ointment-nose-antibiotic/5571713890029/
  11. GreyhoundFan

    Trump 66: Bond, Can't Post Bond

    It looks like the dead ferret is trying to escape:
  12. noseybutt

    Drag Queen Storytime and church opposition?

    Really interesting questions. I suspect that the recent drag panic has ties to Q-Anon and Q-Anon-adjacent conspiracy theories. With Q-Anon, the focus is on a the deep state, which are nefarious political officials and others in power that are secretly child molesters or somehow assisting in the harm of children. Many versions of Q-Anon believe that Trump was elected in order to fight this cabal of deep state operators and that there is coming a future time (storm) when Trump will prevail and lock up the deep state actors in Guantanamo Bay. Or something like that. There are lots of ties between Q-Anon believers and conservative evangelical Christians, and also trad Catholics and conservative Mormons. (Basically any deeply religious group that trends more fundamentalist even if they don't meet the technical definition of fundamentalist.) I found an interesting VICE article from 2022 that ties drag panic in England to various COVID conspiracy theories: https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3p38b/drag-queen-story-hour-covid Maybe these different beliefs are sort of overlapping Venn diagrams? Given general anti-LGBTQ sentiment in the US that seems to be on a steep rise, it would make sense that children's drag story hours would sort of be the canary in the coal mine because it has elements that are easily muddled within conspiracy-prone minds. Children! Drag queens! Books! Sex! Pedophilia! Burn!
  13. Giraffe

    M is for Mama 17

    If I were her neighbor I'd assume a hoarder lived there based on the porch, even if the crap cluttering it up frequently changed.
  14. justmy2cents

    Dillards 95: Next?

    I think Joy is one of the siblings that was critical of Jill when she pulled away from the family the way she did, and they may not have much of a relationship right now. Don’t see any interaction on social media, though I know we don’t see everything. That would be a shame if that was the case, especially since Jill was there for Joy when Joy lost Annabelle.
  15. thoughtful

    Trump 66: Bond, Can't Post Bond

    If anyone wants to hear Justices Sotomayor and Jackson question Trump's lawyer, Sauer (another great name, and he sounds like he has the same condition as RFK Jr.):
  16. Alisamer

    Drag Queen Storytime and church opposition?

    I don't have any answer or know of any research about that. I can only say what my gut feelings are about possibilities as to why this has happened. I think part of it is the fundamentalist obssesion with and fear of sex. A significant portion of what fundamentalists pride themselves on is based around a focus on sex. Modesty, courtship instead of dating, restricting media to only "christian" (and approved Christian at that) sources, separating boys and girls and the activities they are allowed or encouraged to participate in. Those things all come down to preventing sex outside marriage, really. They are desperately afraid of (and probably in some cases jealous of) people having sex without the fear of hell hanging over them. They are afraid of merely THINKING about sex. They translate this fear and obsession about sex onto people who are not heterosexual and/or don't follow their strict norms about preventing any thoughts of sex. Meaning, that if a couple is the same gender, fundies automatically think of how they might have sex, and that made them think of sex, and that's horrible and sinful. And naturally, if THEY think of sex when they see people who aren't straight, obviously that means those thoughts were forced upon them by the non-straight people! And how dare they force sexual thoughts onto them! And wow that must mean any children who happen to be in their presence are ALSO forced to think sexual thoughts! Horrors! And I think this stuff spreads around from fundies into fundie lite and traditional churches in some areas and among some groups. Especially now that certain political parties are courting evangelicals and fundamentalists and making things like this political talking points. Some Christians are obsessed with sex and don't realize not everyone in the world sees sex everywhere they look, and want to "protect" children from being exposed to sexual things where they don't actually exist. And since drag is associated with the LGBTQ+ community, it's scary and sexual to them. Even when it's not. And on the political aspect, drag storytime is a very convenient way to rile up the masses. Since Roe V Wade is no longer a useful carrot to dangle in front of evangelicals to get them to hold their noses and vote for vile corrupt people they'd condemn otherwise, they've got to find other things to keep people mad about so they show up and vote.
  17. Lori's FB list from today -- how to save money and be godly like her. She says there's no judgment, but you know she's judging and believes if you don't do all these things you're sinning and hate God. Lori's God's ways are perfect and best. (my comments on the right) Ways I save money: -- To show everyone how perfect and godly I am I don’t go shopping just to shop. --But I do post all over the interwebz just to post. I don’t wear jewelry or perfume. -- She wore jewelry up until about 5 years ago. She seemed to change radically then. She's also stopped wearing make-up about 5 years ago. It used to be all organic and expensive and she'd show off what it was. I rarely buy new clothes or shoes. -- Does she thrift or just wear old clothes? Didn't she show off her new floral feminine blouses a couple of years ago? Our furniture is mostly hand-me-downs. From who/where and why? They're not broke ass people, I'm sure they could afford a new sofa to replace that broken-down brown one. I am content being at home. -- Where I can post all over the interwebz All. Day. Long. I rarely eat out. -- There just aren't any restaurants that serve sardine sauerkraut salad with salmonella dressing. I make most of my food from scratch. -- If by food you mean sardine sauerkraut salad with salmonella dressing, undercooked chicken, and garbage water soup. I rarely throw food away. -- Because salad lasts for at least a week in the fridge -- what's a little slime after all. I cut and color my own hair. -- Yes Lori we can tell. That dye you use may be herbal and vegan, but your hair is dried and fried. You need some conditioner girl -- and I don't mean cooking grease (save that for your hands). I don’t paint my fingernails or toenails. -- Yes we know; we've seen the photos of your nasty feet. I use vinegar, water, and a bit of soap to clean almost everything. -- With my super special chicken juice soaked Norwex cloth. I mostly shop perimeter of food stores. -- Well truthfully I only shop for organic food and $14/ lb butter. I try not to waste electricity and water. -- I rarely bathe because I don't need to as I don't smell. We use everything until it can’t be fixed. -- Really? Is Ken that much of a handy man? What about the perfectly good useful counters you ruined so you could new granite ones? I walk daily for exercise and sunshine.-- But I never wear sunscreen because I'm too godly to get skin cancer. (see below) I try natural cures for everything first! -- Black Salve for the win!!!!!
  18. Giraffe

    Dillards 95: Next?

    It's also possible Joy was there and requested not to be photographed.
  19. Alisamer

    Marjorie Taylor Greene 2: Empty Gee

    I think it says something that Thom Tillis there refers to the GOP as a "brand." When most people think of a brand, they think a product for sale, a business, a corporation, a carefully crafted image designed for the most profit possible. Sounds about right to me.
  20. Coconut Flan

    Dillards 95: Next?

    That was a dreadfully extreme reaction and yes therapy needing or she's among the 1 percent of most selfish people on earth. Joy has PPD and is getting therapy. I can see where she mighht not go to the funeral, but support Jill in other ways.
  21. Xan

    M is for Mama 17

    "Very thoughtful and intentional updates". That's a load of bullshit. She wanted her kitchen redone and they were willing to spend six months in a rental to have it just like Braggie wanted it. If she'd really put thought into it, she would have arranged the kitchen so that it was more child-friendly. She could have actually had the kitchen designed so it would be easier to prep for meals and clean up afterwards. I see nothing like that. It's just new knobs, distressed painting, and old furniture. (That distressed green door is making me nuts.) Where are the pull-outs for pan storage? What about, you know, rounding the damn corners so your little boys aren't always cracking their skulls on the corners as they skid around the kitchen? What about comfortable seating? What about a pantry that's closer to the kitchen counter? What about making the daily dinnerware easier to put away and not using shelves in the kitchen to display your mismatched bowls and cups? And why is there a bandanna hanging right near a stove burner? Yes, they will. The girls are twinsies and the boys are twinbies. Abbie thinks that's cute. She mentioned in a story yesterday that she had to clean some poopy diapers so the boys are nearly four and she still isn't toilet training them. They will stay babies for a couple more years.
  22. Alisamer

    Trump 66: Bond, Can't Post Bond

    Trump's lawyer at the Supreme Court immunity hearings (or whatever they are called) seems to think that a president can assassinate political rivals and lead a coup with total immunity from prosecution. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/04/25/trump-attorney-john-sauer-doubles-down-on-argument-that-presidents-are-immune-from-assassinating-political-rivals-at-supreme-court/?sh=58bc715d6686 Trump thinks he should have total immunity for all things ever. But I'm not sure he realizes "immunity from prosecution" and "immunity from all consequences" are not the same thing. He's managed the second for the most part, but he shouldn't have.
  23. MariaariaM

    M is for Mama 17

    Didn't she call them "twinbies" as a portmanteau for twin babies? Those are not babies anymore and haven't been for a while. I'm probably just being BEC about this but I do wonder if they'll be babied for as long as Janessa Rodrigues is.
  24. sndral

    Trump 66: Bond, Can't Post Bond

    I did a little Googling, Trump’s attorneys have twice moved for Merchan to recuse himself & both motions were denied, so that’s likely why Trump’s ranting about the ‘conflicted Judge.’
  25. JermajestyDuggar

    M is for Mama 17

    More proof she has a shopping problem. She sells stuff all the time. Therefore you don’t notice how much she constantly buys. More lies d from Braggie. She constantly complained about her concrete counter top because it was always chipping. She also complained about the paint on the cabinets chipping as well. She has been wanting to redo The Whole kitchen for awhile and a total gut job was not necessary at all. She lies as much as she breathes. I have to add she got two new dishwashers, a new giant fridge and a new $12,000 stove/oven. I’m sure they weren’t broken by the “flood.”
  26. viii

    Dillards 95: Next?

    She never got therapy and actually had major issues with her own sister while she was pregnant. Once her sister had a boy, they were best of friends again. So unhealthy. I heard through the grapevine a few years ago that she had a second child and had a daughter. Now she acts like life is amazing and her family is complete. She still mentions her first daughter a lot (rightfully so), but I'm really hopeful that she doesn't compare her living daughter to her first daughter.
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